Cougars and Cubs

Cougars and cubs

I'm in my mid 30's and I prefer women in their forties and fifties. Women in their forties and fifties are the most sexy creatures in existence.
Sometimes reality doesn't match your fantasy.

The woman that fit in the "cougar" category by age, but by looks and hygiene so far from a cougar. But we fucked and while she was gross the sex was quite good. Just could do without the smell and really really bad hygiene. This occurred when I was 21.

Then there was my divorce and I was in my 30's. MILF city and some youngn's. What a fun 5 years of being single (on and off). Mom's know what they want and because of that they really know how to fuck and suck.

I recommend MILF's, the cougars well just hope you had better luck than I did for my "cougar" turned me off to cougars.
I guess I am cougar age...

and might as well get use to it. I never thought young guys would want an over forty real I need to be blonde?
and might as well get use to it. I never thought young guys would want an over forty real I need to be blonde?

Age is never the issue. Woman over 40 usually are hornier and more experienced and it's no secret so young boys are dying to get some of that. But what helps is holding what you got well. It's okay to be thick or even a bit overweight but if you hold yourself as a slob no one will be interested.

You don't have to be a perfect 10, you don't have to be a skinny, but I advise you to keep yourself presentable. I personally find thick sexier than anything else, but the person has to hold it well.

So if you are not what I describe as desirable, then do something about it. Hit the gym, change your diet, do a day at the spa: get your hair done, get a wax, and so on.

BTW while my fiance is a blonde, I am more attracted to short, stocky brunettes. I think it has something to do with my mom.
and might as well get use to it. I never thought young guys would want an over forty real I need to be blonde?

I'm sure they'll be interested no matter what colour your hair. You just need to show that you're interested. I would, though, recommend that you should try an older guy than yourself, so that you can fairly judge the difference between youthful vitality and older stamina and experience. And then why limit yourself to one or the other?
for those of you that admired this cougar, another of her and her cub

That is so hot. Looks like me and my Mom at that age!
Had a cougar go through my remote mountain neighborhood last night.

The feline sort, not the human variety -- tawny and arrogant.

The local black bear stayed away as she passed.
Love It

I always loved cougars, I dated two women in my 20s and they were 7years ahead of me.

However, my true desire is a women 45 to 50.
I really wanted to explore that ream :cool:
The problem I had with cougars is not only did I fuck them but I wanted their daughters too for they were fucking hot!
had a fling when i was 20 with a 50 year old who i worked with at a temp job. her husband was in the navy and he was out to sea for long periods of time. the best thing was that there was no game playing or beating around the bush. she knew what she wanted and so did i. it lasted 8 months, but she taught me a lot of things including how to make sure to please her.
Honestly, help me understand the appeal. I'm 51 and around 18-21 year olds all day. It's difficult, in part, for me to be attracted to a man in this age range because I couldn't imagine not being at least a little self conscious given the physical comparison to girls his age. Primarily for this reason, I've never been able to entertain a sexual attraction to younger men.
