Congratulations to all the Obama Supporters


Literotica Guru
Jan 11, 2009
I don't think it's the best choice for the country but the victory (Dem +6) is convincing.

We will see what happens in the next 4 years.

Enjoy your celebrations!
Same President, same Senate, same House.....ain't that just peachy? We are a nation of cowards. Nonetheless, we should try to move forward.
What constitutes "forward?"

We can't go back and change our decision to keep the same President and Congress. Now that we have cemented our insanity in supporting the same politicians and expecting different results, then we have no choice but to move forward with our stupidity.
We can't go back and change our decision to keep the same President and Congress. Now that we have cemented our insanity in supporting the same politicians and expecting different results, then we have no choice but to move forward with our stupidity.

I said it several years ago and I will repeat it now; we are in the death spiral presaged by Franklin, DeTocqueville,,

Continue to purchase long-term storables.
Doesn't matter who won.
The 47% expect their bennies to keep pouring in...

Yeah, Romney would nominate 2 liberal Supreme Court Justices when the next vacancies open.

America owes a debt of gratitude to the Tea Party. Without their "ideologically pure" candidates elbowing moderate Republicans aside in the primaries, there's a very good chance that the Senate might have gone Republican.

With a 53 vote majority and Reid promising an end to the filibuster as we know it, we can now have one or two flaming liberals on the Supreme Court and there's not one God damned thing the Republicans can do about it.

It's morning again in America!!
LT, merc, U_D, Throb...,

;) ;) They proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that hate still drives the electorate.

The "conservative" electorate perhaps. As evidenced by the Birthers, the Tea Partiers, the "where are his school records" crowds.

Once again, as you are wont to do, you confuse any disagreement with your ideals as an attack on you personally while completely ignoring the hate-filled antics of your ideological allies.

By far the high point of my night was seeing Akin's concession speech. The only question was if he was "legitimately raped" in the election or if he shut the whole thing down. :cool: