Christmas dinner menus?

Potato starch makes the sponge lighter. Could probably be substituted by corn starch. Cake flour is just flour that has baking powder already added.

They're easy to make for when the ex can't bring store bought. :)

Huh - we call it 'self raising flour'. I've always found it weird - like, how hard is it to just add baking powder when you need it.
I changed my mind and am going to make carbonara instead. But not with spaghetti, maybe linguini or fettuccini. I like thicker noods.
The strawberry tiramisu thing is assembled and in the fridge awaiting de-molding. It was a heap of fun putting it together ... lots of steps, but you just do them one at a time and then put it all together. Much easier than things where you have to do five things at once that involve either more hands or elements than any sensible person has. Tomorrow morning I'm attempting the tomato & watermelon gazpacho, which just sounds weird ... because Christmas is a great time to experiment with stuff.
It's been finalized by my going to the store and getting what I wanted and saying "this is gonna be your Christmas dinner ya little punks."
Ham, mashed taters, corn or maybe corn and peas or maybe green beans. Not sure. Hate peas but the boy likes 'em. Some homemade biscuits cuz I like homemade biscuits. They make me happy.
We're not a dessert group here. Health doesn't take a holiday.
That being said, it's Christmas Eve so that means pizza cuz fuck cooking. Plus my daughter is coming over to watch Christmas Story tonight and open her presents so pizza seems to be the right thing.
It's been finalized by my going to the store and getting what I wanted and saying "this is gonna be your Christmas dinner ya little punks."
Ham, mashed taters, corn or maybe corn and peas or maybe green beans. Not sure. Hate peas but the boy likes 'em. Some homemade biscuits cuz I like homemade biscuits. They make me happy.
We're not a dessert group here. Health doesn't take a holiday.
That being said, it's Christmas Eve so that means pizza cuz fuck cooking. Plus my daughter is coming over to watch Christmas Story tonight and open her presents so pizza seems to be the right thing.

There are healthy desserts!
I am in charge of an app and garlic bread for tonight. The garlic is roasting and I am going to make bourbon glazed pork belly with caramelized apples for the amuse bouche.
My Xmas dinner on Xmas Eve was fun. I started drinking at 9am, which definitely helps with the flow of cooking.

Slow cooked duck
Roast turkey crown
Orange and treacle glazed ham
Lamb and cranberry chipolatas
Roast butternut and potatoes
Sprouts, carrots, broccoli and cabbage
Gravy and cranberry sauce

The guests provided cheesecake, a freshly baked lemon meringue pie, and trifle.
I provided a selection of cheeses and paté (with some lovely local ones from the farmers market) and crackers.
Ape kept the drinks flowing.

I was a fabulous hostess. Because I'd been at the liqueurs since breakfast mostly :)