10 Summer Foods That Help You Lose Weight!


nom nom nom
Aug 31, 2005
I Got this off yahoos opening page today.. sounds good!

If you're looking to be a loser this summer, here are ten tips to help you get there.

1. Cucumbers

Cucumbers are loaded with water and incredibly low in calories. One whole cucumber provides only 45 calories.

2. Frozen red/purple grapes

At only 80 calories per cup, frozen grapes are the perfect way to satisfy a sweet tooth.

3. Summer salads

For a low-calorie, filling entrée; pile your plate with unlimited veggies and lean protein and toss with low-fat salad dressing.

4. Iced skim café latte

Caffeine perks you up... and skim milk supplies low-calorie protein (which helps stabilize your blood sugar and revs your metabolism).

5. Grilled veggies

Load your grill with mushrooms, onions, bell peppers, zucchini, eggplant, and asparagus. For an easy, low-cal prep: Spray your veggies with nonstick cooking oil and lightly toss with kosher salt and your preferred seasonings.

6. Air-popped popcorn

The perfect guilt-free munch food at only 30 calories and 2 grams of fiber per popped cup.

7. Nonfat flavored yogurt

Creamy combo of carbs and protein that keeps you full for hours.

8. Unsweetened iced tea

Calorie-free and full of phytonutrients. For a shot of natural sweetness, slice in fresh fruit and refrigerate overnight.

9. Watermelon

Loaded with water, this Vitamin C-rich summer fruit provides only 80 calories per cup (or large wedge).

10. Gazpacho

Fill up your growling stomach with a refreshing chilled bowl of tomato-based soup. One cup is typically between 50 and 100 calories.
and all of it sounds horribly dull in comparison to the B&J's chocolate fudge brownie ice cream I'm eating right now
xxCrystal4314xx said:
and all of it sounds horribly dull in comparison to the B&J's chocolate fudge brownie ice cream I'm eating right now

I hate you :(

I do love a good bowl of gazpacho in the summer, with lots of garlic. Ahhh, it's good stuff.

I'm not dieting, but dieters might like this - iced peppermint tea. It's gorgeous when you come in from mowing a lawn. Like drinking pure ice.

I love gazpacho. I was just thinking of making some yesterday...