Chances are...


Run Forrest! RUN!
Sep 19, 2011
What are the odds?

Coincidentally, right after the election we heard that Iran had attacked a U.S. drone in international waters.

Coincidentally, we just learned that new food-stamp numbers were “delayed” and that millions more became new recipients in the months before the election.

Coincidentally, we now gather that the federal relief effort following Hurricane Sandy was not so smooth, even as New Jersey governor Chris Christie and Barack Obama high-fived it. Instead, in Katrina-like fashion, tens of thousands are still without power or shelter two weeks after the storm.

Coincidentally, we now learn that Obama’s plan of letting tax rates increase for the “fat cat” 2 percent who make over $250,000 a year would not even add enough new revenue to cover 10 percent of the annual deficit. How he would get the other 90 percent in cuts, we are never told.

Coincidentally, we now learn that the vaunted DREAM Act would at most cover only about 10 percent to 20 percent of illegal immigrants. As part of the bargain, does Obama have a post-election Un-DREAM Act to deport the other 80 percent who do not qualify since either they just recently arrived in America, are not working, are not in school or the military, are on public assistance, or have a criminal record?

Coincidentally, now that the election is over, the scandal over the killings of Americans in Libya seems warranted because of the abject failure to heed pleas for more security before the attack and assistance during it. And the scandal is about more than just the cover-up of fabricating an absurd myth of protesters mad over a two-month-old video — just happening to show up on the anniversary of 9/11 with machine guns and rockets.

The real post-election mystery is why we ever had a consulate in Benghazi in the first place, when most nations had long ago pulled their embassies out of war-torn Libya altogether.

Why, about a mile from the consulate, did we have a large CIA-staffed “annex” that seems to have been busy with all sorts of things other than providing adequate security for our nearby diplomats?

Before the election, the media were not interested in figuring out what Ambassador Christopher Stevens actually was doing in Benghazi, what so many CIA people and military contractors were up to, and what was the relationship of our large presence in Libya to Turkey, insurgents in Syria, and the scattered Qaddafi arms depots.

But the strangest “coincidentally” of all is the bizarre resignation of American hero General David Petraeus from the CIA just three days after the election — apparently due to a long-investigated extramarital affair with a sort of court biographer and her spat with a woman she perceived as a romantic rival.

If the affair was haphazardly hushed up for about a year, how exactly did Petraeus become confirmed as CIA director, a position that allows no secrets, much less an entire secret life?

How and why did the FBI investigate the Petraeus matter? To whom and when did it report its findings? And what was the administration reaction?
Victor Davis Hanson, NRO

Coincidently, by this time next week, the press will have moved on to important stories like how the Republicans imperil the nation.

What are the odds?

Coincidentally, now that the election is over, the scandal over the killings of Americans in Libya seems warranted because of the abject failure to heed pleas for more security before the attack and assistance during it. And the scandal is about more than just the cover-up of fabricating an absurd myth of protesters mad over a two-month-old video — just happening to show up on the anniversary of 9/11 with machine guns and rockets.
Victor Davis Hanson, NRO
Coincidently, by this time next week, the press will have moved on to important stories like how the Republicans imperil the nation.


AJ lives at the intersection of Conspiracy Street and But-But-Benghazi Boulevard. :rolleyes:
We're finally back to the real Obama, the one insisting on an economic pogrom against the successful that will bring in a paltry 87 billion and then claim it solves his trillion dollar plus yearly deficits.

The real good thing about elections is that they have consequences.

What a coincidence.

;) ;)
To the paranoid right there's no such thing as a coincidence - everything is a conspiracy. That hurricane happened right as Romney was making his final argument - HA! Obama weather control is more like it!
We're finally back to the real Obama, the one insisting on an economic pogrom against the successful that will bring in a paltry 87 billion and then claim it solves his trillion dollar plus yearly deficits.

Fuck a duck, nobody said that raising taxes on the top 2% will solve the entire deficit. You're making things up and claiming others said them. That's called lying.

From the OP:

Coincidentally, we now learn that the vaunted DREAM Act would at most cover only about 10 percent to 20 percent of illegal immigrants

WOW that is way more than I expected. If we can solve 1/5th of our immigration problem with one super cheap, smart, common-sense policy then it will be a tremendous achievement.
Coincidentally, we now learn that Obama’s plan of letting tax rates increase for the “fat cat” 2 percent who make over $250,000 a year would not even add enough new revenue to cover 10 percent of the annual deficit. How he would get the other 90 percent in cuts, we are never told.

Obama never told you how he's going to make cuts equal to 100% of the deficit because that's not his plan. Stop trying to hold him accountable for nonsense.
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Why Republicans Lose...

Whistleblower trusted GOP leaders with sex scandal report that could have sunk Obama’s re-election
Special to
Cliff Kincaid

A week before the election, an FBI whistleblower went to a Republican member of Congress with explosive details about a national security scandal that could have stopped President Obama’s re-election campaign dead in its tracks. But the potentially devastating “October Surprise” was hushed up by Republicans.

Although all the details are not yet available and new disclosures are coming every day, it appears that the scandal involves the CIA director leaking classified information to his mistress and the FBI not holding David Petraeus accountable for his immoral and illegal conduct. In short, it is the worst scandal of the Obama administration and makes the third-rate burglary in the Watergate scandal look minor by comparison.

Despite the explosive nature of the allegations, two Republican members of Congress, Dave Reichert and Eric Cantor, decided to pass on the information to the FBI director and take no action themselves. They didn’t even inform their colleagues on the House Intelligence Committee or in the House leadership. It was a terrible mistake on their part that enabled Obama to escape the damaging repercussions of the scandal right before what many conservatives called the most important presidential election of our lifetimes.
Why Republicans Lose...

Whistleblower trusted GOP leaders with sex scandal report that could have sunk Obama’s re-election
Special to
Cliff Kincaid

Wait. It's Obama's fault that Petraeus couldn't keep his cock in his pants? And America would have blamed Obama for it? :confused:

No, Republicans lose because they're delusional and full of excuses like this.
AJ, perhaps you could share exactly how Petraeus' extra-marital affair would have brought down President Obama?

Hmmm? We're listening.
AJ, perhaps you could share exactly how Petraeus' extra-marital affair would have brought down President Obama?

Hmmm? We're listening.

Petraeus is a registered Republican. Clearly Obama should be blamed whenever a Republican has a mistress, right?
With Obama’s re-election, Israel may have decided it can no longer wait for a friendlier climate in Washington.

It is possible that Israel is preparing for hostilities in the north of the country--either as a pre-emptive attack against Hezbollah, or in response to a Hezbollah attack. In 2006, when Israel attacked targets in Gaza in Operation Summer Rains after the abduction of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, Hezbollah opened a second front. The Lebanese border was quiet during the Gaza War, but is already tense due to the ongoing Syrian civil war.

Hezbollah’s ability to launch rocket attacks on major population centers in Israel is the most potent deterrent Iran possesses against a possible Israeli pre-emptive strike on its nuclear facilities. It is commonly understood that Israel would have to remove that threat as part of any attack on Iran. The attacks in Gaza may be a prelude to such an attack, or may lead to such an attack if Hezbollah decides to intervene on its own initiative.

Israel has suggested that the “red line” beyond which Iranian progress toward a nuclear weapon would be unstoppable is likely to be crossed in the next several months. The Obama administration has refused to impose any such red lines. With Obama secure in office for the next four years, Israel has lost the chance to work with a more cooperative U.S. administration but may at the same time feel less constrained by U.S. prerogatives.
The fact is it's been the sum total of Obama's "public" economic policy to address the deficit. We all know it doesn't do shit except fool the likes of the stupid Democrat base. It's nothing but a punitive exercise against those his father hated the most.:rolleyes:

The President has a bad habit of lying for a living.

It is not lying when you truly believe it.

These guys truly believe that prosperity comes at the point of a gun.

"You didn't build that!" You are damned sure not going to keep it because we have the gun.
The fact is that we cannot solve any of our economic problems with such a piddling tax.

It is window dressing for the envy and class warfare crowd.

The only way to tax our way out is the middle class.

If you will not do that, then you are not serious.

Since you are not serious, you will blame.

The blame will always be on 'not me!'

Just like California.

The problem is not our spending, our budget model or our social agenda, it is the Republican economy. As soon as the rest of the nation follows our most Socially enlightened model of taxing and governance, then its economy will improve and then our economy will improve. If anyone dares disagree with this position, get nasty, start calling them names, ridicule them isolate them and get them to withdraw from the conversation. If you are the last person screaming, you win, America wins and we can get back to our well-laid plans with our economic theories running not just California, but the rest of the nation.

;) ;)
The fact is it's been the sum total of Obama's "public" economic policy to address the deficit. We all know it doesn't do shit except fool the likes of the stupid Democrat base. It's nothing but a punitive exercise against those his father hated the most.:rolleyes:

The President has a bad habit of lying for a living.

Obama has said the deficit reduction plan should include tax hikes and spending cuts. Congress just needs to write it up. You just choose not to believe it.

Good thing we didn't elect Romney who planned to add $2 of military spending right now with no plan to pay for it, eh? :rolleyes: