Breasts or Thighs


A god in a past life
Sep 20, 2002
The breasts (boneless and skinned) are $8.80/kg

The thighs are $4.17/kg.

The breasts are better meat, and you get more per kilo as you don't pay for fat or bone. I tend to skin and bone the thighs myself anyway - it's a messy job and takes about 45 minutes for a 2kg pack.

Money is tight.

If it was you, what do you buy?

*edit - I hate that you can't edit the thread name on the main page*
Problem Child said:
A chicken meat thread? You actually sat down and typed out a chicken meat thread?

Shut up.

I like thighs, they're juicier. Breast meat is dry.
Problem Child said:
A chicken meat thread? You actually sat down and typed out a chicken meat thread?

Don't jump to conclusions PC, he didn't specify the meat. That's kinda scary too.

I always get skinless, boneless chicken breasts. They meat is cleaner and it's easier to work with. Even when money was tight.
KillerMuffin said:
I always get skinless, boneless chicken breasts. They meat is cleaner and it's easier to work with. Even when money was tight.

Tastes better in a BBQ
Problem Child said:
A chicken meat thread? You actually sat down and typed out a chicken meat thread?

You spend 45 minutes taking the bones out of chicken thighs and see if 'chicken meat' isn't on your brain. :p
Problem Child said:
What's next? A 10-option poll on which is the fluffiest shitwipe?

LMAO - that is the one thing I buy best quality, no matter what the money situation.
I would go for the cheaper exspecially if I am going to bone it....or take it off the bone, either way.
Personally, it depends on what you're gonna use it for.

If you're going to shred or chop it for stew, soup or the like, I'd do half & half. Dark meat has more flavor and is richer, but most people prefer breastmeat for some reason, so you can stretch the whitemeat by throwing in some skinned/boned thighs, as well.
Lightbulbs? How about them?

I mean, is GE really worth the exta sixteen cents for a package of four 60 watters, or is the house brand a better value on a price per lumen/hour basis?
Problem Child said:
Lightbulbs? How about them?

I mean, is GE really worth the exta sixteen cents for a package of four 60 watters, or is the house brand a better value on a price per lumen/hour basis?

What, the general board has to stick to politics and harassing playground members and trolls now? :p
:rolleyes: Yeepers, I know who does your shopping. That's why you take a calculator, and read all the consumer magazines. Men, humph
Pyp, I'm older than PC here at the GB. Childs play ;)
I wonder what do they do with all that chicken skin

I always liked the skin best. With all the skinless chicken available,where does the skin go?
Pet food? hot dogs?
So what are you going to use the chicken for, Van?

I put it in the freezer until I get really hungry. Then I take it out and throw stuff at it, then I put it in the hot place untill it stops being pink.

That sounds like a plan.

Go for the mix and cut 'em into chunks and they'll um...not be pink faster when you put them in the place.

Thanks Nora. I was really wondering whether the process of skinning and boning myself was worth the savings. *shrug*
If you're really interested in saving money, skin and bone a whole chicken. It's not difficult and you get the bones/skin/etc for stock.

If you don't wanna go that route, remember that chicken bones are more or less hollow. They don't really weigh a lot, even the thigh bones.

I'm a single guy, living alone. On the days I work, I am fed and don't eat anything at home. Stock? You're so cute - but Homey don't do that.