Bizarre happenings in an otherwise mundane day.


We'll see.
Feb 17, 2005
So I'm painting the ceilings in the new house and happened to be in front of the window in one of the front bedrooms. A car pulls up and a lady in her late sixties or early seventies gets out and walks up my drive. So I go downstairs, open the door and ask if I can help. She looks confused for a moment then says, "there used to be a lovely wee man here that had a great charm for haemorrhoids."

I have to admit, I was somewhat nonplussed. After a few seconds I redirected her to next door where the previous owner's son resides and closed the door, shaking my head and wondering if I've moved into the middle of a coven.
If a raucous pub full of balding men start singing The Landlord's Daughter, run.
Sean, you seem to know a little about everything. You don't know a charm for hemorrhoids???
If a raucous pub full of balding men start singing The Landlord's Daughter, run.
If Britt Eklund wants to dance around without her kit on, I might risk it for a bit.
Sean, you seem to know a little about everything. You don't know a charm for hemorrhoids???
Never needed that particular bit of information. :D
A coven that makes poultices for hemorrhoids?

I'm forced to admit, my knowledge of the magical varicose vein fraternity is somewhat perfunctory.
You just got hazed by the neighborhood prankster.
You were painting, so no doubt you'd been filling holes with some sort of putty.

You should have replied, "Ah, that was my father but I'm afraid he died not long ago. But one moment." Then gone back upstairs, put a little putty in a small container, gone back down, handed it to her and said, "This is the last of his latest cure, but he would want you to have it. Apply a little twice a day and you'll be right as rain in a few days."
heh. i just spent too much time reading up on natural remedies for hemorrhoids. apple cider vinegar enemas and garlic butt plugs seem promising. this could turn out to be a blessing in disguise. just think of all the ass you could get your hands on.