At the Edge of Reason (closed for Ravenloft)

Sasha had her eyes closed and was washing and touching herself and was so absorbed in it that she didn't notice Trent until he snaked his arms around her and her eyes opened wide, almost screaming out in surprise but never had the chance to as his hand clamped around her mouth, muffling her already weak screams. At the same time she felt his other hand go onto the one on her pussy, forcing her fingers inside her pussy, feeling her pussy clutch and squeeze them, making her moan even as she struggled. She didn't know what to think, with Trent being so forceful, it was a bit hot but also scary at the same time as she grew aroused and struggled with the little strength she had, not being able to make him move.

What happened next though made her even more confused with everything that was going on because when she decided to not worry about how he was forcing her fingers in herself she tried to detach him and focused on it and noticed his lips on her throat. At first she thought he was just kissing it and she struggled to try and pull away, sort of not wanting this right now. Even though 60% of her did want this. Then he sank what seemed to be sharp and long teeth into her and she froze even as she grew more aroused, struggling a bit even as the bliss and the feeling his teeth in her gave, and she came, jerking around weakly before going limp as he continued to drink, her eyes fluttering and wanting to close, her mind going blank. She didn't even notice as he turned her around and his words seemed so far away she didn't know what he was saying as she just faded in and out. Her mouth was open and suddenly she felt this warm liquid go onto her lips and not knowing it was blood drank it on instinct and sort of coming back to life just a tiny bit to clamp her lips down around the wound so all the blood would go into her before going into a sleep.

A bit later she felt what was like agony in her and her outside body seemed to thrash a bit as she changed, whimpering and struggling, wanting blood already.
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Trent filled her mouth with his blood and scooped her up in his arms as she passed out. He carried her back to her bed and searched for something, anything to bind her to her bed, knowing that the change would quickly be upon her and cause her agony as it transformed her into an imortal, like him. He rushed to his room, grabbing her a pouch of blood for her to feast on as her hunger would soon grow savage if he wasn't there to quell it in the first few hours of her transformation.

He sat with her as she thrashed and whimpered, feverish with her need for blood. "Sasha... sasha! I'm here... I'm here with you, it's okay, you're okay. Look up, open your eyes! I have what you need, just... just relax and look at me... I'll guide you through this! You thirst... it's like a madness, a savage, burning need, I know... just listen to my voice! Shh! Open your mouth... that's it... take a taste... this is for you... you need this... to sooth your hunger... just drink... drink it in... you will be alright."
Sasha faintly heard Trent's words, almost like a dream, like she was submerged in water and hearing them through it, fuzzy and couldn't understand. What she could understand is when she breathed deeply she found something and went towards it, and as the bag of blood came to her mouth her fangs instinctively went out, the first thing that grew and they did all the work for her, drawing the blood into them and draining the bag quickly and she became quiet again, sleeping for now, her eyes having been closed the entire time.
Trent sat beside Sasha throughout the night, rub in her back and soothing her troubled dreams with soft whispers. He held her down when she began to thrash and talked her through the changes she was going through as calmly as he could. He continued to feed her as she needed it, keeping her satiated, waiting for her to come back to her senses so that they could talk. "Sasha... sasha... are you feeling better?" He asked while checking her vitals, ending with a tender caress of hef cheek.