Ask Me Anything: Y’s Vocaroo-Free Thread 😶


Sun of a gun
May 29, 2006
Trust me, it’s for the best *nods. Alex has tagged me in to follow up on perhaps the most interesting entry yet, soooo…it’s a high bar that I am more likely to limbo than clear. Now to find that boilerplate….

—Ask me anything, and you will get a response that will absolutely not be in audio (doing or not doing audio is completely optional, by the way.)

—Next, I have exactly 24ish hours worth of Q and A.

—The person who asks the best question (in my opinion, with “best” being one of most subjective things imaginable) shall be the next one to be the victim erm... contestant. (At which time, their responses shall be done according to their pleasure!)

Deep breath…go! (gulp!)
* If a forgotten sea witch were to turn you into something/someone else for twenty-four hours who/what would you choose to be?

* What musical act would you choose if you could have anyone give you a personal private performance?

* Is it better down where it’s wetter?
* If a forgotten sea witch were to turn you into something/someone else for twenty-four hours who/what would you choose to be?

* What musical act would you choose if you could have anyone give you a personal private performance?

* Is it better down where it’s wetter?

—AF. For 24 hours, I would know how to make my own beer, and I would be rooting for a much better college football team.

—Assuming being able to grab them from some other point on the time continuum, the Beatles. If it had to be someone with all parts alive, it wouldn’t be McCartney, it would be Carly Simon…dayum, that voice.

—Fuck yes!
My staples:

Are you sexually satisfied?

Which Litsters do you admire most, time for the shout outs and love spreading. (Yes I said love not legs, pervs)

How would your favourite Litster describe you to me?

—In real life, with another person…going on a half-decade, so that wouldn’t be the best, but there are a lot of other things to value in life. But interactions here have often been a nice thing.

—Pointing out before answering that my memory isn’t always the best, so if I missed someone, my apologies. I may end up editing this post a few times:
AF, Beachy, SSL, BC, Sweet_Lara, Amber, LA, Enny, Sassy, Liz, Tal, Eden, PattiJ. There are others I don’t really interact with but I admire for various reasons, like NRJ, Anastasia, DirtInThe Ground, Kimleigh. And as far as the departed: Cowslinger, Kimbalee, DayMaker.

—Let’s see…smart, creative, alliterative, patient.

And what about those staples? Operation or something?
* What was your first car? What became of it?

* Who is the highest ranking public official (current or former) you have had a one-on-one conversation with?

* What are three of you favorite Beatles songs?
If you could E-bone one Litster right now, who would you choose and why? 🤭 (we need a name, don’t be shy)
* What was your first car? What became of it?

* Who is the highest ranking public official (current or former) you have had a one-on-one conversation with?

* What are three of you favorite Beatles songs?

—The first car I had the pinks on was an early-80s Dodge Omni. With the AC on, it’d be 35 degrees in it; without, it would be 95. I wasn’t the best on maintenance, so it crapped out after 3-4 years and I traded it in. Chances are it’s part of the metal of some other thing.

—John Ashcroft when he was governor of Missouri. In college, I interviewed him for some McGruff the Crime Dog crap.

—In My Life is always No. 1; second and third could change by the day. Today, it seems to be Day Tripper and Here, There and Everywhere
Why should I never go full Tolstoy? Do you mean the author, or the Russian word meaning 'fat?'
Why should I never go full Tolstoy? Do you mean the author, or the Russian word meaning 'fat?'

It comes from some thread where a woman talked about a guy going on and on his PMs, and I posted, I think, something like “The lesson here: Never go full Tolstoy.” Then Pmann posted a meme with those words on top of a pic of Robert Downey Jr. in Tropic Thunder, the movie where his character said “never go full retard.”

tl;dr: the author, kinda, not the Russian word for fat.
If you could do one extreme sport, what would it be?

If you could have happiness every day of your life or one big win in Vegas, what would you choose?

If you could interview one person, dead or alive, who would it be?
If you could do one extreme sport, what would it be?

If you could have happiness every day of your life or one big win in Vegas, what would you choose?

If you could interview one person, dead or alive, who would it be?

At my age, any attempt at a sport would be extreme. :rolleyes: But if there were a guarantee I would survive it… I guess the Wipeout course. I would just have to find out in what spectacular way I would fail the big red balls.

Well, happiness every day, which would surely entail at least some small wins in Vegas.

I think Don King. Sitting there taking in his malopropisms would be a trip.
If a train left Chicago at 6:00 am traveling at 62 mph and another train left Nashville at 8:00 am traveling at 77 mph, what time do you feel like your best self during the day?
If a train left Chicago at 6:00 am traveling at 62 mph and another train left Nashville at 8:00 am traveling at 77 mph, what time do you feel like your best self during the day?

I like the Nashville part, because I have gotten more sleep and am driving faster.

I guess the hours between the end of my shift and bedtime. Got the plate cleared and can just relax without work looming.
What was the last good movie you saw?

What was the last good book you read?

I haven’t been a regular moviegoer for years. Lemme see, since I have no idea what came after what…Zombieland 2…Bohemian Rhapsody, A Simple Plan, I Tonya.

As far as book…Chances Are, by Richard Russo…a saga over decades of a group of friends that deals with how we shape our memories and how our memories shape us.
What was your favorite fantasy that you have experienced. And what is the one fantasy that you would like to experience? And you can totally say 2 guys 😜
What was your favorite fantasy that you have experienced. And what is the one fantasy that you would like to experience? And you can totally say 2 guys 😜

No, I totally can’t, unless there’s a whole lot of alcohol involved. 😛 Anyway, assuming we are talking real life, I guess the occasional power dynamic, or my wife being in really sexy lingerie. My imagination has been way more juicy than my reality.

I guess it’s hot to think of power dynamics, but with more lurid instruction and stuff like ropes or handcuffs.
No, I totally can’t, unless there’s a whole lot of alcohol involved. 😛 Anyway, assuming we are talking real life, I guess the occasional power dynamic, or my wife being in really sexy lingerie. My imagination has been way more juicy than my reality.

I guess it’s hot to think of power dynamics, but with more lurid instruction and stuff like ropes or handcuffs.

Are you wearing the ropes and "stuff" or is she?
Being from NJ, the land of craft breweries, which is your favorite and why?

What is your favorite type of beer? (cold is not acceptable as an answer)

And to round out the beer related questions, what is your favorite beer?
What has been a really defining moment in your life that you think profoundly shaped you?

What might be something about you that we might find surprising?

What would you eat for your last meal on this earth?

Are you religious or spiritual?

You’re stuck in an elevator with a Litster and really need to poo. How do you approach this situation?

Would you rather be three feet shorter or three feet taller?

Ah, more staples. :)

—Moving halfway across the country to work at the place I am working at now. It showed that I wasn’t stuck and I could make an impact in the big leagues.

—That I am actually pretty shy.

—I am a lapsed Catholic. Definitely not religious, probably since not losing an infant daughter in the early 1990s, but I think I am spiritual to an extent.

—It it’s a she, I would ask her to show me her fave perfume if she had it on her, and spray that thing like a mutha. If it was a guy, I would try to make it a bro situation that we will laugh about later.

—Three feet shorter. The other direction, it would be impossible to find clothes. The other way, I could just repurpose ventriloquist dummy clothes. Plus, my upskirt game would be on point 😛
Hi. How are you today?

What is something no one knows about you on here that you don't mind sharing?