Ask Me Anything! šŸ’š StacyLeigh Edition

You all asked great questions!

If you have anymore - post them! Iā€™ll hand this AMA off to someone this evening :)
Hahaha oh I'm not a die hard Bon Jovi fan either (they have good songs and I appreciate them,, though) But it is a fun question to ask. :p

PS: You're fucking adorable. :heart:

Next time ask about a punk band or 70's singer/songwriter and I got you! :kiss:

PS: You're fucking awesome :)
This has been fascinating and a great way to not get anything done at work this morning. šŸ˜

If you won 500 million dollars in the lottery, how would you spend it?

Do you care if people like you or real life and here on Lit?
Thank you for your answer, and I agree

And wow! Jim Croceā€¦ that was a pleasant surprise to hear.

Thanks, Codeman, for tagging me in!


  • Ask me anything, and you will get a response in audio! (completely optional btw)

  • Next, you have exactly 24ish hours worth of Q and A

  • The person who asks the best question (in my opinion) shall be the next one to be the victim erm... contestant. (At which time, their responses shall be done according to their pleasure!)

Any questions?

I wonder if a old friends can reconnect with you again?:rose: