Ask me anything………Codeman’s way!


Thick and juicy meat
Jul 1, 2018
Well, PLP put it out there, and since no one else is gonna do it...
fuck it I say!

here are the rules:

1) Ask me anything, and you will get a response in audio!

Next: you have exactly 24ish hours worth of Q and A, then:

B-The person who asks the best question (in my opinion) shall be the next one to be the victim erm... contestant. (At which time, their responses shall be done according to their pleasure!)

Any questions?

Fuckin ask away!
1. What movie genre do you prefer?

2. What spooks you out?

3. What's the most beautiful thing you've seen today?
where were you on the night of the 25th?

how many toes do you have?

Will you jump from a plane for money or for fun?
Who is the last Litster you post stalked?

If you could E-bone any Litster who would it be and why? 😆

What are the best and worst things about you?
  • What movie do you wish your life was like?
  • What were you really into when you were younger but now think is silly?
  • What are you tired of hearing about?
With eyes wide open , would you be able to participate in a gangbang if invited by a lit woman to participate?

No names or explanations needed , it’s a yes or no answer.

So I know I have a couple of questions to answer but any last questions before I hand this off?
You have a great voice btw.

Because it was mentioned. Tell me what you like most about sweatshirt weather.
You’re accent and voice is gooooood. I agree with Sassy.

Also I loved your answers. Your legacy question response…. *chefs kiss*

Thank you!

If y’all liked it that much maybe I’ll have todo somthing like it again!
Good answer , it’s a hard job , standing in line :D but it has its rewards sailor. I’m betting more then a few Lit ladies liked your answer. Gangbangs are like way up there in fantasy writing for her. The average Lit reading female audience members :cattail:


Thanks for sharing on that Lit voice toy thing.