
Calamity Jane

Reverend Blue Jeans
Sep 19, 2001
I think I might have to kill someone today. I haven't decided how I'd like to go about it yet, but I'm pretty sure I could claim temporary insanity.

The hunt ball is this weekend.

I'm on the committee, and I designed the invitations, printed them on the laser printer at home (saving the hunt over $200). I gave them to the chair person to proof before I printed them. She said "They look great, go with it" so I did. When we were putting them into envelopes, she noticed that they say "White Tie"... apparently they should say "Black Tie". She's making a huge deal about it, telling everyone to 'cut Jane some slack, everyone screws up their first year on the committee', even though she approved the proof.

I am making the programs for the event. I made up a proof and delivered it to the chair person on Friday. She read through it and approved it. Last night, I printed out 130 programs, hand folded them and had them ready to assemble this afternoon. The Hunt Master called this morning to see how things were going and asked me to email him a proof, just so he could see the layout. Turns out a bunch of names that the Chair had given me were spelled wrong, people who are no longer staff members are still on her list, and she gave me the wrong times for the silent auction and the dancing. I now get to redo the whole damn thing and have it ready this afternoon.

I'm supposed to be making the placecards for the tables. I have them all printed and ready to be cut. Turns out there are names spelled wrong for them too. Since I used the last of the cardstock on them, I now get to drive 40 miles to Kinkos, with two sick kids, to buy more.

I still don't have the information for the head table.

I'm supposed to help decorate the ballroom. I got a call last night from the chair, telling me to be at the venue at 9 and decorate until 2. This is after I told her that I'm getting my hair and makeup done at 130. When I told her I was going to have to leave by Noon, she told me that if I don't stay the entire time, she's going to remove my name from the list of volunteers, which would make me look really bad to everyone else.

I'm going to go crazy before Friday.
Remind her you are a volunteer.......Not her personal fucking slave.........Ummmmmm I'll come kick some ass for you grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:rolleyes:
april-wine said:
Remind her you are a volunteer.......Not her personal fucking slave.........Ummmmmm I'll come kick some ass for you grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:rolleyes:

You're my hero. :D

I just got an email from the Hunt Master's husband. He's off to find a booze supplier. Apparently the guy that the chair had appointed to procure libations decided he can't do it afterall, so we now have 3 days to find enough alcohol to keep 130 fox hunters happy.

Someone please tell me this is all normal last minute stuff and everything is going to be ok.

To top it off, I'm cranky because in order to fit into my dress, I can't eat for the next three days.
april-wine said:
Remind her you are a volunteer.......Not her personal fucking slave.........Ummmmmm I'll come kick some ass for you grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:rolleyes:

ditto that.
pagancowgirl said:
You're my hero. :D

I just got an email from the Hunt Master's husband. He's off to find a booze supplier. Apparently the guy that the chair had appointed to procure libations decided he can't do it afterall, so we now have 3 days to find enough alcohol to keep 130 fox hunters happy.

Someone please tell me this is all normal last minute stuff and everything is going to be ok.

To top it off, I'm cranky because in order to fit into my dress, I can't eat for the next three days.

It's all normal..........The day will be a roaring success........:kiss:

Although not eating for 3 days, I don't think that is such a good idea.........:eek:
I'm probably one of the only people you will meet that actually HAS a white

Dont worry sweetie.....Im sure it will be recognized for a simple mistake........
I am prepared to tear out some new assholes.

Point me in the right direction and I shall eliminate your aggressors!
Besides white tie tuxes are so much classier........;)

pagancowgirl said:
she told me that if I don't stay the entire time, she's going to remove my name from the list of volunteers, which would make me look really bad to everyone else.


I'd grab my programs and tell that bitch to kiss my ass! Hmpf!

Well, no I wouldn't. I'd finished what I promised to do but the next time I was asked to do anything, I would remember how I was treated.

I'd be telling her to kiss my ass behind my smile though! ;)
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april-wine said:
Besides white tie tuxes are so much classier........;)


I agree with ya there. I can't see that it even fucking matters... a tux is a tux, and everyone's gonna get the idea that it's a formal event. It's not like this is the first ball we've put together.

Mr PCG just called. He doesn't think he's going to go to the ball with me.

Anyone wanna be my date?
hey things happen and you can find alot of things wrong. and as it has been stated you are a volunteer and it was her mistake for not catching the error. she should have had all the names correct for you too.
After a lifetime of involvement in volunteer events, I can soooo relate. At least you've got 3 days left. I've had stuff like that happen on the day OF an event -- or even an hour before. *shudders at the memory*

Even though it's a pain, you need to redo the programs. Charge the Hunt for the extra cost involved, as they were too lazy to properly proof your work when you first presented it.

Remember the old saying: "Call a person anything you like, just make sure you spell their name right."

As for the witch who wants to delete you as a volunteer for leaving 30 min early from the set up? That's crap. Tell her you'll be there. Do your work extra fast and leave in time for your appointment. She probably won't even notice. It's my experience that those set-up things usually go faster than you expect.

Good luck. (Oh and remember to breathe -- that helps too)
For revenge, offer to get her a glass of champagne at the ball and squirt a healthy dose of Visine in her glass. She'll have the runs all night!

Adios amiga!
I just got an invitation through the mails:
"Your presence requested this evening, it's formal:
Top hat, a white tie and tails".

Nothing now could take the wind out of my sails,
Because I'm invited to step out this evening
With top hat, white tie and tails.

I'm puttin' on my top hat,
Tyin' up my white tie,
Brushin' off my tails.
I'm dudein' up my shirt front,
Puttin' in the shirt studs,
Polishin' my nails.

I'm steppin' out, my dear
To breathe an atmosphere that simply reeks with class.
And I trust that you'll excuse my dust when I step on the gas.

For I'll be there,
Puttin' down my top hat,
Mussin' up my white tie,
Dancin' in my tails.

---by Irving Berlin

Odd thing is, he never mentions pants.
plasticman33 said:
For revenge just open a cage full of these and turn them loose during dinner!:D

Oh yeah, everyone will run out to get their horses and the hounds.

I like the visine idea though.
This is all normal last minute stuff and everything is going to be ok. I'm holding off sending you the URL of the map to my bed until after the ball, though, just in case you go postal.

Fox hunters don't drink much, do they?
LukkyKnight said:
This is all normal last minute stuff and everything is going to be ok. I'm holding off sending you the URL of the map to my bed until after the ball, though, just in case you go postal.

Well, at least that can serve as incentive to stay sane.

Fox hunters don't drink much, do they?


I'm just hoping everyone acts as if it's a normal hunt day and brings their flasks.
pagancowgirl said:

To top it off, I'm cranky because in order to fit into my dress, I can't eat for the next three days.

Don't sweat it. You're going to be way to busy to eat anyway.

pagancowgirl said:
Anyone wanna be my date?

Oh, Oh, Oh. Mr. Kotter, Mr. Kotter.
CoolidgEffect said:
Don't sweat it. You're going to be way to busy to eat anyway.

Thanks for keepin things in perspective. :p

Oh, Oh, Oh. Mr. Kotter, Mr. Kotter.

Is that a yes? You're too tall to wear Mr PCG's tux, so you'll need to bring your own.
pagancowgirl said:
Is that a yes? You're too tall to wear Mr PCG's tux, so you'll need to bring your own.

Bring my own?

Tarzan only has his loin cloth and the curious little monkey is partial to his yellow space suit.