anyone got busted looking at gay or bi porn by wife or your gf?


Really Experienced
Jan 19, 2010
so has anyones wife or gf found your online gay/bi porn stash? how did they react?
No but it's been close a couple times....secretly, I want to see the look on her face when she finds out it's not her I want.....
I don't do porn, but my wife loves to watch me suck cock and get fucked. In fact she encouraged me to start doing it.
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My late wife liked to watch me masturbate to gay porn.
I am divorced now, I hope to be honest with someday new gf about my fantasies. Got to find a gf first, that seems to be impossible. But, watching bi porn and bi encouragement videos would be so hot.
Mine found my history, and after looking through most of the content, she confronted me. I’ve had ED for about 6 years, I can get about 80% hard and have been trying to find something that would get me hard long enough for penetration. I told her some was curiosity, and some was trying to find something to help. She would leave me if she knew I dream of sucking a cock. At 69, I don’t want to die alone, so my fantasies will stay just that,
I understand your issues with dying alone. I have been alone for most of my life. I am trying to meet a woman and just make friends. I am failing at all attempts. I am 53 and am recently divorced. Ex and kids (who seem to forgot I exist) think I will be dead soon due to my reckless behavior. They got a life ins policy on me, hahahahaha.
I had a gf many many years ago find some magazines I had, they didn't have the internet back in the 70's. I had some very gay magazines I had bought when visiting my favorite adult bookstore after watching some gay videos in the back. I had been with guys for a long time before I started dating women and these were some magazines I kept hidden for shall I say those times I needed to view some hot cocks.

My gf found them one day while looking for something, don't ask me what since it was so long ago I couldn't remember, I came into the room as she held the centerfold up in the air. It was a very very awkward moment to say the least. She asked me if I was gay to which I told her I was bi, that wasn't always the most understood thing back then. She then asked if I was with guys while I was with her and I could honestly answer no. We lasted a few months and ended up drifting apart, she never told anyone about me and vowed she wouldn't which I assume she didn't since it has never come up.
Toward the end of my 20-year marriage, I really got into shemale porn. It was after my ex had her first affair (that I was aware of) and we were trying to repair our damaged relationship. I was usually very careful about deleting my search history, but one day I realized that I had failed to do so and that she had viewed some of the content that I had been looking at. She knew that I was bisexual and that I had been into shemales before we got married. She was outside by the pool so I decided to bring it up with her right away. I started out by saying that I guess she had seen my porn history, not really knowing what to expect. She remained totally calm and asked me if that's what I wanted. I couldn't deny that I was attracted to shemales, and explained to her that I was fascinated by beautiful women who also had cocks and that they turned me on. She asked me if I was fucking any shemales and I told her that I wasn't fucking anyone other than her. She said as long as I was just looking and not touching, she didn't care what I looked at on the internet. That night we had amazing sex, including her fucking me in the ass with her strap-on.
Toward the end of my 20-year marriage, I really got into shemale porn. It was after my ex had her first affair (that I was aware of) and we were trying to repair our damaged relationship. I was usually very careful about deleting my search history, but one day I realized that I had failed to do so and that she had viewed some of the content that I had been looking at. She knew that I was bisexual and that I had been into shemales before we got married. She was outside by the pool so I decided to bring it up with her right away. I started out by saying that I guess she had seen my porn history, not really knowing what to expect. She remained totally calm and asked me if that's what I wanted. I couldn't deny that I was attracted to shemales, and explained to her that I was fascinated by beautiful women who also had cocks and that they turned me on. She asked me if I was fucking any shemales and I told her that I wasn't fucking anyone other than her. She said as long as I was just looking and not touching, she didn't care what I looked at on the internet. That night we had amazing sex, including her fucking me in the ass with her strap-on.
I always said cheating is what would make me mad if she did it. I would not be mad if she looked at porn.