Anal Sex Magic


sarcasduck ruffleslut
May 20, 2001
If you have a problem, or some kind of illness, instead of praying I will perform anal sex magic for you. If you need a promotion, I'm your gal. If you need anything, some people send good vibes or sincere thoughts, but for you, my friend, nothing but the best.

Give me your problems and I will send you all my anal sex magic vibes.

Drake, where are you? We have work to do!!!
Yup, that's right. We'll work it out for you on the Higher Planes.

Aren't we just angels?


the D
Dear Anal Sex Magic Gurus (asmg):

I need for you to make all of my homework disappear.

Thank you in advance for your tireless work on my behalf.

Lobito, meet Glam.
Glam, meet Lobito.

Two problems solved with one post. How's that for efficient?



the D
Looks like we're going to have our work cut out for us. If we get every needy person to donate a few dollars to us, we could even get a plane ticket and then we wouldn't have to do our anal sex magic with hands, fingers and frozen hot dogs over the internet...


the D
SaintPeter said:
Im sick.

And I dont feel good either.

If I didn't know that this was the truth, I would think you were just trying to get the anal sex magic. You wouldn't do that would you?

Sending anal sex magic, your way.
TheDR4KE said:
Lobito, meet Glam.
Glam, meet Lobito.

Two problems solved with one post. How's that for efficient?



the D

I'm "in", if he is. :p
perky_baby said:
If I didn't know that this was the truth, I would think you were just trying to get the anal sex magic. You wouldn't do that would you?

Sending anal sex magic, your way.

Wow. I feel all tingly inside. Thank you Ms PerkyBaby.
I need the anal sex magic while I watch that.
Maybe we can subcontract out some helpin' ?


the D
perky_baby said:
this is my best thread to date


Certainly a very fast and active thread.

Sort of like the passionate tearing off of clothes in the hallway after watching you walk up the stairs in front of me, and then pushing you up against the wall with my cock straining to slide between your ass cheeks, wanting to be fast and active, and ...

um anyway. Nice thread perkylicious.


the D