A School Affair


Literotica Guru
Feb 13, 2010
This is closed for wideeyedone

I sat in my car, it was the first day of school and the temperature was nothing short of blistering, 91° according to the thermometer in my dash. The engine of my old car idled smoothly as the air tried vainly to keep up with the heat. The drive back to my, for now, empty apartment several miles away in the heat of the day did not excite me greatly.

Getting out, I carried a box of miscellaneous stuff I would need in my first semester of teaching high school. I just finished my post graduate work in history, 19th Century Bavarian to be precise, and looked forward to giving what insight I could to the great minds of this north eastern suburb of Dallas.

I went into the building where my class would be located and saw a new name next to mine on the door. Mrs Melody Ferguson. "Crap," I muttered as I stepped in, I would have to share the class room after all. I had been warned it might happen.

Looking across to where the desk was, I saw a short, maybe five foot tall, woman with short cropped red hair, a bob I think it is called. Her outfit, while new and impeccable was horrific. It covered her almost completely from neck to ankle. Put a hajib on top of her head and ahe would have fit in anywhere in the middle east.

As I approached she turned around and I was nearly dumbstruck with her beauty. Golden skin, clearly sun kissed over the summer, radiant blue eyes, like liquid cobalt looked at me. There was a hint of sadness in the corner of her eyes, but I pushed the though of what that might be aside.

I gave her a lopsided grin, the one that won my wife over and stuck out a hand, "Doctor H.D. James, you must be Mrs Ferguson, and call me H.D."

Her hand was tiny and mine engulfed hers easily as we shook and ahe affirmed that she was indeed Mrs Ferguson.
I was slightly annoyed that I would be teaching out of two rooms again, and that my desk would be in the same room as the new addition to the department. I was just about to start my second year teaching US History to juniors in high school. I enjoyed teaching and really enjoyed the content. Most of the other history teachers were also athletic coaches, and this new fellow wasn't so that would be a good thing.

I was going over some notes when he arrived. He was good looking but not in an overly obnoxious way that would make the girls in World History act like fools.

I introduced myself and we shook hands. He made me feel small, the way his larger hand enveloped mine.

"I have heard a great deal about you. The principal speaks very highly of you." I offered trying to get off on the right foot.

I showed him his desk and gave him his list of passwords and his copy code.

"So, do you tell people what the H.D. stands for? Or do you like to keep it a mystery?" I asked trying to see if he had a sense of humor.
I gave her a lopsided grin and looked furtively around as if checking for witnesses to what would happen next. Seeing no one I leaned in and breathed in her perfume, a scent flowery and sweet, but not over powering. My mouth was near her ear as I whispered, "Sorry, but that is classified and shared only with my most intimate friends and those with a death wish."

I stood straight and looked down on ger bronzed skin with coppery hair and for a moment lost myself in her electric blue eyes. I wondered a moment how 'Mrs' she was, then discounted the notion. Screwing a coworker was bad enough, an office mate would be all the worse.

"So, we have lunch at the same time, I see. Let the new kid sit with you?"
I couldn't help but smile when he whispered in my ear. He mentioned lunch and I raised my eyebrow.

"You can eat with me but I am a rebel. I don't eat in the lounge. But I will show you my hide out. " I always took my brown bag out on the steps to the side exit. It was a chance to get some fresh air and avoid the teachers lounge bitchfest.

I got out my bag and reapplied my lipgloss and brushed my hair. Being smaller than most of my students , it helped to feel put together.
Luncg alone with her? My that sounded almost intimate, and then she went about grooming herself. My eyes shot wide open as she ran a brush through the coppery locks. I beheld a pair of massize breasts, full D cups if not DD's, swaying heavily with each stroke. I resolved then and there that I would see those behemoths uncovered.

And in my grasp.

I turned and said, "Have a great class, see you at second hour, at least in passing."
It was only a few minutes before the kids came filing in. I started the class collecting events the students already knew about. Then, I helped the kids place those events on a timeline. They were excited to see what they already knew. And they were interested in filling the blanks.

After class , I grabbed my tote bag to head to my other class. H.D breezed in and I could hear the girls whispering about the cute new teacher.
Oh the beauties of being a high school teacher. I breezed through the morning junping back and forth between history and philosophy classes. The philosophy classes had a low participant count which I suppose was to be expected. The history classes though were packed. Guess that is the difference between a requiremenr and an elective.

A couple of the young women in the morning were worthy of peaise physically, but if messing with a coworker was bad news sleeping with a student was a recipe for disaster. A disaster I have no taste for.

The nascent plans I was imagining for Melody were going to be problematic enough.

I met up with her at lunch and Melody led me to her secrect hideaway which turned out to be at a landing on the emergency exit stairs. The hot Texas sun hammered at us as we sat, hip to hip and shoulder to shoulder. After a moment of reflection, I decided it was a good thing that I did spend time in the gym each afternoon, otherwise this would have been a much tighter fit.

Glancing at her a sheen of perspiration was collecting on her face. "That has to be sweltering. Tell you what, I will trade secrets with you. Tell me why you dress a hajib short of a perfect middle eastern dress and I will tell you what HD means."
We sat on the little landing almost hip to hip. Lunch was a nice break from the steady influx of US History students. I enjoyed the content and the kids but a little quiet and fresh air was something I needed everyday.

When HD asked me about my outfit I scowled a little.

"I am just seven or eight years older than most of these kids. Last year, some Senior boys published a hit list. And I was on it. The principal said that I needed to dress more demurely. That somehow I had brought on the attention of those boys." I looked down at my long skirt

"I suppose I may have over compensated. " I sipped my iced tea. "Now, spill on the initials."
I considered Melody's answer a moment and decided it was really too hard to tell. Further investigation wpuld be needed. "He is an idiot. Covering it up won't change pubescent hormones. Besides, you should consider it a complimentary if you made the list, ugly teachers don't make it."

I looked out across the brown and green expanse behind the school for a moment and saw the waves pf heat, and desired nothing more than to be in a swimming pool at that moment.

Turning back, "My father was an avid reader and one of his favorites is Henry David Thoreau. HD is for Henry David."

It cane out before I could stop my mouth and said, "Wear one of the dresses from last year tomorrow for me."
Henry David. I liked it. I looked over at him in surprise when he asked me to wear one of the dresses from last year. I wanted to reply with a smart assed remark but I didn't have one.

"Do you have a favorite color?" I asked him a little shyly. It had been a while since anyone had noticed what I was wearing. The idea of wearing something special for him made my heart flutter just a little.
I felt a familiar stirring as she asked about the color I wanted. My voice was a little hoarse as I repled, "Wear a blue, to accent your lovely eyes."
I gathered up the debris of my lunch and packed up my lunch kit.

"We need to find a hide away with AC." I offered with a smile. "If you are free on Friday, a bunch of us are going to Rooster's. My husband's band is playing. The cover is cheap and so is the beer. It gives me people to sit with while they play."

I didn't know if he would join but it would be a good way to get to know some of the other teachers.
Interestingly, she either ignored or didn't hear the compliment, but she also didn't say no about a blue dress. Guess I will see in 20 hours or so. I wasn't sure yet what it would mean if she did wear blue, but the prospect did excite me.

I listened to her invitation to listen to her husband's band amd nodded slowly, "Sure, why not. I don't have plans so I can do that."

It would give me a chance to get to know Melody better, and size up the competition. I worried a bit about viewing her husband as competition as soon as I thought it, but set it aside. I had to have something to keep me busy.

I stood and turned to Melody, offering her my hand to help her up. For a flash of a moment, the closeness of her full lips to my flaccid member crossed my mind, and threatened to change said state to something more robust.

Her skin was warm and soft as I helped her up and we went back into the building. "No," I replied, "I think outside will suit well. Away from the kids and so on."

We soon parted ways I had a meeting with the principal during the next hour and she had class to conduct. Before I knew it, the day had passed and I was on my way home, wondering why I felt so glum about not seeing Melody again.

With some difficulty, I got her out of my mind eventually until the next morning when I woke up virtually drooling, hoping she would wear something sleek, sexy, and blue.
I stood in front of my closet trying to pick in an outfit. I was using just the dim light from the bathroom since Jay was still snoring in a tangle of sheets. I pulled out a cobalt blue silk blouse and an ivory colored pencil skirt to go with it. I had little blue shoes with a low heel to match the blouse. I brushed and smoothed my hair and put on just a touch of make up. I spritzed on my perfume.

I actually felt pretty when I walked into school. I filled my tea glass in the cafeteria and then headed to the classroom. I wondered if HD would notice or even remember that he had asked me to wear blue.

I tucked my lunch and my purse away and went to work, hoping I would see him before I had to run down the hall to the other classroom.
I headed to the school, heart beating rapidly in anticipation of what Melody would wear, and if she wore blue or not. I got to our shared room early and ostensibly poked my head into a text book without really seeing it. When she finally walked into the room, my breath caught in my throat and I could see why she was a hit lister.

Amazing body.

Big heavy tits graced a lean frame with locely legs poking out of a tight cream colored skirt. Hoping my arousal at the sight wasn't terribly noticeable I walked up and nodded approvingly. "If I were you, I would exchange all of the new wardrobe for mor like this. Amazing. You are amazing."
I couldn't help it. When he told me I looked amazing my smile just burst onto my face.

"I love this color blue. I thought you might like it too." I felt a bit like an idiot and felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment. I started to gather up my notes and my tote bag.

"Meet you for lunch?" I asked trying to sound casual but feeling anything but.

I rushed down the hall and taught my first class. The principal stopped by and I just let teaching. Burqa be damned. I was going to dress like myself for work.
Melody didn't notice it, but as her face flushed, my cock hardened. She enjoyed dressing nicely, whether for me or in general, I didn't know yet. If it was for me in particular, it was a good sigb that we might have an entertaining semester.

I watched as she bolted from the room, her ass swaying deliciously as she went. Lunch suddenly was very appealing.

There was barely enough time for the blood to back out of my penis and I was at about half staff as class started, so I stayed behind the podium until such time I was back in control.

Between each class as I hastened from place to place visions of Melody's ass filled my eyes even though I never saw her. As I stepped into our shared space, I saw her in full profile and muttered, "Damn." She turned and looked at me, so I finished, "Sorry but you are gorgeous. "
I was a little surprised to see HD in the doorway and even more surprised to hear his compliment. I fidgeted with my papers for a moment longer and then shoved them in my folder.

I bit my lip. I wanted to tell him it was nice to be noticed. However, I didn't want to push it. I was married. I hadn't asked if he was but I assumed so.

I grabbed my lunch bag and my hoodie to sit on.

"Come on, Thoreau." I jested and nudged him on my way out.
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Hrmm. Was she uncomfortable with the compliment or liked it and held that back? I didn't know but when she called me by my middle name, I assumed she was pleased.

I followed her out the door my eyes barely leaving her ass until we turned down the hallway. I opened the door to the emergency stairwell for her, and drank her in again. "Not to belabor the subject, but you look like a completely different person today."

I sat next to her, pulled out my sandwich and asked, "So tomorrow, what will you wear for me?"
I sliced my apple with a contraband knife and actually giggled when he asked me what I was going to wear for him the next day. I mentally went through my closet. I imagined a few of my favorite outfits. And I knew just which one.

"My emerald green wrap dress. With my favorite pair of sandals. Then I can show off my pedicure." I said with a smile. "I really like how it fits. Dresses aren't always easy because I am different sizes on top and bottom. So I wear a lot of skirts and blouses." I added and then instantly felt a little self conscious talking about my bust size.
I nodded slowly, "I imagine that is true."

It was about then I placed who she looked like, at least from profile. She was a shorter, living Blondie. The thought of making an open faced Dagwood out of her drained all the blood from my body and deposited it in my loins.

I reached up and ran two fingers through her hair, from about her earlobe. I tugged just enough that she could not mistake that I had indeed done it. "The dress sounds lovely. Is this your natural hair color?"
A shiver went down my spine when he touched and lightly tugged my hair. I closed my eyes and found myself biting my lip again.

"It is. I am the only red head among my siblings. It gets a little darker in the winter when I am not in the sun."

I couldn't really believe how hungry I was to be touched and to be noticed. It was like I didn't even know I was thirsty until I saw a stream of clear, spring water.
I watched as her eyes closed and Melody bit her lip. She enjoyed this. Me. Being touched by me. I was aching in my loins. This gorgeous redhead wanted me, physically at least, and glancing down at my prodigious and hard member, my desire was there for her to see.

I trailed my finger down a little farther and slid it between her arm and torso, just behind her breast. A voice I barely recognized as mine hoarsely croaked, "I think you should grow it out, at least this long."

I waited until her eyes opened and she looked at me before asking, "Don't you agree?"
I gasped when his finger traced down my body.

"It would take some time to grow it out. Will you still be interested in my hair by the time I grow it out?" My voice trembled when I asked. "It was really long a few years ago. I used to wear it in a ponytail all the time."

I thought about when I had it all chopped off.

"Do you like short hair at all?"
I slid my hand down the back of her arm and dropped my hand into my lap. "I prefer long hair," my voice hot and hungry.

I paused a moment and whispered, "It is much handier in bed."