A RAVE from the GRAVE?????


Cunnilinguist, Esq.
Jul 9, 2001
Come on Dems......... you have got to be losing it in a serious way!

First, you get a scandalous Torricelli to quit, after the deadline before the national election just so that you can throw in former/has been Lautenberg, enter the race as a "shoe in", all on account of polls that said you were going to lose the seat.

Second, and even more sadly, Paul Wellstone and his family tragically lose thier lives, and as a result... you get Wally Mondale to finish the race...

I served my first year in the Marine Corps under the final year of a Carter/Mondale administration... What a friggin joke! (Jimmy and Wally gave use prime interest rates of over 20%, gas and many other shortages that threatened to destroy our way of life, and sadly... 400+ days of our Iranian Embasy held hostage).

I seem to remember our hostages leaving Iranian airspace during "Mr. Reagan's Innauguration".

How poetic that a failed leader should resurface as a "Savior" to us all...... all these years later!


Name recognition means that much? National welfare be damned?

Oh yeah,... while I'm on a rant... Jesse V. can kiss my patriotic ass! You dems elected him, and you certainly deserve him!
Yes name recognition means a lot. Some people will not know there's an election going on until after this weekend.
Does it represent something in particular?

I thought I understood the old series of AV's, this one seems to be a 180 degree, hell a 270 degree change...

SINthysist said:
Does it represent something in particular?

I thought I understood the old series of AV's, this one seems to be a 180 degree, hell a 270 degree change...


It's Halloween.

It's a scene from "Frankenstein."

Don't you have Halloween in Kansas, or is that outlawed too?
so they were to nominate some no name? LOL, did not the republicans do that in '00 when Rudy decided he could not win? You republicans enjoy Hillary Clinton, YOU got her elected, you certainly deserver her.
Oh no we have Halloween. It's tonight. I simply did not put 2 + 2 together, but then it's no secret that I'm somewhat of a dullard.

I'm going as a farmer. My daughter wanted to be a cow...
Your boobers are sweet and jubilant.

floridaguy63 is a Marine.

Did you know that?
I always thought he was Air Force.

Your boobers make you giggle?

Well you should see what's going on over here...
Yes he is.

There's a military thread way back with a lot of the regulars giving their backgrounds.
Purple Haze said:
I always thought he was Air Force.

Your boobers make you giggle?

Well you should see what's going on over here...

The boobers in my AV make me giggle. My actual boobers only make me giggle when someone is tickling them.
Yes he has. As a former Marine, I tend to notice others, it's a Semper Fi kind of thing.

I miss Sparky...

Yup, that inept administration killed two buddies in the Iran mission, wouldn't let us have the personnel/equipment we needed to do it right. They're using the same strat. in MN as in NJ, get ready for the ol' bait & switch if they make it in office.
Get ready for the shrill whine from the Dem-Soc's if they lose in a big way after showing their true color (red).

*Thanks for your service, and being there for us!

*Maybe you could have used a pic from "Young Frankenstein" parody for your AV.