A Dangerous captive

'HOW DARE YOU!. Release those men!'

Fiona roared at the youths from her village with a voice like the roar of a lion and all the disgruntled youths shrank back from her as she lambasted them for their intolerance and unfounded jealousy. Darius was as astounded as everyone else at the authority her voice carried and had no doubt that her gods were speaking through her, to him this showed that there was no trickery involved, no drugging of minds or bodies. HIS Fiona, how good that sounded to him, was no doubt a true priestess, calm, yet commanding and beautiful beyond compare.

She stood tall and upright, slender in build but unbending in the face of protests from the youths who had been preparing to hang his own men.

'How dare you do something like this. The gods give you a gift and you throw it back into their face? They bring you future friends. People to help build our village. People to help protect our village. And you treat them like this? You spit on the gods? How dare you!'

Her voice was back to normal but there were undertones of great anger. However she kept order and issued orders for the care of the incoming women and set a punishment for the village youths. He was impressed by the fact that instead of a flogging or other painful punishment she gave orders that would be useful to everyone. It was plain that the villagers respected her despite her tender years and would do as she said, his purpose now lay in also winning the respect of the villagers and getting his own people to respect Fiona, both were difficult tasks in themselves but with Fiona's help and perhaps, he conceded grudgingly, a little help from her gods they could build a place to be proud of.

He put his arm around Fiona's slim waist and held her close and looked into her now fair face, all trace of anger gone.

"You never cease to amaze me my love" the words 'my love' slipping from his tongue, he had never called a woman 'my love' before. "The way you dealt with everything was so perfect."

He bent his head to kiss her and smiled at her,

"Maybe I can surprise you in two nights time."

He guffawed loudly and playfully smacked Fiona's cute rear.
Once she had decreed the sentence, then the villagers understood and began to follow her orders, she noticed how the new people from the camp looked around a bit confused. It may take them a bit of time to get used to this new way of life, but she expected Darius to help them adjust.

He seem pleased with everything as he pulled her to him and looked deep into her eyes.

You never cease to amaze me my love. The way you dealt with everything was so perfect.

His kiss was a nice surprise and she was aware of the glances of the villagers. Maybe I can surprise you in two nights time.

He gave her a chuckle as he smacked her butt before he headed off to check on the work that had been done so far.

Meanwhile, she went off to find her father. He sat alone in the hut, quiet.

“What is wrong, Father? Why did you not try to stop the hanging?”

“I needed to see that you are truly ready to rule with your chosen mate. I have my doubts about him though the gods claim that they are unfounded.”

“Can it be that it is difficult to admit the passing on of power? You have spent this time training me, and preparing me for the time when I would find my mate and you would step down. Yet now that the time has come...”

Her father was silent for a moment. “Perhaps you are right.”

She knelt down at his feet, placing her hand on his knee as she looked up at him.

“Father, I shall always be thankful for the knowledge that you gave me. I learned from both you and mother. And when mother died, it was you that continued my training.”

He pat her hand. “Father, the gods have shown me the right mate for me. I meant what I said before. I do love him.”

Her father leaned over and kissed her forehead. “Then I do give my blessing.”
Darius watched and listened as Fiona exerted her authority and passed sentence on the youths who had been intent on hanging his men. If it had been left to hm it would have been the youths swinging from the trees but he realised that Fiona had been fair to everyone and they could ill afford to kill their own men who may well be needed if they were attacked.

He praised for her handling of the situation and after kissing her he sent her on her way with a playful slap on her rear and watched as she made her way to her father's hut. He had noticed his absence and wondered if he had taken a turn for the worse.

There were many things that needed to be done and he went about the village organising parties of men to a particular task ensuring that each group was an equal number of villagers and his own men. The men from the village teaching how to build huts from a framework of branches and applying mud to fill in the gaps then an outer coat leaving them to dry. On the other hand Darius's men employed on the defences showed the villagers how to place defensive walls and spiked pits around the village. After some minor disagreements everyone was working together and things were progressing quickly.

The women were tasked with bringing water and food to the men whilst they were working and occasionally one would disappear into the forest for a while with one of the men, there was no dissent among the men as each would take their turn with the female of their choice, no woman was made to go with anyone and the atmosphere was one of geniality, raucous comments and laughter.

Darius found himself outside Fiona's father's hut just as she emerged looking happy.

"Your father did not think I was good enough for you did he? However from the look on your face I would say you have convinced him of our love. For now all I can do is tell you but every hour brings us closer to our joining."
The time leading up to the full moon was busy. She really saw very little of Darius as he worked side by side with the men building the defenses of the village. Though there were plenty of longing glances between the two of them, her Father stepped into the role that the gods required of him, talking to Darius in secret at night to explain the ritual roles that he would be required to fill during the joining ceremony, the mating ceremony, and their first official ceremony three nights after they had been joined. But Darius slept on a pallet at the hut of one of the village men. Meanwhile, her father’s hut was prepared and his things were moved into it.

In their society, the Priestess Perfect ruled the village but it was just as important that her mate be strong and good. He needed to listen to conflict and mete our fair punishment, and to know when to step back and let the gods take over. But in all things the gods had final say. He was to perform at ceremonies and save his seed only for his mate, the Priestess Perfect, to fill her womb with children and bring her joy.

Meanwhile, Fiona made sure that the new women were settled and comfortable in the fearann. Built in the middle of the village so that it was well protected, it was a large building with a number of pallets along one wall. This was where the women without a mate slept, as well as those that had lost their mate. Women expecting a child were given one of the pallets that were somewhat wider and softer so as to accommodate their growing stomachs.

On the other side of the room was where the children and babies slept. Once a woman became mated with a man, pledging to him and him to her, then she and any of her children, no matter whom the father of those children should be, would move into the man’s hut.

Periodically through the years, it had become necessary to enlarge the village confines as their village had grown. And now with the influx of the people from Darius’ camp, it was necessary again to cut into some of the surrounding jungle.

The change of now living in the village had been a vast improvement for the women of the camp. Now no longer could any man walk up to any woman and begin fucking her without her consent. At first the camp men had been frustrated but they soon found that many of the village women found these new men exciting and were willing to be used whenever the men found need for release. All the man had to do was ask and if the woman said yes, then they would head back to his hut. There seemed to even be several of the camp men that had grown attached to one particular women and she suspected that soon there would be new families starting in the village.

As she had decreed, three new huts were being built on the outer edge of the new boundary of the village. These huts were superior, a bit larger than the older huts with sound walls and roofs and they would stand as a reminder to the rest of the village that taking retribution in their own hands was not allowed by the Priestess or the gods.

The day of the night of the full moon was beautiful, with sunny skies and balmy breezes. For the past two days, the women of the village had been gathering the bounty from the land to prepare for the grand feast. All but the final touches had been put on the three new huts made as payment for the wrong done to the men from the camp. And Fiona had already decreed what was to be done per the orders of the gods. Once she and Darius would enter their hut for the three days and nights of mating and joining of their two souls, her father would handle the running if the village until that fourth night where they performed the ceremony that announced the village’s new Priestess Perfect and her mate, the Priest.

Fiona was not scared. Perhaps a bit apprehensive. She so wanted Darius to be pleased, to not be disappointed in the sex, or the breaking of her seal. She had seen his cock before in both its resting state and when excited and her future mate was quite large. She knew that there would be blood, but being a warrior, he was quite used to blood. But she wanted to do him proud.

The maids of the village arrived to bathe and dress the future Priestess Perfect. She was bathed in water scented with her personal combination of flower petals before they dried her and carefully dressed her in a dress of purest white with green leaves and fresh flowers stitched in the hem of the dress. Her hair, blonde and gleaming, hung down straight and long - almost to her waist - with a crown of leaves and flowers and strands of ribbon like strands studded with more leaves and flowers. The last thing that they did was lay out the white sheet to catch the spilt blood that would be burned at their first ceremony.

Finally, she was escorted out to the banquet where the tables almost groaned with all the food and libations. Darius and the men had not arrived yet but would soon.

Gray, the oldest male of the village, smiled as he walked up to her. “The time of the making of our Priestess Perfect is at hand. Are you ready?”

“Yes Gray. I am.”

He nodded and turned to sit on the male side to await Darius and the men. As soon as they arrived, the banquet would begin.
For Darius the past two days had been onerous in that he had been busy overseeing the building of the village's defensive walls and the digging of ditches to hold the spear like pointed staves that any invading force would need to negotiate before reaching the village proper where Darius's men and the village men would be waiting for them. Several times Darius had seen Fiona going about her business with the women and they had exchanged lingering, loving glances knowing that the time of their long awaited mating was drawing ever closer.

One long evening was spent with Fiona's father, who's name Darius discovered was Eric, who spent the evening explaining Darius's role in the village after the mating and what was expected of him, including the fact that all other women were no longer available to him, his seed was only for Fiona.

"Do not worry about that Eric, I have only once used another woman since Fiona was brought to my camp and that was out of frustration at Fiona keeping me at arm's length, once I am mated with your daughter no other will ever match her beauty, we will be the perfect Priest and Priestess."

Eric nodded his approval, "It pleases me that you understand that and accept it, that is not to say that others will not attempt to seduce you, a powerful man like yourself is very attractive to some women."

"Fiona is and always will be the only woman in my life and in my bed Eric."

On the morning of the mating Darius awoke with a sizeable erection under the blanket that covered him, he grinned and spoke softly to himself,

"Do not be so impatient my friend, you will be fully employed for the next few nights and days I promise you." His erection softened as if reassured by Darius's words.

He spent hours preparing himself for the feast, going to the stream where he and Fiona had collected herbs and flowers, he bathed in the slow moving stream and as an afterthought he crushed some sweet smelling flowers and rubbed them all over his body.

When he returned to the hut he was sharing with Igor he found his friend and advisor polishing his battle armour and sharpening his sword.

"Why are you doing that Igor? The only battle I am likely to have today is with myself trying not to ravish Fiona at the feast."

"You must look your very best Darius, impress everyone with your own brand of manliness, it will stand you in good stead believe me."

"Very well Igor, as you are my adviser I will take your advice but I will not be needing my sword, my only weapon is here." He laughed as he patted his groin.

"I think Fiona will be impressed with it."

The pair of them chuckled as Igor helped Darius on with his armour. When they had finished Darius looked more like a Roman centurion than a brigand as his armour had come from an abandoned Roman armoury.

Darius preened himself and joked with Igor,

"Dressed like this all the women will be flocking to my bed, but there will be only room for one and that is Fiona, I will not wear my sword though, I think it is too warlike and threatening."

"It is time for you to make your entrance to the feast Darius, remember what I told you, pace yourself, drink plenty of liquid but not too much wine, you must prepare yourself for three days and nights of almost continuous fucking, Fiona must appreciate the gift you are giving her, from what I have seen of her bearing she will not disappoint you and you must most certainly not disappoint her."

"Igor, oh Igor anyone would think I have never fucked a woman before, I can assure you that Fiona will not be disappointed."

They walked to the space in the centre of the village where the feast was to take place, as they went Darius's men fell in line behind him and when they arrived they formed two rows for Darius to walk through. As he approached where Fiona sat waiting he glanced at her and gave her a wink.

The sight of Fiona took his breath away, although he had seen her dressed in finery before and also seen her naked she had never looked more beautiful in her virgin white dress and his heart began to beat faster, in just a short while she would be his for evermore.

He took his seat on the male side opposite Fiona and asked her out of politeness and simply for something to say.

"Good evening Fiona, are you well? Are you as nervous as I am?"

The feast began and following Igor's advice he drank sparingly of the wine but ate the food that Igor had advised him on to increase his stamina and his desire, although that did not need feeding. The feast seemed to go on for hours and Darius kept looking to Eric for a sign that he could take Fiona into the specially prepared hut. Eventually Grey, the eldest male of the village stood and call for Darius to stand, stating that it was time that Fiona had a mate. He then asked if there was one among the men that has been accepted by Fiona. Darius then stated that he was to be Fiona's mate, to rule with her and give her many children. The elder then asked Fiona if this was true. Fiona blushed prettily and answered "Yes" in a firm clear voice, Grey nodded and Darius walked around to where Fiona sat with her hands demurely folded in her lap.

"It's time Fiona." he said simply and remembering what she had told him earlier, took her arm and then threw her over his shoulder and marched purposefully to the mating hut to cheers and applause from everyone with Fiona giggling and kicking her legs on his shoulder .
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She felt very proud as Darius entered the feast with his men. He was much larger than the men of the village, and much stronger and definitely more fierce looking. But to her, he was the one. He smiled and winked at her, and continued such throughout the feast.

Good evening Fiona, are you well? Are you as nervous as I am?


She herself was excited and a bit apprehensive. Tonight she would fulfill her destiny. Tonight she would become a woman. Tonight her love would be a tangible thing. It seemed that every time she would glance up from her food, Darius would be staring at her longingly and she could feel the desire rolling off of him. She too desired him. Her warrior love.

Most of the women that she sat with laughed and were impressed with Darius’ stature, with more than one comment made about his sexual prowess. And several women spoke of how they looked forward to the ceremony in 3 nights time where they would then be able to see exactly how much the gods had given him. Fiona kept quiet and smiled to herself as she had seen just what she would be greeted with on this night.

There was a lull in the festivities as Gray stood and waited for quiet.

“It is time that Fiona, our Priestess, takes a mate. Is there one among you that she has found favor in?”

As instructed, Darius stood tall and proud to announce that he had been chosen to be her mate, rule by her side, and give her many children.

Fiona sat there smiling and blushing as she spoke in a clear voice. “Yes” when asked by Gray if this was true. It was then that he strode over to her, his eyes looking at her hungrily. It's time Fiona.

Suddenly he effortlessly picked her up and threw her over his shoulder as he marched into their hut. This would be their home until she died or no longer was the Priestess Perfect. She could hear the laughter and calling of the gathered still outside as they continued the feasting.

In the coolness of the hut, she giggled, a bit nervous, as she waited for him to set her down. She knew that behind her was their sleeping pallet with its white cloth covering it to catch the blood as proof of her loss of innocence. That cloth would be burned at the ceremony on the 4th night from now.

Carefully he set her down, her feet touching the well-kept dirt floor. For now, the gods were quiet, letting these two find their own way.

“The gods will leave us alone until the ceremony, allowing us our time to find each other. Just you and me. Each morning, a basket of food and drink will be placed outside our door so all we do is reach outside and bring out in.”

She hesitated before smiling at him. “I thank the gods that they brought me to you, and you to me. And it is with love that I give my body to you.” She leaned in and gave him a kiss, putting her heart and soul into it.
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Darius set her down in front of him and with his great height he towered over her, her head barely reaching his shoulders, she looked lovingly up into his eyes.

'The gods will leave us alone until the ceremony, allowing us our time to find each other. Just you and me. Each morning, a basket of food and drink will be placed outside our door so all we do is reach outside and bring it in.'

She hesitated before smiling at him. I thank the gods that they brought me to you, and you to me. And it is with love that I give my body to you.'

She stood on tiptoe and kissed him with a passion, putting her heart and soul into that single kiss so that whatever doubts Darius had harboured, vanished without trace, he knew for certain that Fiona really and sincerely loved him.

He held her slim waist in both hands and lifted her, pulling her close to him and returned her kiss, opening her sweet tasting lips with his tongue, wrapping it around her's and sucking on the wet flesh. for several minutes he held her there, savouring her taste and feeling her soft curves pressed against him. He let her down to the ground once more and his hands roamed over her soft curvy body, his eyes half closed as he memorised the enticing shape of her breasts through the thin linen dress and then the gentle swell of her rear and her wide hips. When he had finished exploring her body he reached behind her neck and unfastened the halter of her dress and draped it over her shapely alabaster shoulders and let it slip slowly down her exquisite body revealing itself to him in all her glorious beauty.

"I wish to have the memory of the girl who entered this place with me for when we leave the girl will be no more, in her place will be a woman, a woman in all senses of the word, I worship the girl as I will worship the woman."

As he spoke he was removing his armour and the tunic he wore underneath until he too was naked, his manhood thick and erect and pointing to her blonde curls that decorated the apex of her legs, the tip of his manhood oozed a bead of his seed. He went down on his knees and grasped the backs of her silky white thighs before bowing his head and extending his long tongue licking from her knee up the inside of one cool thigh and down the other back to her knee. As his tongue left a wet trail on both thighs he could smell Fiona's arousal and a trickle of her womanly juices ran down her thighs.

"If you are truly aroused Fiona my love, the moment you become a woman should not be too painful, even so the pain will be fleeting and we can start to make babies."

He spoke with his face between Fiona's thighs so the words were muffled but the message was clear. Suddenly his long tongue flickered out and was licking along her tight furrow, parting her lips as a plough parts the fertile soil.

"Are you ready now Fiona? If you wish to delay the moment I will understand, we have three days to fulfil our vows."
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The kiss that he gave her was thrilling as his hands roamed her body, feeling his way through the shift that she wore. When he reached her neck he undid her dress and it slowly slid down her body leaving her revealed before him. His eyes traveled the length of her, pleased with what he saw.

I wish to have the memory of the girl who entered this place with me for when we leave the girl will be no more, in her place will be a woman, a woman in all senses of the word, I worship the girl as I will worship the woman.

He quickly removed his clothes and knelt before her, grasping her thighs and burying his face into the blonde curls that crowned her sex. The memory of what he had done the other night played in her mind as she held onto his head, feeling his tongue along her slit. His words were muffled with his face buried in her feminine core but she still understood what he said.

If you are truly aroused Fiona my love, the moment you become a woman should not be too painful, even so the pain will be fleeting and we can start to make babies.

He excited her, and she sent a silent thank you to the gods, though she knew that there would not be an answer. Nevertheless she knew that they had heard her.

Are you ready now Fiona? If you wish to delay the moment I will understand, we have three days to fulfil our vows.

Smiling she took his hand and led her to the pallet, it’s white cloth somehow stark in their hut. She kissed him before laying back upon it, making sure that her naked bottom rested in its very center. That would ensure that it would capture the blood that would issue forth from the piercing of her maiden hood.

She lay there looking up at him, the spear that would take her to womanhood seemed so much larger and longer than she remembered and for a moment fear tried to grip her. But she trusted Darius and she smiled up at him.

“Make me your mate. Pierce true and deep my love and fill my belly with your child. Make me a woman. Make me your woman.”
Fiona's reply to his question could not be clearer as she took his hand and walked gracefully over to the white cloth covered pallet, she kissed him again before she arranged herself on it so that all of her private parts were visible and available to him. Fiona looked up at him and his erect manhood and for the briefest of moments he saw fear in her eyes then it was gone and she spoke in that soft loving voice that entranced him so.

'Make me your mate. Pierce true and deep my love and fill my belly with your child. Make me a woman. Make me your woman.'

Darius climbed onto the pallet and supported himself above her with his strong muscular arms and looked down at her.

"Before we begin I have something to tell you that you must hear from my lips alone. When I first saw you I wanted you, not out of love but raw lust, I wanted to take you back to the camp and ravish you, use you to sate my needs but thankfully your gods protected you from my animalistic instincts and we have travelled a long and tortuous road to reach this point. Your gods have been good to me helping me to understand you and your dedication to them, however they are YOUR gods, not mine. I am not saying that I do not believe they exist but that I cannot worship them in the way that you do. You have told me that they will leave us to find our own way for the next three days yet you still wear their protective amulet, for me, will you remove it so I know for certain that I am making love to the true Fiona who follows her heart and not some veiled suggestion from your gods?"

Darius's member twitched against Fiona's golden curls as if to remind him that he still had a task to carry out. He smiled at her as if to say 'I'm sorry, but it needed to be said.' then he let his tongue extend itself and lick her face and lips, her lily white neck and finally covered her tight swollen pink nipples and moved them like tiny levers.

He lowered his hips so his manhood was nudging the entrance to her core and softly eased the folds of her maidenly entrance aside. His voice was now low as he coaxed and coached Fiona into accepting his manhood inside the virgin territory where no man had ventured before.

"You are so precious to me my love, so delicate I must take great care not to cause you too much pain."

Slowly and gently he worked his girth inside her slick wetness, stretching her almost to her limit then he came up against a barrier to further progress.

"We are almost there my sweet Fiona, prepare to become a WOMAN"

He jerked his hips forward and in an instant Fiona held him with her legs around him and they were kissing, crying and laughing all at the same time. Darius was lost in his own happiness he couldn't say if Fiona had cried out or not but the deed was done, they were now true mates. Eventually the euphoria settled and Darius kept his manhood deep inside Fiona's warm welcoming core giving the occasional slight nudge to accustom her to his girth and length.

"We have done it Fiona my love you can now call yourself a woman, my woman."

They lay together for hours until the tension and excitement of the day caught up with them and they fell asleep in each other's arms.
She understood his hesitation concerning her amulet and carefully removed it from around her neck, laying it to one side. He paused as if seeing if there were any change in her, or if she had changed her mind. But all she did was smile and nod for him to continue.

His long tongue came out, licking her body, tasting the need for him that seemed to rise from her.

Slowly and with great care he began to press his mighty sword into her small sheath. She did not wish him to stop despite the discomfort she was already feeling and so she smiled at him and gritted her teeth. It was a very snug fit - his great mighty manhood sliding into her wet warmth until it reached the barrier between her past and her future.

We are almost there my sweet Fiona, prepare to become a WOMAN

Pain flared within her core and she welcomed it. He seemed to cry out a warrior’s cry at the same moment that she cried out in pain as she arched her back and threw her legs around him, holding him close and deep. Outside the hut, the villagers still feasting and getting drunk on wine gave a cry out in celebration - the birth of their new Priestess Perfect. She knew that now the feast would wind down with couples eventually heading off into huts to join in their own celebration, their own mating.

The tears she shed were tears of pain and joy as he smothered her face with kisses. They lay like that for a bit, laughing and crying and kissing as if glad that they had found each other. She could feel a warmth slowly trickle from her sex and knew it to be the sacred virginal blood that would stain the white cloth beneath her.

We have done it Fiona my love you can now call yourself a woman, my woman.

Eventually he began to move, pulling slowly out. The pain seemed raw and she gripped his arms and he stopped. She shook her head and smiled.

“Do not stop, my love. A woman bears this pain with honor and pride. Your sword is mighty and large and my sheath must learn to accept so powerful a weapon. I can feel its strength.”

He kissed her and continued and she felt another trickle of blood. This child that he would plant in her womb would be powerful.

Each time that he would press back into her sex, the pain lessened a little more until eventually the motion was as a leaf flowing down a river. His hips slowly pressed faster and faster with her hips undulating to meet his. Eventually there was no talk, just panting as they worked toward a common goal.

Then suddenly the heavens opened up and she reached the total bliss, her back arching. At almost the same time, Darius gave several grunts and as felt his seed pour into her womb, its warmth thrilling her. She could not help the little cry that she gave as her body shook beneath him. Like a vise her sex gripped him, as if trying to squeeze every drop of seed from his manhood. Colors seemed to float before her eyes and it was some time before he collapsed on top of her, panting.

As they found their breaths, he slipped from her sex and he rolled into his back, his manhood laying against his leg. She glanced down at it and noted it covered in her blood and the creamy proof of her love.

With a corner of the white cloth she cleaned him, careful to try to capture all of her blood. Then they lay back again, laughing and kissing until once again he felt the urge rise. This time the pain was more of a memory and she wrapped her legs around him as they coupled. Many times they mated, until finally exhaustion overtook them and the fell asleep locked in an embrace of love.

They would have all they needed until they left the hut for the ceremony. There was a big jar in the corner to relieve themselves, and every morning all they had to do was reach out and draw in the basket containing food and wine. And they had each other.

Fiona’s dreams were happy ones.
When morning broke Darius was instantly awake, alert as his warrior senses came into being but he relaxed as he found Fiona curled up against him her tiny hand still gripping his manhood as if she was loth to let it go.

"Wake up my love we need to discover everything about each other and we have only three days so we had best get on with it."

He rolled her onto her back and bent his head to kiss her while his hands sought her breasts and pebbled nipples. Gently he rolled the little pink buds between his fingers, her giggles were infectious and soon they were laughing with joy as their fingers and lips explored, finding certain spots that gave the greatest pleasure. One pleasure that Darius wanted was Fiona's warm mouth surrounding his member and sucking his seed from it, she had already had his manhood in her mouth but he had forced that on her, now he wanted her to take it willingly and taste him as he had tasted her.

"If you remember that first night, I forced you to use your mouth on my member, it was not a great success as you cast that spell upon me whereby my seed could not come forth so you did not taste me as I wished. Perhaps now the time is right if you so wish it, I would welcome it and as thanks I will make love to you again when you have taken my seed."

He was partially joking as they both knew that they would mate again several times in the next few hours but he made it sound as if he would be doing her a favour and she had to earn his mating with her.

"One thing you should know with regard to you bearing me many fine children it is a trait in my family that several children are spawned in one go, I myself am the middle one of five all born on the same day, four boys and a girl. Would that be too much for you?"

To encourage her he sat astride her so his cock was resting on her bottom lip and rocked his hips back and forth and tickled her under her arms so she laughed and giggled unable to close her mouth and inadvertently her little pink tongue licked the tip of his member and took the bead of salty cream that oozed from his cock slit,

"How does it taste my love? Is it to your liking?"
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Slowly she awoke. Her womanly area felt different and for a moment she panicked as she became aware of a stickiness between her thighs. Her hand automatically squeezed what it held and it was then that she remembered the mating. She was now a woman, and Darius was her mate. His seed had filled her womb and though she did not feel new life growing within her, there was always that hope that perhaps she was unaware of it as of yet.

Wake up my love we need to discover everything about each other and we have only three days so we had best get on with it.

He sounded quite eager, and she was too and soon they were kissing each other as their hands explored each other’s bodies. His long braided beard provided a handle so that she could pull his face closer to hers and kissed him as his hands played with the nipples that topped her breast. He laughed at that and she teased him that it would provide a great handle to lead him around by. He laughed and growled at her before he began to tickle her. Soon they were both laughing and kissing and rolling around though they did pause long enough for her to run to the door and quickly reach out to bring in the food.

“We do not want to leave it outside too long lest it should attract the insects.” She quickly grabbed the basket full of fruits and vegetables and some flat breads. There was also a jug of wine and she sat it all on the table before running back towards him and being caught by his strong arms. He rolled and she found herself under his body.

After a while he spoke.

If you remember that first night, I forced you to use your mouth on my member, it was not a great success as you cast that spell upon me whereby my seed could not come forth so you did not taste me as I wished. Perhaps now the time is right if you so wish it, I would welcome it and as thanks I will make love to you again when you have taken my seed.

“As long as you save the best seed for my womb,” She teased him.

Then he told her more about his past.

One thing you should know with regard to you bearing me many fine children it is a trait in my family that several children are spawned in one go, I myself am the middle one of five all born on the same day, four boys and a girl. Would that be too much for you?

She looked up at him somewhat shocked.

“Five? Is this true? Five?” She blinked and could smell his manhood. Then he began to tickle her and as she laughed the tip of his member brushed against her tongue. He grinned down at her.

How does it taste my love? Is it to your liking?

Nodding she told him, “It is a part of you, my mate, so of course it is to my liking. You shall have to show me what makes you happy. We have much to learn about each other. I am eager to learn but remember that we both have much to learn.”
The tip of Fiona's little pink tongue brushed the tip of his manhood and took the small bead of his cum into her mouth and he saw her tasting it and swallowing it down her throat.

'How does it taste my love? Is it to your liking?'

He saw the smile on her face as she replied with a nod of her head,

'It is a part of you, my mate, so of course it is to my liking. You shall have to show me what makes you happy. We have much to learn about each other. I am eager to learn but remember that we both have much to learn.'

"It is good that you find my seed so tasty for you shall have an abundance of it as long as we are together, that is until we die."

He adjusted his position so that she could lift her head and take more of his length into her mouth, to help her he gathered her golden locks in his hands and rocked her head back and forth, feeding his manhood into Fiona's willing warm mouth. Patiently he instructed her how to form a tight seal around his girth with her lips but allow his manhood to slide in and out with her wet tongue laving it on each thrust. To his delight, Fiona was a quick and eager learner and within just a few minutes of laughing and giggling trial and error Fiona was sucking on him as though born to it. He kept hold of her hair and rocked her head faster and faster as he felt the pressure building in his balls and begin the unstoppable surge to empty itself into Fiona's throat, she swallowed every drop, using her tongue to lick his wet glistening member.

"Upon your gods and mine Fiona, that was something I will never, ever forget, no matter how many times it is repeated the first time is the most memorable"

He then cupped her face in his large calloused hands and tilted her face up so he could kiss her and taste himself on her sweet lips.

"Time for some refreshment I think I will need to keep up my strength and endurance if I am to keep up with your needs."

He joked as he tickled the soft wet spot between her legs, running one finger the length of her furrow and gently rubbing the newly awakened tip of her clit.
It seemed strange licking and taking her new husband’s manhood into her mouth. She was aware that it was done many times by men and women when there was no desire for offspring or if the woman desired to remain pure until she was bonded to one man. However, being a Priestess, Fiona has never done such for remaining pure was a necessity of her calling. It was not until Darius had stolen her away from her village and tried to used her for his own gratification that she had been up close to a man’s private’s. And then, even though he had tried to use her mouth, the gods had prevented her from tasting him and he had been sorely disappointed when he had been unable to spill his seed anywhere in or on her.

Still, she had seen it done before and was surprised to find that though salty, it was not altogether distasteful. He spent some time teaching her how best to please him and after a bit, she felt his member swell up even more before he erupted into her mouth.

The seed that she quickly swallowed was plentiful yet nevertheless she found herself wishing that instead of swallowing he was planting it in her womb. She so longed and needed to have him fill her belly with his child. Once she became pregnant her powers would increase, and something told her that they would soon need every advantage. The gods had to have put her in his sights in order to protect the village. A warrior, one born of many, all of these things told her that this was a strong man. A potent man. A man that she has fallen in love with.

Upon your gods and mine Fiona, that was something I will never, ever forget, no matter how many times it is repeated the first time is the most memorable

His kiss was sweet and she almost melted into his arms. Then he called for sustenance as his fingers sought the womanly space that he had created. She felt the tugging of her body - the desire to lay with him again and again. Yet she knew his words to be true. They needed to eat and drink to keep up their strength.

The cooked rabbit was delicious and they laughed as they sucked the juices off of each other’s fingers. There were some fruits and nut and plenty of sweet wine to quench their thirst. They sat around without any clothes on and delighted in gazing upon each other’s naked splendor.

After they had eaten, she lay back among the soft skins and drew apart her legs, her need for him apparent in her sex that weeped to be filled by him.

“Now my love, please fill me with your seed. I need your strength inside of me. My body aches for you.”

The grin on his face told her that he was more than willing to do so and this time his entry into her brought about no pain or discomfort, only pleasure and a wonderful thrill.
The partaking of food and drink was a necessity and although Darius was eager to be back in Fiona's welcoming arms he played and jested with her swapping morsels of food with gentle kisses and sometimes teasing her by placing a luscious piece of rabbit on his tongue and extending his tongue for her to lick off but when she leaned forward to take he withdrew his tongue and caught Fiona in his arms as she overbalanced.

"You, my greedy little girl must learn that not all gifts offered come without a price."

Darius admonished Fiona with a smile on his face as Fiona's naked body was pressed to his then she lay back among the soft skins that lay scattered around and she eyed his manhood and with a smile as broad as his own she invited him,

'Now my love, please fill me with your seed. I need your strength inside of me. My body aches for you.'

"And mine for you my little dove," Darius replied with all sincerity. Fiona's body was glorious in its beauty and drew him to her like a moth to a flame. He knelt between the long smooth legs of his love and hooked his arms underneath her knees and lifted her hips up and tugged her towards him until his length was throbbing against her wet, glistening, pink entrance.

"Up to now my love I have done all the work, now it is time for you to play your part in creating a life within you, make love to me."

He held her in position but making no move to penetrate her sanctum, just waiting for her to impale herself on him but his hand s were not idle , they reached up and grasped her squashed breasts and squeezed them together whilst stimulating her cute pink nipples into hard little rosebuds. Darius had taken her by surprise and for a moment she didn't seem to understand what was required of her but then the heat from his engorged rigid manhood reminded her of their needs and she had her part to play.

Darius waited for a few seconds until Fiona processed his request and without further encouragement Fiona's hips began to move and slowly inch by inch she slid her welcoming sheath over his manly pulsing sword, oiling the path inside her with her womanly juices.

The soft squishing sound of their lovemaking gradually increased in its frequency as Fiona threw herself into the role Darius had given her, Darius, unable to remain just a bystander in the proceedings, pushed and pulled with Fiona in perfect harmony with Fiona until they both erupted together and their juices met and surged against each other.

"I think that may have done the trick," Darius grinned at Fiona and wrapped her in his arms and showered her face and neck with wet kisses.
The first night and day was time where they eagerly explored each other’s bodies. If she was not with child from the mating on this first day then the gods must have stopped it for the smell of his seed seemed to come from her very pores. There was a stickiness between her legs and her womanhood was full to almost beyond its capacity.

As she lay beneath him, his mighty manhood still buried deep in her sex after having just deposited another blessing of seed into her, she told him, “When we perform that first ceremony, if as you enter me overhead storm clouds gather with lightening playing in them, then I carry your child. It is the gods giving us their blessings. I will know then for certain but now, speaking as your mate and not as the Priestess, I feel that I already have your life growing within me.” She smiled mischievously at him. “Still we have 2 more nights and days to make sure.”

Tomorrow she would begin to teach him the ceremony that they would perform before all of the adults of the village, the ceremony that would take her from Priestess to Priestess Perfect and would announce to the village that she carried new life within her.

They ate some more and finished off the wine and made more love when not sleeping, their bodies intertwined. It was comforting to have Darius’ strong arms wrapped around her and she loved to feel his body next to hers, feeling his manhood rising between her legs to slip inside her woman’s place as if it had always belonged there. Their hips would move to meet each other, such a natural movement echoing that which had been performed since the dawn of time.

In their own cocoon, they kissed and took turns kissing and licking each other bodies, learning the scent of each other, discovering those special spots that brought joy or laughter to each other until they were drowsy and even the rest of the village slept. She heard the screech of an owl calling for another and fell asleep with her body resting on her mate, his arm wrapped protectively over her. Darius was large and very strong and she was delicate and fragile next to him. Yet, despite her size, as Priestess she had powers that not even he had. And should she prove to be carrying Darius’ offspring, there would be other powers that the god would give her.

Only when she was with child was a Priestess Perfect at her most potent. And something warned her that this was all needed. Something in the wind warned her that soon there would be trouble. Trouble from the outside. Until then she would rest and enjoy her mating time with Darius.
When they were resting between making love they spoke of many different things and Darius learned that not only was Fiona a young and very beautiful sexual woman she was also very intelligent and often saw things in a different and sometimes better light than he did. Darius himself was an impatient man and in the past if anyone disagreed with hm he would get angry with them but he found it impossible to be angry with his Fiona, instead he would listen to her and try to see her point of view, which made for a special bond between them. It was during one of these interludes between their lovemaking that Fiona told him,

'When we perform that first ceremony, if as you enter me overhead storm clouds gather with lightening playing in them, then I carry your child. It is the gods giving us their blessings. I will know then for certain but now, speaking as your mate and not as the Priestess, I feel that I already have your life growing within me. Still we have 2 more nights and days to make sure.'

Darius chuckled as he stroked Fiona's hair back from her brow that was damp from the sweat of their latest exertions.

"So you believe that your gods know everything? Perhaps they do but you know your body better than even me, so if you feel that life is stirring within your belly then it must be true but as you say we still have time to ensure that you will have the first of many little ones to celebrate."

He lay Fiona on her back and kissed her from one breast to her sweet lips and back again to the other and suckled on it as he slid a finger into her wet tender sex.

"Despite everything, our happiness and the joy we find with each other I sense that something is troubling you. I don't believe that it is anything to do with us being together but something else that you cannot put a name to yet. I am basically a warrior and can sense danger before it materializes, I too have a feeling that the peace of the village will be disturbed before many days have passed. If that happens I may well have to leave you for a while and as time passes your newly discovered needs will crowd in on you and you will need relief. Before yesterday you were pure and those needs meant nothing so you ignored them but now you have to know how to deal with them, I propose to teach you, but I promise at the end of each lesson you will not be left feeling needy."

Having said his piece Darius rolled on his back and lifted Fiona to sit atop his thick rod of meaty muscle.
As she rode her mate’s thick manhood, Fiona smiled though his words worried her. Now she felt even more certain that trouble lay on the distant horizon. For a non-believer to feel such things made the voices that she had heard even more disturbing. The safety of her village was her responsibility. Or rather the responsibility of her and her mate.

Still, this was the time of her awakening, the making of her into the Priestess Perfect. As though she felt that indeed she carried his child, it was also important that they be a couple in harmony with one another.

Her big strong mate seemed to effortlessly lift her up and down upon his manhood as its powerful length thrusted deep into her womb to eventually deposit another supply of his seed where she felt already his child grew. As she shuddered upon his length, her breast pointed to heaven in joy and acceptance until finally she collapsed upon him with their bare bodies pressed tightly together in sweaty joy.

It was just one of many more times that they joined until at last they both fell asleep surrounded by the sounds of the forest at night, her fist tightly clutching the braid of his beard.

This night, she felt that her dreams were almost prophetic. There was a dark force that moved through the forest towards them, their envious eyes wanting nothing more that to possess her village and all that they owned. It was a worrying dream and she slept fitfully in her lover’s arms.
Darius enthusiastically made love to Fiona what seemed innumerable times somehow each time he summoned a volume of his hot seed to pump into her so she was satisfied but eventually she fell asleep holding his braided beard in one hand and her head on his chest with her long golden tresses fanned out over his body like a blanket.

Darius was tired but sleep wouldn't come and he lay awake staring into the darkness of the dimly lit hut. Suddenly he noticed something glowing just a few feet away, glowing brighter and brighter, he couldn't take his eyes off it and then realised it was Fiona's amulet. Intrigued, he watched as a cloud formed above it then cleared to show a scene in the forest.


Wolf motioned to his raiding party to halt and stay quiet as they reached the edge of the thick forest and looked out over the open space between them and the village at precisely the same spot that Darius had occupied when he first saw Fiona.

"Hmmm looks asthough they've been busy and got someone who knows what they're doing." He mused.

When he had scouted the village two weeks ago it had pitiful defences and even the men looked as though they would turn tail and run if someone said 'BOO' to them, but now it was well defended even before they could get into the village and the men keeping guard were clearly fighting men, in fact he recognised several of them having come up against them in previous skirmishes .
"I know him ," grunted Wolf as he saw Igor check on the guards.

"He's Longtongue's sage, so Longtongue can't be far away and he's good, really good, it won't be easy getting into the village and then we still have to find the blonde haired beauty once we're in, though I'm not leaving until we've got her, I've seen her once and by the gods I want her. She'll look good sitting on the end of my cock."

The raiding party gathered around and Wolf barked at a rough looking man and ordered,

"Gilbert, go on up that tree and see what's happening in the village."

Reluctantly he began climbing the tree going higher and higher as Wolf waved him onwards, at the very top he could see right into the centre of the village. There was a raised platform with what appeared to be an altar on top and to one side a huge bonfire was being made. He could not call down to Wolf what he had seen in case he was heard by the guards so he began to climb down but a heavy wind blew up and rocked the tree side to side, Gilbert held on with all his strength but suddenly the branch he was standing on broke and sent him plunging to the ground. He landed on his back at Wolf's feet with a sickening thud and before anyone could move broken branches followed and pierced his heart like a stake. Three in all, leaning together with the centre one straight through his heart. Next moment they burst into flame and seared the eyeballs of the raiding party. A few minutes later they cleared their eyes and all that remained of Gilbert was a scorched patch of grass with no sign of what had been burned. Some of the raiding party were greatly disturbed by this and said they were going to leave.

Wolf flew into a rage and spoke angrily,

"You are all my men and you do what I say, if anyone tries to leave they will be tried as traitors and lose their heads. So who's leaving?"

No one moved and Wolf laughed "So you're more scared of me than a freak act of nature, a bit of wind and lightning is all it was."

No one dare argue with him but some had seen druids magic at work before and they were afraid.


The cloud covered the scene again and Darius heard a voice inside his head saying,

"We know you are not a true believer but perhaps you will now begin to understand our power. The scene you just witnessed was happening as you watched it. The one called Gilbert is deep in the forest where the wild animals can feast on him. We had hoped that the menace would now pass us by but it seems their leader has a hold on them even those who have fear in their hearts. It is most inconvenient that they should come while you are mating with Fiona, however you must deal with this problem first and then begin the mating ritual again from the beginning. Only do this if you now believe in us."

Darius was astounded, he almost thought he was dreaming but he stretched out his hand to the amulet and found it still quite warm.

"FIONA WAKE UP, I have something to tell you."
As she slept, the gods touched her mind, trying to warn her. Her heart beat faster, as if knowing that something was coming. Somehow she was not as happy as she should be. After all, as the Priestess her village came first.

The rousing from her sleep, despite her troubled dreams, was startling. Perhaps it was the tone of Darius’ voice that worried her.

FIONA WAKE UP, I have something to tell you.

There was an urgency in his voice that made her instantly open her eyes. Something was wrong if a man such as Darius was waking her thusly. She sat up, the cover dropping away to reveal her nude body and a worried look on her mate’s face.

“What is it, Darius? What is wrong?”

He spent the next minute or so describing the scene that he had just witnessed and what the gods had told him. As he spoke, she felt her stomach dip. She had known that her rule would be ushered in with violence but she had hoped that she was wrong.

“We have no time to lose. The gods watch over us but we must do our part. I know that you and your men are used to conflict and battle. But my men have become complacent, used to the gods protecting us. This time they must be willing to protect their village.

She quickly rose and dressed, as did Darius. Soon they were dressed and Fiona grabbed her amulet to slip it around her neck.

“We must quietly gather everyone together. You are to be in charge of defenses, with you and your men primary. We will back you up. The one ones that do not fight are the women that are nearing the delivery of their child. My mate, my love, we must be victorious.”

Then with those words she kissed him hard, then took his hand and placed it on her belly. “For your mate and your child that she feels certain that she carries...”

As the door opened, the villagers that were standing nearby were shocked to see both the Priestess Perfect and her mate exit their hut before the time of the ceremony, dressed and ready for battle. Quietly Darius slipped away to speak to his men on the defensive wall. Meanwhile, pressing home the need for quiet and urgency, she sent the villagers standing there to quietly gather all the villagers and bring them to the fearann. They were to leave alone the new villagers as Darius was handling them.

Her people knew that for a Priestess to break her mating time meant that something serious was happening. Quickly and quietly they crammed into the fearann, with the woman living there huddled nervously together. They all looked to her as they gathered around her. Even the children were quiet, knowing full well that something bad was about to happen.

“My people, we must prepare.” Her voice was soft yet still managed to carry to those gathered. “The gods have spoken to Darius. Outside our walls are men gathering to attack us. They want our village, our people. They would make our men slaves, bed our women, sell our children. We cannot let that happen. My mate is talking to his men and they are warriors. If one of them asks for aid, then give it to them. In this time, we are all one. You women...” Fiona pointed to several women that were heavy with child and nearing their time. “...are to be protected. You stay here.”

She spent the next minute giving orders to various men and a few of the young strong women. Once that was done, she headed off to find Darius.
Darius was impressed by Fiona's response to his story of the dream and all its implications, there was no wringing of hands or signs of tears, no indication of weakness, just a determination to do her best to keep her village and everyone in it, safe.

He donned his battle armour and short fighting sword and according to his own rituals he dipped his fingers in the ashes of the fire and smeared three lines of black charcoal down each cheek which made him look even more fearsome. Meanwhile Fiona had covered her nude body and dressed in a practical way discarding the long flowing robes for a short tunic of hardened leather and to his surprise a sword of some length. She had a determined look on her face and Darius could see that his mate was far more than just a pretty face, this was a Fiona that he had never seen before.

She issued her orders to him and villagers that stood close by staring in surprise, Darius lost no time gathering his men about him, there were only twenty two of them but they were quite formidable having gone through several battles together. Just as he had finished giving his orders he spied Fiona striding purposefully towards him.

"What are you doing here Fiona my love? This is no place for a woman, especially one who may be carrying our future in her belly."

Before she could reply a cry went up, "HERE THEY COME, THERE'S DOZENS OF THEM."

The first wave of the attackers foundered on the spiked pits that had been dug but the second wave skirted the first row and moved confidently forward and dropped down into the wide ditch that had been dug right around the village.

"Light the torches and light the oil" Commanded Darius and within a couple of minutes the village was surrounded by a ring of fire and Wolf's men were scrambling from the fiery ditch, beating at their clothes that had caught fire. Their screams filled the air and thick smoke filled their lungs as half of Darius's company ventured out to despatch any of the enemy within the fiery ring before returning to the safety of the village palisades.

There was a lull as Wolf's men retreated to the forest to regroup, Darius's men were in high spirits, they had easily repelled the attack and not suffered even on minor injury. Darius though stood watching the forest, he had fought against Wolf before and knew he would not give up easily,

"They'll be back" He stated flatly and put his arm around Fiona's waist and hugged her to him,

"Would it please your gods if we asked for their help? If we knew what they were planning."

Just as he spoke there was an opening in the thick undergrowth at the edge of the wood and a mysterious looking figure appeared and seemed to glide over the ground, as it drew closer it appeared to be a beautiful young woman with a white owl on her arm,

"Do not fear for me your enemies cannot see me, I am Fauna goddess of the forest, my superiors have told me to help you in whatever way I can, I will listen to their plans and send Oswald the wise with a note."

At the mention of his name the white owl flapped his wings impatiently.

"I must return now, Oswald hates the open spaces."

She turned and quickly disappeared into the forest.

Darius grinned at Fiona, "Seems we don't have to ask after all, I am beginning to believe in them now."
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Fiona recognized Fauna. There had been many times in her life when the goddess of the Forest had come to her. Her father and her mother (back when her mother lived) had introduced her to the beautiful goddess and despite the fact that she had grown up, and that her mother was dead, Fauna had never aged. And her mother told her that because she was a goddess, this would always be her appearance. And the same applied to Oswald. It was not another snowy owl that looked like Oswald, it was the same bird.

There was a slight nod and a smile of recognition between her and the goddess. What was nice was that Darius too saw the apparition, just one more assurance that the gods approved of him as her mate.

When Fauna spoke, the sound was as if the wind rustled the leaves in the trees, and indeed, to those not chosen, that us what they would hear. Yet no wind shook the branches.

Do not fear for me your enemies cannot see me, I am Fauna goddess of the forest, my superiors have told me to help you in whatever way I can, I will listen to their plans and send Oswald the wise with a note. I must return now, Oswald hates the open spaces.

And with that the goddess was gone and all grew still. Darius grinned and grabbed her hand, squeezing her fingers.

Seems we don't have to ask after all, I am beginning to believe in them now.

“I told you. They hear all and to those that believe, they give aid.” She grabbed his braided hair that hung from his chin and pulled his face down to her level. “Just remember that you are the father of what lies in my belly. I want you around to give me more.” She kissed him fiercely before turning on her heels and leaving the fortified walls. She needed to check on her people.

Several of the stronger and more agile of the men from the village were running errands for Darius’ men. Distributing supplies, fetching water, whatever was needed. Fiona looked around the outer wall, noting that along various points stood a man peering out into the dawning light. The door to the outside had been bolted and over it stood two guards. She also noted that several of the village men stood near the doors with various weapons in their hands.

As she approached they turned to greet her with worried looks on their faces.

“Priestess, you should take cover.”

“I am fine. How are you?”

“A bit worried. We have been training by the new villagers. We are nowhere near as good as they are but as this is the weakest part of the wall, should the enemy break through, we are prepared to fight. You should take care. We all pray to the gods that despite having to break your mating and delay the ceremony, we hope that already you carry within you the continuation of our village.”

“Thank you Evan. May the gods watch over us all.”

And with that she left and went to the well, which had now been enclosed inside the palisades of the village. Quickly she fetched some water to take into the women inside the fearann. She was not with Darius when Oswald returned with news as to what was being planned by the enemy outside. But she felt his arrival and wondered.
When Fauna left and disappeared back into the forest Darius took Fiona's hand and gently squeezed her fingers,

'Seems we don't have to ask after all, I am beginning to believe in them now.'

In reply Fiona grabbed his beard and pulled his face down to hers for a loving kiss and reminded him that he should take care of himself for he was the father of the child that she was convinced was already growing inside her.

She had other things to attend to and left him to organize all his men and the village men into units of ten, with the villagers numbering thirty men he had just over fifty men at his disposal so five units of ten with four warriors in each unit, the two spare he sent to keep watch on the gates, he himself would be wherever he was needed.

About two hours later Darius felt something on his shoulder, to his surprise it was Oswald who fixed him with an unblinking gaze and without making a sound he delivered his message to Darius's brain,

"Listen well brave warrior and mate of the future Priestess Perfect, Your enemies are planning to launch an attack on the gateway at first daylight tomorrow, now they are aware of the spear pits they are cutting logs to lay over them, I Fauna will do my best to give them an uncomfortable night so they do not rest, Their food supplies will be infested with ants and their armour also, the creatures of the forest will join together to provide a cacophony of sound that no man could sleep through, the forest floor will become slippery and treacherous, the bushes will bind tightly together so they cannot move easily in the forest, We cannot attack them directly but we will give aid wherever possible."

Darius took it all in and stuttered his thanks although he felt rather stupid thanking an owl. He knew the value of a good night's rest before a battle and from what he had just been told Wolf's forces would be tired and hungry and have no real stomach for a battle in the morning.

Darius went in search of Fiona and gave her the news and then with a glint in his eye he remarked,

"It appears that we will not be bothered for a few hours and we still have our mating to complete,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,shall we?"

He lifted her over his shoulder and marched swiftly to their hut with a giggling Fiona kicking her legs and beating with her fists on his back. In the dim light of their hut he set her down only to lift her up again with her rear cupped by his large hands and her legs around his waist.

"Just in case you are wrong about being with child we have to keep trying don't we?"

He chuckled as his manhood found her wet sex.
The news from Oswald was promising, according to what Darius had told her. She had known that the gods would give aid when and where they could. So when Darius suddenly stood there, that strange glint of desire in his warrior eyes, what came next was really no surprise.

It appears that we will not be bothered for a few hours and we still have our mating to complete,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,shall we?

Suddenly she was looking upside down at his broad back amidst the laughter and cheers of the nearby people. Once alone in their hut, he set her down on her feet though the coolness of its interior did nothing to dampen his desire. No sooner had her feet touched the packed earth than he quickly lifted her again, his large hands providing her a seat. Naturally she hooked her legs around his body as she slipped her arms around his neck.

Just in case you are wrong about being with child we have to keep trying don't we?

Easily his manhood slipped inside her, filling her as if they two were made only for each other. His grin matched her own and with ease he began to move her back and forth, sliding his massive member in and out of her womanhood. It seemed somewhat strange for their upper bodies to still be clothed, and yet it seemed so natural to be mating with Darius. Despite this all being a bit new to her, it was still right and she silently thanked the gods for leading her to him, or him to her, whichever it should be.

In the darkness of the hut, only the sounds of their mating filled it, the grunts and groans, the sounds of wet skin against wet skin, the moans and triumphant cries as he filled her with his life-giving seed. All of this was accomplished with him standing holding her to him, and she marveled at his stamina. Surely such a warrior would produce strong sons.

Afterwards they stayed locked, his manhood acting like a cork within her as if to make sure that the seed found her womb and took root. His hands still splayed across her butt cheeks, from time to time squeezing the flesh that it cradled. With her shift bunched around her waist, she playfully tugged on the braided beard before her and kissed him.

“As much as I wish that we could stay this way, I suggest that we quickly grab what rest we can. I feel that the hour of attack will arrive sooner than we wish and we need to be well rested.”

With one last kiss he gently uncoupled from her and set her down. Soon they were asleep on the pallet, with her in his arms and her head resting on his chest. They slept fully dressed, ready to fight at a moments notice. In fact, a large portion of the village slept, gathering strength for the battle to come in the morning.

She was gently awaken with a nudge and a kiss from Darius, feeling somewhat rested. Outside, the pregnant women had prepared food for the village, with hard bread and a piece of cooked rabbit. Most of the villagers sat around in the dark, quietly munching and mulling about the upcoming battle. Here and there Darius gave instructions to his men before they headed out to relieve the men that had guarded through the night.

As the men that had kept the night guard arrived, they would grab food and munch on their way to grab some sleep. The village was filled with an uneasy feeling, not knowing what to expect. Within her she heard the gods and glanced at Darius across the clearing inside the walls. From the grim determination on his face, he too had received the message from Oswald.

“Prepare for the enemy is at hand.”
As usual Darius's desires and needs knew no bounds on the eve of a battle and his seed was at its most potent so by fucking Fiona now he would be certain to impregnate her so she would produce at least one fine strong son.

He took her and fucked her with such ferocity but intermingled with a passionate tenderness showing her just how much he loved her. His warrior's member filled her waiting receptacle for his life giving seed as they held each other in a tight embrace. He groaned and grunted as his member slid in and out of her hot, wet sex. With a mighty roar he exploded inside her as she shuddered her own climax and his sperm filled her to capacity but he remained coupled inside her to ensure none was wasted. For long moments after they panted against each other until Fiona tugged on his short braided beard and kissed him. Fiona's eyes sparkled in the semi darkness of the hut.

'As much as I wish that we could stay this way, I suggest that we quickly grab what rest we can. I feel that the hour of attack will arrive sooner than we wish and we need to be well rested.'

Darius saw the wisdom of her words and with another deep lingering kiss he squeezed her firm fleshy buttocks, withdrew from the warmth of her sex and set her back down on the packed earth.

They lay together on the pallet and with Fiona's head resting on his muscular chest they were soon asleep. The rest of the village slept as well although some were frightened but Darius's men slept soundly, accepting the fact that they might perish in the next few hours as their destiny but they would die with sword in hand like true warriors.

Darius woke Fiona with a gentle kiss and a nudge and fetched their breakfast of hard bread a stewed rabbit washed down with a flagon of the sweetened wine. When they had finished Darius told Fiona,

"I am going to check that everyone is prepared and knows what they have to do, I will be back for you shortly, we must fight together you and I, I trust you know how to use that sword, you carry it like one who is well used to it."

He went off leaving her alone with her thoughts in their mating hut and he did the rounds of each group and checked that each knew their role in the battle. He heard Oswald's voice in his head and met Fiona' glance as she stood in the doorway looking every inch like a warrior princess. He knew Oswald was warning them that Wolf was on the move,

'Prepare for the enemy is at hand.

When the attack began at first light Darius and Fiona stood at the forefront of the defenders, standing side by side they were a fearsome sight and put fire in the bellies of even the most timid of the villagers and the attackers couldn't pass the first barrier as they were tired and hungry after ants had spoiled their food and infested their clothing as they tried to sleep.

Fauna had kept her word well.