A Dangerous captive

She was pleased that Darius was making a definite attempt to do as she had told. She was worried and upset when she had first been taken. But she could see that this had been the god’s way of solving her problem.

For some time, they had told her that it was time to take a mate. But she had to admit that she had really not been pleased with the options that presented themselves back at the village.

Most of the men that were of viable age were already mated. And there were other men but most of them were older and might not be up for the rigors required of them.

Yet now, in the darkness of night, he seemed pleased that she was willing to lay with him. His kisses were sweet and definitely eager. He pressed his body against hers and she quickly felt the press of his manhood against her body. His body was strong and muscular and she feared that he would get carried away and crush her yet somehow he was gentle with her. So, being very much aware that Darius was making an effort to comply with her terms, she just smiled back at him and held his growing member in her hand. With that, he grinned back at her and held his breast in his large hands which seemed somewhat amusing. As if unsure of himself, one of his hands worked its way down to where her nether hair guarded her sex with blonde curls.

Have I found favour with my priestess? I am wary of making too much of tonight, I suggest we sleep on it and discuss it in the cold light of day.

“Yes. Most definitely. I am very pleased, Darius.”

She chastely kissed his lips and curled up in his arms and was soon asleep, but not before her gods told her that they too found favor with the man. She didn’t know if she would be so quick to tell him do.
Darius found Fiona a soft and delicate woman and quite receptive to his caresses and kisses. Her lips were soft and tasted of honey yet not a flavour that he was accustomed to but he found it intoxicating and he wanted more, he wanted to taste her between her legs and have her taste him but not wishing to rush things he contented himself with finding where he needed to touch her to make her moan and sigh with contentment if not yet with desire. Her nether hair was a bush of fine silky blonde curls and he was quite content to wrap those curls around his fingers as she held his shaft in her little hand. His manhood was stiff and erect in her hand but no cream appeared at the tip, he realised that Fiona still had control over him but he thought that if he treated her well she would eventually see him as a mate and release the spell she had put on him. Before they went to sleep Fiona actually kissed HIM, it was a chaste kiss but Darius treasured it in his mind.

When he awoke, Fiona was still asleep beside him, still holding his flaccid cock in her hand and sprawled out completely naked.

"What a glorious sight to behold when I wake, I look forward to the day when I can show my appreciation fully. Are you truly going to keep me waiting until the moon begins to wane?"

Darius had one of the women bring them food and as there was nothing else, some rather foul tasting wine.

"We will take a walk this morning and explain to everyone what is happening." He declared, when they were both dressed, Fiona in the fine dress he had given her and Darius in what passed for his best tunic, they stepped out into the sunlight.

"Take my arm Fiona, you will walk beside me as my equal, not walk behind your man as the other women do."

As they walked Darius spoke to everyone they met, men and women alike, the women sank to their knees and bowed their heads as they passed whereas the men nodded their heads in acknowledgement of their leader although they heard the mutterings behind them

*What is he doing, treating her like some sort of princess? No good will come of it I tell you.*

They ignored them and called everyone together in the large open space in the centre of the camp where Darius addressed them.

"Let it be known the woman here is Fiona and will shortly become my mate, she is to be treated as an equal by men and women alike, when she speaks she speaks for me and will be obeyed, anyone who disobeys faces a public flogging, any who do not like the idea can collect their belongings now and leave with no recriminations."

He waited a few minutes as a buzz went around the gathering but no one left.

"Very good you have all sworn your allegiance to me now Fiona is included in that allegiance and let me remind you, in that oath you swore you vowed that you would lay down your life for me, for that I thank you."

The crowd dispersed and Darius turned to Fiona and said proudly,

"You see how I am revered even among cutthroats and murderers do your gods revere you as much or is the shoe on the other foot and you obey them regardless of what is right and what is wrong?"
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Darius awoke her the next morning. She found that the more she knew of him, the more that she was pleased with the choice of the gods. He seemed truly willing to abide by her rules and that pleased her for when she had held his manhood in her hands last night, she could feel the power in it. The man was fertile and would give her beautiful children. And he should be able to perform ceremonies in public to assure the fertility of the crops, celebrations of sacred days and nights and the such.

After all, she had seen her mother and father in ceremonies on the sacred days. Every time she had watched, it was to remember for the time when she herself would lead in ceremonies with her own mate.

A smile played around her lips as she remembered holding his powerful member in her hand. Her hand still tingled from its power. Thankfully the full moon was not that far away. Though, the first time would be in private. She would not want to cry or show pain during a ceremony.

He too seemed eager to be her mate, especially from the way that he woke her.

What a glorious sight to behold when I wake, I look forward to the day when I can show my appreciation fully. Are you truly going to keep me waiting until the moon begins to wane?

“Oh yes.” She smiled. “The waning of the moon is really not that far away. It’s just that you are anxious. You are a very sexual man. I can tell. The energy crackles around you. You are very potent.”

One of the other women of the camp brought them food to break their fast, though the wine was watery and had actually turned. She made a mental note to gather some specific herbs that she could use to slow the turning of the wine. Meanwhile he announced that it was time to inform his people about the changes that would be happening.

Once they were properly dressed, he offered her his arm and led her out into the day. She was impressed a bit as both the men and the women appeared to show honor to him.

Quickly he gathered everyone about them and proceeded to explain things to those gathered.

Let it be known the woman here is Fiona and will shortly become my mate, she is to be treated as an equal by men and women alike, when she speaks she speaks for me and will be obeyed, anyone who disobeys faces a public flogging, any who do not like the idea can collect their belongings now and leave with no recriminations.

There was a general bit of confusion with some of the men looking doubtful and the women looking unsure of themselves. Though no one signaled that they wished to leave, she suspected that there would eventually be a problem with one or two of the men. He had brought up a valid point yesterday. Some of his men were used to taking any woman that they wanted, whether the woman wished it or not.

Such conduct would not be allowed. She hoped that Darius did indeed have control over his men. The gods were not as forgiving as she would be.

Nevertheless, after the announcement, everyone went their separate ways and he turned to her, proudly stating, You see how I am revered even among cutthroats and murderers do your gods revere you as much or is the shoe on the other foot and you obey them regardless of what is right and what is wrong?

She paused. “Do you tell your gods what to do? If you do, then they are not true gods. A god has knowledge that a mere human does not have access to. You have seen how my gods protect me. I revere them and I trust that there is a reason for why things are the way they are. All around us is power if you only open yourself to it.”

She reached out a hand and took his. Immediately there was a tingling in her palm and her fingers.

“Do you feel that , Darius? The gods call to you and your people if you but open your hearts and listen.”

After a moment, the tingling left yet she still held his hand. “If you will escort me to a river, I will gather some herbs that we can use to change your wine to something more palatable. And tomorrow I will need you to take me to my village where I can take care of my people. And my Father. He has been sick and I need to check on him.
Darius made his announcement to his people and as he hoped none elected to leave and with that they were accepting of Fiona. When they had dispersed to go about their daily business Darius queried Fiona as to whether she did the bidding of her gods without question or if she had reservations of her own, he was Thinking of Gilda and her terrible end to her young life. Fiona was resistant to any suggestion that her gods were ever wrong and tried to persuade him to open his mind to them but he was adamant that his gods were preferable. He was aching for Fiona to take his manhood in her hand again and it stiffened under his tunic. She took his hand instead and felt the tingle go along his arm.

'Do you feel that, Darius? The gods call to you and your people if you but open your hearts and listen.'

He couldn't help but wonder if she was right, she clearly had powers that were not available to ordinary mortals and therefore must come from her gods. THe tingling sensation was momentary and disappeared but she still held his hand and he entwined his fingers in hers as they walked.

'If you will escort me to a river, I will gather some herbs that we can use to change your wine to something more palatable. And tomorrow I will need you to take me to my village where I can take care of my people. And my Father. He has been sick and I need to check on him.'

Fiona's declaration that she could improve the wine cheered him but he was dubious about taking her back to her village, who knew if she would choose to remain there?

"I will take you to your village on one condition, one of your villagers must come to us while you are there, they will not be harmed and free to return when you return to me , accept that and we will go tomorrow."

Fiona furrowed her brow at his terms as if she thought that he did not trust her and he hastened to add,

"It's common practice among peoples who do not know or trust each other to demand a hostage, my people would think it foolish of me to just take your word, someone I barely know, although with the waning of the moon we will get to know each other in a physical sense as well as a spiritual sense."

By this time they had arrived at the river where the water flowed slowly through reeds and floating flowers called water lilies. Fiona clapped her hands with delight and stripped off her dress and walked naked into the river to pick the largest flower which happened to be in the middle of the river.

Darius watched rapturously at Fiona's naked body as she waded into the river, her firm round bottom swaying from side to side and when she returned her firm young breasts bounced and swayed in a tantalising pattern. When she reached him he caught her hand and pulled her down beside him and chuckled,

"That I did not expect, I think I must bring you to pick flowers and herbs every day if that is how you go about it."

He pulled her pale delicate body to him and his hands roamed over her naked body as he kissed her passionately, he could not get enough of her and he ached for her but was wise enough to know he had to wait a while longer.
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She was confused by his announcement that one of the men from her village come here to wait as a hostage. His explanation did not make sense.

“But Darius, we shall only be there for a brief time and we will return back here the same day. It is necessary that I introduce you to the village as my intended. That we are to be joined together as mates during the next full moon and that you will serve with me. They will want to prepare a feast and welcome the joining of your people that wish to join to our village. The village shall prepare a new place for my father so that you and I can take our place in the ceremonial hut. And when your people decide to join us, they will aid in your people building their huts. And, of course, I shall check on Father. He has been sick and was just recovering. Then we shall return here. But you and I shall be together the entire time, so why should someone from my settlement come here?”

She could hear the river and suddenly, he parted the greenery and there was a beautiful river. It was a beautiful one, lazily flowing so as almost imperceptible. And in the quietest portion grew the floating flowers in the very center.

She happily clapped her hands and quickly shed her tunic, wading nude out to where the flowers grew. She looked for the most perfect of the flowers and gathered them before heading back to shore.

She needed to also gather some herbs that should grow along the shore. Once she reached the shore, she was preparing to look for the herbs. Her plans were sidetracked when she reached Darius as the man playfully pulled her down beside him, his eager fingers playing with her breast. She could feel the energy from this man and understood why the gods had allowed him to kidnapped her.

That I did not expect, I think I must bring you to pick flowers and herbs every day if that is how you go about it.

As he kissed her, he pressed his body against hers and even though he wore his tunic, she could feel his manhood growing stronger to poke at her through the cloth. His fingers found the blond curls guarding her sex and played with them.

“You are strong and virile and though our mating may cause me some blood and pain, I will welcome it for you will know that I was chosen for you. The children that I shall bear will be yours and yours alone. And at certain times during certain ceremonies, you shall take me before the assembled and pour your power into me so that I may fulfill my position as the Priestess of our people. And show our people your virility as all shall watch you take me and know that all is as it should be.” She kissed him back before stroking his manhood through his tunic. “My mate. My partner. My strength. It is not that long until the full moon.”

She gave him another kiss before standing and walking along the river’s edge to pick the herbs that she needed. Once she had found everything, she gave them to Darius to hold for her and quickly slipped on her tunic.

“I’m ready to return to your camp and prepare these for use. Then your wine will taste better.”
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As they lay together finding the secretive tempting areas of each other's body Fiona spoke to him and for the first time she revealed what would be expected of them both once they had become mates.

'You are strong and virile and though our mating may cause me some blood and pain, I will welcome it for you will know that I was chosen for you. The children that I shall bear will be yours and yours alone. And at certain times during certain ceremonies, you shall take me before the assembled and pour your power into me so that I may fulfill my position as the Priestess of our people. And show our people your virility as all shall watch you take me and know that all is as it should be.

She kissed him back before stroking his manhood through his tunic.

My mate. My partner. My strength. It is not that long until the full moon.'

From the way she spoke and the fervour of her kisses he deduced that she was as eager for the mating to begin as he was, but they still had to wait until the moon was right.

"Fiona, I do not fear proving my virility in front of an audience, it is you that I fear for, not being able to keep your dignity as I enter you. Our first time together should be in private so you can learn to accept what is my rather large member, if you need to call out in pain, do it then rather than at our public joining."

Fiona looked thoughtful as she kissed him again then she was off along the river bank collecting a number of different herbs, Darius watched her, every movement of her naked body was a joy to see, the gentle sway of her hips and the way her breasts bounced gracefully with every step and then as she bent to pick a herb her breasts hung down like large ripe melons. Darius had never been more content.

When she had sufficient she returned to Darius and gave him the herbs to hold while she slipped her tunic on, there was a look of disappointment on his face as she covered herself.

'I’m ready to return to your camp and prepare these for use. Then your wine will taste better.'

Darius didn't know where the words came from as he had always been a man of few words, but they came anyway.

"If the wine is one quarter as sweet as your kisses then it will be sweet indeed."

He realised what he had said and blushed slightly, was he getting soft or was he in love?

As they walked back to the camp they held hands, fingers entwined like a courting couple, although Darius withdrew his hand as they entered the camp and had Fiona hold his arm instead.

Darius had things to attend to and left Fiona getting the women to collect all the pitchers of wine while she used a mortar and pestle to grind the flowers and herbs to dust in certain proportions. Some of the men complained loudly at having no wine to drink but Darius told them.

"Surely you can abstain until tomorrow, Fiona has promised me that by morning the wine will be more palatable and you should be thankful for that as what we have now has turned and tastes sour and foul."

Amid a few oaths and grumbles the men dispersed and went in search of a wench to help them pass the time. As the sun was setting Darius waited for Fiona to join him,

"Have you done with the wine Fiona? You are so very caring of our comfort, talking of which, after today's events I find myself wanting relief desperately, I understand that you cannot or will not give me that relief yourself but if you have no objection to watching me then I can relieve myself."

He lay propped by cushions and exposed his erect manhood and began stroking it all the while watching Fiona to see if she was looking. As he was stroking faster and faster he asked Fiona,

"Do you like watching me and look forward to the full moon? I am curious, you are a virgin but do you touch yourself to give yourself relief in the same way?"
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If the wine is one quarter as sweet as your kisses then it will be sweet indeed.

As they walked back to the camp, she spoke, trying to clear things up.

“I fear that I may not have been clear when I told you about our mating. For the first three days and nights, you and I will be alone in our hut. First, there is a feast where the entire village will join us in celebration of our pledging to each other. You will sit with the men and I will sit with the women. There is food and feasting and after the meal, finally the eldest male of our village will stand and call for me to stand, stating that it is time that I have a mate. He will then ask if there is one among the men that has been accepted by me. You then stand and state that you are to be my mate, to rule with me and give me many children. The elder will then ask me if this is true. I will say yes.”

She smiled and then continued. “You then run over and throw me over your shoulder and take me into our hut. Then for 3 days and nights, you will show me the joys of sex. We do not leave the hut. All food and drink is placed outside our door by our people. Then on the Fourth night, you and I travel to the sacred clearing. All adults will be there waiting for us where you will then show our people your virility and take me in ceremony. You ceremonially bind me to the alter and fill me with your seed. So I will have 3 days and nights to have my body learn how to take your powerful sword. Now do you understand?”

As they came in sight of the camp, he left her with the women with her herbs. She ordered them to gather every jug of wine in the camp before she set about teaching the women how to prepare the wine. She taught them how to grind the herbs and the amount to put in each jug. One woman looked in and made a face.

“What a waste of good wine.”

“It was not good! It had soured and made my stomach turn.”

“It is the child that grows in your belly that turns your stomach.”

Fiona interrupted the bickering and explained.

“What we put in the wine will sit overnight. In the morning, we pour the wine through a cloth and the clean wine will no longer taste sour and indeed will be more potent.”

Once they had set the wine in a shady place, she talked to the women about their life in the camp.

“Do the men use you only for their sexual gratification?”

“That is what we are here for. Any man may come and fuck us whenever he wishes and we must accept it. That is why I am with child. This will be my third.”

“But where are your children? I see no little ones playing in the camp!”

The woman looked sad. “The first one died but a few hours after he took a breath. The second one, a little girl, was sold by the men as trade for weapons that they needed. I fear for this one.” She placed a hand on her stomach and began to cry.”

Fiona put her arms around the woman and comforted her. After a moment, she told the women, “listen to me. Very soon Darius and I will become mates and he will join my village. Each of you, male and female alike, will be allowed to join my village too. And no man may stop you from joining if you want. Under my protection and the protection of my gods, no man may take you for his sexual relief. That is, unless you want him to. My gods will protect you. And you will keep your child. So be patient and things will be better.”

The woman asked her questions about her village for a while until one of the men came up and grabbed a pretty young woman. He took her over to a large rock and bent her over it, lifting her tunic and began to rut into her. The young woman could only hang onto the warm rock while the man gripped her hips and furiously pumped into her. He soon gave a grunt as he deposited his seed into the woman. With a slap on her bare ass, the man pulled his tunic down and strode off.

The woman seemed somewhat dazed and she began to pull herself away from the rock when suddenly another man strode up to her and pushed her back face down onto the rock before ramming himself into the same hole that the previous man had vacated, pumping into her with such veracity. He grabbed her long brown hair and pulled it back as he grunted and groaned.

“She is the newest here, save for you. Every man wants to have her, wants to show his virility and fill her belly with a child. Once she becomes heavy, each man here will proclaim it his and a sure sign of his power.”

Once the second man was through, the woman managed to pull herself together and Fiona helped her clean herself off.

Some time later, she saw the same women being dragged off by some other man into that man’s private clearing. She would need to talk to Darius about this!

As the evening approached, she found Darius in his private place and he appeared to have missed her. She could tell so by the obvious way that his sword nudged his tunic. Soon she would know what it was like to lay with her mate. Until then, she must be strong.

Have you done with the wine Fiona? You are so very caring of our comfort, talking of which, after today's events I find myself wanting relief desperately, I understand that you cannot or will not give me that relief yourself but if you have no objection to watching me then I can relieve myself.

She watched him stroking himself, though it somewhat bothered her, she could not very well ask him to stop. She wanted his seed for herself alone.

Do you like watching me and look forward to the full moon? I am curious, you are a virgin but do you touch yourself to give yourself relief in the same way?

She was quiet for a moment. “I am jealous, for I cannot touch myself that way save during ceremonies. Since I must maintain my maidenhood until I take a mate, I must use my fingers to do my bidding to the god. But I wish that your seed was mine. The closer it gets to our joining, I fear the more jealous I become. I look forward to the night when we become mated. Truly mated.”

Sighing, she stood up and walked over away from Darius and sat with her back to him, trying not to be envious.
'Do you like watching me and look forward to the full moon? I am curious, you are a virgin but do you touch yourself to give yourself relief in the same way?

She was quiet for a moment.

I am jealous, for I cannot touch myself that way save during ceremonies. Since I must maintain my maidenhood until I take a mate, I must use my fingers to do my bidding to the god. But I wish that your seed was mine. The closer it gets to our joining, I fear the more jealous I become. I look forward to the night when we become mated. Truly mated.'

Her reply took him by surprise for he imagined that a woman with Fiona's sensual looks would be sensual with herself and pleasure herself at will. That she would deny herself to please her gods came as a shock but the surprise was softened when she confessed that she was jealous of him pleasuring himself without her and that she was looking forward to mating with him. She turned her back on him so she did not have to witness his creamy seed arc into the air and land on the dirt floor and soak into the sand.

When he had cleaned himself he crossed to her and standing over her he rested his hands on her shoulders and slipped the top of her dress from her ivory coloured shoulders and let it slip down to her waist baring her full naked breasts where her nipples were hard points. He cupped each soft but firm breast gently caressing her engorged nipples with his thumbs.

"Fiona, your devotion to your gods is to be commended but have they said that you cannot be pleasured so long as your maidenhood remains intact?"

As he spoke Fiona's breathing quickened and Darius knew that she was in turmoil emotionally so he continued in a way that made clear that he was determined to take more than a kiss from her even if she kept her virginity until the full moon in just a few days time.

"You are shivering my dear, not from cold though, you are apprehensive of what your gods might think if you are pleasured, surely they will not deny you a gentle introduction with no penetration, none of my seed to soil you and your maidenhood intact, I sense that you want this, need this, your body is crying out for some release, I can give you that release."

He drew her slowly to her feet and her gown slid to the floor leaving her standing naked before him. He embraced her, holding her close and tight,

"Trust me Fiona, show you trust me and cast off the spells that you and your gods have trapped me in. Let me show you that your trust will not be misplaced, I have so much to lose now if I abuse that trust."

As he held her a wind blew through the clearing and Darius felt as though a tight grip on his genitals had been released.

"I thank you for your trust, you will not regret it" He muttered before he kissed Fiona and sank to his knees he kissed her mound gently and let his tongue snake out and slide between her legs into her private parts that had previously been denied to him. He felt Fiona tense as he tasted her wetness that seeped from her slit and sucked her untouched button into his mouth, a flood of sweet juice followed and he lapped it up and then stood holding Fiona at arms length.

"That my love, is just the beginning, at the full moon you will know the true meaning of ecstasy."
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She had thought that all was finished, yet her intended was not one to give up easily. Gently, he crossed to where she sat with her back to him and slid the top of her tunic down, baring her breast. Walking around to face her, his large hands covered the pink nipples that suddenly hardened in the cool air. Her breast were needy and his touch excited her.

Yet, he spoke softly to her.

Fiona, your devotion to your gods is to be commended but have they said that you cannot be pleasured so long as your maidenhood remains intact?

She swallowed hard, his words scared her. All her life, she had followed the rules of the gods. As her mother had taught her, her purpose was to be a conduit between her people and the gods. And because of that, the gods had looked after her and her people, kept them safe. Made their crops plentiful. Brought the rains, the sun. Watched the insects and the animals and kept them at bay.

Yet this man was pressing her to do more. She started panting and her body shivered with his actions.

You are shivering my dear, not from cold though, you are apprehensive of what your gods might think if you are pleasured, surely they will not deny you a gentle introduction with no penetration, none of my seed to soil you and your maidenhood intact, I sense that you want this, need this, your body is crying out for some release, I can give you that release.

He took her hands in his and pulled her to her feet and with that the tunic slid down her body to fall on the ground. He slipped his arms around her and hugged her tight to him. His voice was in her ear.

Trust me Fiona, show you trust me and cast off the spells that you and your gods have trapped me in. Let me show you that your trust will not be misplaced, I have so much to lose now if I abuse that trust.

And with those words the gods rushed through the private clearing. She felt their presence, heard their voice talking to her.

You please us with your devotion.

She heard him mutter something before he kissed her lips. Then to her surprise he knelt before her. Lips kissed the blonde curls that dressed the entrance to her sexual area. She tensed for a moment, not used to such familiarity with the permission of the gods. Yet she had heard the gods show their favor to her intended.

Darius stuck his long tongue out, snaking it’s way to that private place known only to her fingers before now. Suddenly she became breathless with what he did, surprised at how much more intense the feeling were than when she had to use her fingers during a ceremony. No wonder having sex with a partner made the ceremony more powerful. She could understand exactly why the god had pressed her to choose a mate. She could see why the gods had allowed Darius to kidnap her. Perhaps something was to happen that would require stronger magic of the gods.

Still, her knees grew weak as he drew his tongue along the opening to her untouched sex, sucking on the button that she had been taught to rub, until her body gave up her fluids and she could hear Darius drinking from her cup. When he had finished, he stood back up, maintaining an acceptable distance from her so that there would be no temptation. The smile he gave her was a sweet ending.

That my love, is just the beginning, at the full moon you will know the true meaning of ecstasy.

“At the full moon after the ceremony, once you have carried me back to our hut, I shall deny you nothing.”

She stood in his small private clearing, looking overhead at the moon as it had reached a small clearing in the branches of the trees.

“By the moon overhead, I can see that it shall be full in 3 night’s time. In 3 nights, we shall be joined.”
As Fiona's dress slipped from her body it glowed in the watery light of the waning moon, a glowing aura around her displaying her curves that were no longer hidden. Darius sucked in his breath in wonder at her beauty. It was then that the war within him began to rage, the war between his body's demands to be satisfied and the knowledge in his mind that he had stated he could be trusted. He gave no indication of his inner turmoil but carried out his intention to let Fiona have a glimpse of the pleasure he could give her. His long tongue sought out Fiona's nectar and he suddenly felt calm as he drank from her virgin cup, her juices were sweet nectar and his mind cleared and beat back his body's demands that he take her now. He cleaned her with his tongue drinking every last drop of her juices as the flow slowed to a trickle.

' That my love, is just the beginning, at the full moon you will know the true meaning of ecstasy.

Her soft earnest reply to him was full of promise.

At the full moon after the ceremony, once you have carried me back to our hut, I shall deny you nothing.

They stood in his small private clearing, looking overhead at the moon together as it had reached a small clearing in the branches of the trees. They held hands and Fiona whispered huskily to him

'By the moon overhead, I can see that it shall be full in 3 night’s time. In 3 nights, we shall be joined.'

'Would that the moon be full the next night'. he couldn't help thinking but only three more nights would he have to deny himself and Fiona a glorious joining of their bodies and their souls.

"I think it may be best if we slept apart for the next two nights Fiona, I had such a struggle to keep my promise to you that I could be trusted, I cannot trust myself to keep that promise if you are in my bed."

They went to their separate beds and Darius lay awake for a long time thinking of the joining that was to take place. When he finally slept his dreams were full of Fiona and her giving herself to him.
She understood his decision to sleep apart. She too was more comfortable with that. There was no doubt that the gods would have been greatly angered with such a betrayal of their trust.

She soon drifted off to sleep, her dreams full of orders from her gods, letting her know just what was expected of her once she and Darius had done their ceremonial joining before the village.

Morning brought a beautiful sun and she quickly rose and donned her tunic. Out in the general gathering area, the women were starting their day getting food for the men. One woman wore a black eye and Fiona asked what had happened.

“He was angry as he had no wine last night.”



Fiona was angry at such cruelty and setting her jaw, told the women to follow her to where they had set the wine to clean. It took time but they all worked together pouring the wine through a cloth to catch the herbs. Though the herbs had been tiny green bits, they were now dark purple and plump. Once the had cleaned each jar, she bid the women to each try a taste of the drink.

“Why, it is sweet and strong!”

“It taste like wine I had once that costs many coins!”

“The bitter taste is gone!”

“Oh, this should make Cassis happy!”

Each woman grabbed a jug and headed off with some bread and dried meat back to a private area where the men were stirring.

Fiona did the same, grabbing dried meat and bread as well for her and Darius. He was stirring when she arrived. Setting the food down, she poured him a cup of the wine and bid him to drink.

“This should be more palatable,” she told him. She would talk to him on the walk back to her village. Here they really had no privacy as she knew that some of their words could be heard. Frequently she could hear sounds from the other private places - the sounds of sex, sounds of crying, of arguments. She had no desire to make him appear less of a leader before his men. But the treatment of the women would improve once they moved to the village. And all the women planned on leaving this encampment.

Darius would soon have to talk to his men.
When Darius woke it seemed strange that Fiona was not lying with him for he had become accustomed to her presence in his bed, then he remembered what had happened the previous evening and memories of the sweet honeyed taste of Fiona's juices made his mouthwater. He looked over to Fiona's bed and saw that was empty too. He wondered where she could have gone as it was still early and the birds had still not begun their morning chorus. He remembered that today he would accompany Fiona to her village and face the villager's possible anger for abducting their priestess, hopefully Fiona could calm them and explain that they were to mate and he would be bringing more men and women to the village.

Having won many victories during their rampage through the countryside Darius knew the importance of looking impressive. With his great height and savage, brutish appearance most men would quake before him but Darius did not rely on that alone, he dressed in the Roman armour that he had found in an abandoned Roman settlement and buckled on the Gladius, a short sword much favoured by the Romans. He combed out his beard and replaited it with brightly coloured twine.

He had just finished when Fiona returned with some dried meat and a flagon of wine, as she prepared the meat she asked him for his opinion on the wine she had brought, he took a sip quite prepared to spit out the foul stuff from yesterday but instead it was sweet and kind to his palate.

"Is this the wine that you treated with your concoction of herbs?" He smiled as he quaffed half the flagon in one go,"It is sumptuous, I shall have you teach the women your secret."

They ate their breakfast looking at each other but making no mention of the previous evening apart from Darius asking Fiona if she had slept well and had pleasant dreams at which Fiona blushed shyly.

"You must dress in the finest clothes we have and prove to your villagers that you have been treated well and are not being coerced in any way, I will initially take an escort of six of my best men, I cannot be sure of how we will be received so if we are attacked the men I have chosen and myself will be able to repel any attack, it would be wise if you could cast your spell upon them however to prevent any carnal thoughts."

When the company was ready they set off through the woods towards Fiona's village. As they drew nearer they passed several villagers working in the fields, these looked at them curiously and followed them into the village where a crowd soon gathered asking questions among themselves.

'Is that Fiona with them?'

'Why don't they have her bound?'

'She seems to have been well treated, look at her fine clothes.'

'What are they doing here? What do they want?'

Darius heard the mutterings but so far there had been no sign of aggression so he lay his Gladius on the ground and signalled his guard to do the same.

"I think it best if you speak first Fiona and explain what is happening."

He then stepped aside and invited Fiona to address her fellow villagers.
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The morning meal was somewhat stilted and awkward though Darius was pleasantly surprised by the improved quality of the wine. It was funny but his words of praise pleased her.

Meanwhile she could see that he had done his best to look impressive to the villagers. There was no doubt that he and his people would stand out when compared to her villagers.

You must dress in the finest clothes we have and prove to your villagers that you have been treated well and are not being coerced in any way, I will initially take an escort of six of my best men, I cannot be sure of how we will be received so if we are attacked the men I have chosen and myself will be able to repel any attack, it would be wise if you could cast your spell upon them however to prevent any carnal thoughts.

She was a bit disappointed as she had hoped to have a chance to have a private conversation with Darius, but that would not now be possible. She took a cup and poured a portion of the cleaned wine into a cup and stepped outside to where an oak grew. Saying a prayer to her gods, she poured the wine into the roots of the tree. Closing her eyes, she heard their answer and knew that the trip would be good and that Darius’ men would not have any sexual thoughts today.

The trip took several hours of steady walking through the forest before she started recognizing villagers. They appeared surprised to see her again and she merely smiled at them when they started following them into the village. She could hear their talk and was aware of their confusion.

Once they entered the village, the entire village gathered around and she was pleased when Darius and his men lay down their weapons as he encouraged her to speak to her people.

Smiling, she stepped forward and addressed them.

“My friends. It is I, Fiona Eilir Sweetmeadow, your Priestess. The gods have decided that it is time that I took a mate. And I have chosen one. In two nights time shall be the next full moon and at that time I will be joined to Darius. He and his people shall be joining our village and I ask that you make them feel welcome.”

Cree, the elder of the village, stepped forward. “Fiona, we are happy to see you and find you in good health. Is this Darius your choice?”

“Yes, Cree, mine and the gods.”

“Then we welcome them to our village.”

As the villagers stepped forward to welcome the men to the village, she took Darius by the hand and led him to meet her father. She could see him standing on the edge of the gathering smiling at her.
Darius and his men laid down their weapons as a sign of peace although they kept them within reach in case things turned nasty but Fiona made her speech to the villagers and it seemed they were happy to see her back among them more than they were concerned by the appearance of Darius and his motley companions.

The village elder came forward and asked Fiona a leading question,

'Fiona, we are happy to see you and find you in good health. Is this Darius your choice?'

'Yes, Cree, mine and the gods.'

'Then we welcome them to our village.'

Everything went smoothly and calmly much to Darius's relief as he didn't want any confrontation with the villagers, when Cree welcomed them the villagers pressed forward to get a closer look at these fearsome looking men from the woods. Among them were several pretty girls who had grown weary of the poor, weak attempts by the the young men of the village to get them to spread their legs, these men looked as though they wouldn't take no for an answer not that any of the girls would say no to anything that the men proposed, but oddly the strangers seemed to pay them no real attention,

"Perhaps they are shy." suggested one of the more naive girls.

"I think they have been warned to behave themselves or Fiona has put a spell on them, we'll see when they move into the village, I am eager to find out for certain." One of the older girls spoke up as she stroked the barrel chest of Lucas, one of Darius's entourage.

Meanwhile Fiona took Darius by the hand and introduced him to a frail looking man with a flowing white beard and who supported himself on a crutch.

Darius looked at him curiously , the old man was frail but he looked as though he had everything working in his head. He smiled at Fiona but scowled at Darius.

"You must be Fiona's father, she has spoken fondly of you a great deal since being in our camp."

"Since you stole her from us and filled her silly head with the idea of taking you for a mate, what do you intend to do? Take over the village and make us your slaves?"

Darius was taken aback at this verbal attack on him and trying to keep his temper he answered vehemently.

"It is true I captured Fiona for purely selfish reasons, she is a beautiful young woman and I desired her greatly, I still do, but I have not forced myself on her."

He glanced at Fiona hoping that she would understand the half truth.

"We have come to an agreement and we will join together for the first time in two days. Me and my men will work alongside your people and if necessary fight against any invaders, you are mistaken if you believe that Fiona has been misled."

The old man looked Darius up and down and replied grudgingly,

"Maybe you speak the truth maybe not but I cannot condemn you on my own personal feelings, I may be old and frail but I still have the ear of the gods so I will consult them before I make my final decision."

He kissed Fiona on both cheeks and hobbled back to his hut,

"Fiona you go and tend to your father he needs you, I will look around the village and see how we can improve the defences."

He kissed Fiona and pointed her in the direction of her father's hut and playfully patted her rear.
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Fiona was pleased that that Darius had spoken the truth to her father, though her father had been a bit irritated by the way that it had happened. But she understood his reasoning. So when he sent her off to make her peace with her father, she nodded and returned his kiss.

She stepped into the coolness of the hut, the familiar smells of home flooding her senses. Father sat with his back to her, and she could tell by the energy around him that he was on the mend.

“Has he bewitched you?”

“No, Father, he has not bewitched me. It may, perhaps, be that I have bewitched him.”

Her father gave a snort, a half laugh. “That is what your mother did to me.”

Quietly she walked to face him. “Yes, his intentions were to use me as his toy. But the gods in all their wisdom protected me. He has seen their power. He has felt it.”

“He tried something! I knew it!”

“Father! The sacred seal has not been broken. I remain pure, and will so until the mating.”

Her father eyed her for a minute, listening to the voices. For him, they would not be near as loud as for the Priestess herself.

“You have his men under control too? Good. So he brings fresh people for our village?”

“Yes. There are several women with child. One woman had been forced to give up her baby. I want her given special attention. The new women will live in the fearann with the other women without mates.”

“I noticed our women looking at the new men with interest.” Her father may be old but he still had a keen eye.

“I too noticed that.”

They were both quiet for a bit. Giving a loud sigh, her father asked her point blank, “Is this what you want?”

She nodded. “Yes. I have seen him change in so short a time. And I have told him what the gods have decreed and he has accepted their terms. He is potent and should give me many beautiful children. I love him. Strange but true.”

He thought a moment before nodding. “This hut shall be ready for your joining. The gods say that there is a reason?”

“Yes. Something is coming and we must be ready. And these people will help us be prepared. Meanwhile, I will return with him and his men to prepare them for joining us. In two nights...”

Her father nodded and kissed her cheek. “My Daughter, my Priestess, go safe with the gods. Your mother would be proud of you.”

Leaving her father, Fiona headed off in search of Darius. She knew that her father would have everything prepared and ready for the celebration.
Darius wandered around the village and tutted to himself at the ramshackle defences that had been thrown together, he had plenty of suggestions for the village as a whole and when he was mated with Fiona he would have the power to implement those suggestions into reality.

He approached the hut in which Fiona and her father were talking and caught snatches of their conversation. He didn't intend to listen but then he realised they were talking about him and he was always of the opinion that you should know what people are saying about you, so he listened.

Her Father,

'“Is this what you want?'

Fiona's reply,

Yes. I have seen him change in so short a time. And I have told him what the gods have decreed and he has accepted their terms. He is potent and should give me many beautiful children. I love him. Strange but true.'

His mind was in a whirl. LOVE? That was an alien concept to him, he knew the word of course but he had never used it except to describe how he felt when he killed many men in battle. How could Fiona love him? He had abducted her and would have raped her were it not for the spells she put on him. He found her most desirable and wanted her with an intensity he had never felt for any other woman and he'd had many. It seemed that she wanted many children, well he was in agreement with that, he had a ready made excuse to fuck her whenever he felt like it. He convinced himself that it was only because of the looming mating ceremony that she had said such a thing. However he moved away from the hut and returned some time later with his companions who had quite a following of giggling young women. He was explaining his plans for the village defences when Fiona found him and took his arm in hers,

"Can't you see I'm busy?" he spoke tersely to Fiona, he was still confused about what Fiona had said and whether she had meant it, more importantly did he love her? He just didn't know. He went back to explaining his plans to his men,

"We will need to clear the forest back at least fifty paces all round so there is no cover for an advance on the village."

All the time Fiona stood quietly by and it irritated Darius until he spoke harshly to her.

"Do you always have to be in attendance? I am trying to plan for the safety of the village and your presence distracts me and puts other thoughts in my head that are not appropriate at this time."
When Fiona finally found Darius, he was explaining his plans for defense of the village. Yet, when she took his arm, his response was a surprise.

Can't you see I'm busy?

She stepped back to allow him to explain just what he had in mind to the men gathered. But she could feel his irritation growing and as he spoke, she waited silently for him to finish his plans. Still she was a bit surprised by what he said to her next.

Do you always have to be in attendance? I am trying to plan for the safety of the village and your presence distracts me and puts other thoughts in my head that are not appropriate at this time.

She stood for a moment. The others waited, a bit surprised by what he had said. She was not sure what had happened but the change in him was drastic. When she spoke, it was quiet yet she was sure that he would understand the message.

“Then I suggest that you get yourself under control. If you can not handle such things now, then how will you be able to handle such things after we are mated. And as the Priestess of this village, I have the right to know exactly what plans that you have, not only for fortifying and defending our village, but other things as well.”

She was not going to leave. It was time that Darius learned exactly how the gods had ordered things. And she could always remove any distractions if he was unable to handle things. She would ask him later what the problem was. She could always ask the gods for advice.
'Then I suggest that you get yourself under control. If you can not handle such things now, then how will you be able to handle such things after we are mated. And as the Priestess of this village, I have the right to know exactly what plans that you have, not only for fortifying and defending our village, but other things as well.'

Darius couldn't explain it but he was stung to anger by her being so overbearing, he turned on her and snarled,

"I can handle things quite well by myself and do not need a slip of a girl to tell me how I should arrange the defences of a village such as this, why do you need to know everything? I had expected that when we are mated I would be an equal with you, a leader not relegated to the equivalent of a man whose only purpose is to give you children."

He turned his back on her and began telling the men again what needed to be done. When he had finished he turned back to Fiona,

"Are you still here? I would have thought you had more womanly things to do than concerning yourself with things you don't understand. I heard you tell your father that you love me, why that should be I have no idea, I don't know if I love you, I desire you and will mate with you but I demand respect or do you and your gods have other plans?"

He grabbed her arm and told her that he would leave three of his entourage to supervise the clearing of the forest the required fifty paces.

"They will remain here until we come back for good with everyone from my camp, as we agreed you will return with me. It is time go if we are to be back in my camp before nightfall."

The small company began their long journey back to the camp with Darius still wondering why he had been so angry at Fiona, was it because he was afraid that he was in love with Fiona? Perhaps he was afraid of love itself, fearing that it would somehow weaken him.

They were unaware that in the village as it receded into the distance the spell that Fiona had cast on the six men who had gone to the village was weakening on the three left in the village and their interest in the females of the village was increasing, this was compounded by the interest shown by several of the women in Darius's men and as night fell each of the men had at least one young woman to keep him company for the night. This did not go unnoticed by several of the young men of the village and they formed a disgruntled group who sought ways to prevent the village being taken over by strangers who would take their women.
I can handle things quite well by myself and do not need a slip of a girl to tell me how I should arrange the defences of a village such as this, why do you need to know everything? I had expected that when we are mated I would be an equal with you, a leader not relegated to the equivalent of a man whose only purpose is to give you children.

She felt anger and hurt at what he had said to her, and in front of her own people. Ever since the death of her mother, she and her father had ruled this village and had been quite successful in it. Yet here he he was, treating her as if she had not the ear of the gods, as if she had not been chosen to be the Priestess Perfect.

She stood there, listening to the gods as Darius spoke to the men that were gathered. Then suddenly, as if surprised to see her still standing there, he lashed out at her again.

Are you still here? I would have thought you had more womanly things to do than concerning yourself with things you don't understand. I heard you tell your father that you love me, why that should be I have no idea, I don't know if I love you, I desire you and will mate with you but I demand respect or do you and your gods have other plans?

The grip on his arm was tight and she suspected that there would be dark marks left on her arm from his fingers.

But his words told her what was wrong. He heard her use the word ‘love’ when talking to her father. He talked as they walked, and she almost didn’t hear what he said, though she noted as they gathered to leave that three of the men were to stay behind.

They will remain here until we come back for good with everyone from my camp, as we agreed you will return with me. It is time go if we are to be back in my camp before nightfall.

The smaller group of them traveled through the forest back to Darius’ camp. She had a feeling that something was wrong somewhere but her mind was too taken with the way that Darius was acting. She resolved that once they were back to his home, she would set him straight.

The walk back was in relative silence, with him apparently still angry about what he overheard. Soon she recognized the stream where she had gathered the herbs for the wine and knew that the camp was not far off.

As they entered the clearing, with a wave of her hand she removed the spell that she had placed on the men in their party. Without another word, she headed straight for Darius’ private area. Let him handle his people. She would have words with him once he was through showing his strength and superior leadership abilities to his people.

Meanwhile, she made a private fire and cleared her mind, speaking to her gods to help her in this matter. Had she given in too quickly to the feelings that she had? Yet the message from the gods had been clear.

She sat in the smoky gathering darkness and listened for the voices. They were strangely silent save for this one phrase. “You must look to your heart for that answer.”

Curious. It was up to her to solve this quandary. Looking down she noted the dark finger bruises on her arm. They were sore and she resolved to make a paste of some herbs and spread them on her arm in the morning to relieve the discomfort.

The smoke filled her senses and she lost all knowledge of time...
Darius was furious at the lack of a purposeful response from Fiona. He felt that he had conceded too much to her and her damned gods and all because she was beautiful and desirable and he wanted to lay with her and be between her shapely legs above all else. He was so angry that he cuffed one of the women for overfilling his flagon when pouring his wine and cut her lip.

He was on the verge of sending Fiona back to her village and calling off the whole mating process, his groin ached with desire and he was sorely tempted to take one of the numerous women to his bed to relieve the gnawing hunger that he felt.

It happened that Igor, the camp Sage, passed by and Darius called out to him,

"Igor I have need of an audience with you, your advice would be most welcome."

"Most certainly Darius, come with me now and tell me what is troubling you."

When they were seated and out of earshot of anyone else Darius told Igor everything that had happened, leaving nothing out, he concluded with,

",,,,,,,,, that is everything Igor, has she bewitched me and bent me to her will? I am not one to be a woman's plaything, a mere bedfellow, a stallion to provide her with children I am better than that."

Igor thought for a few minutes then replied,

"Do not be angry with me Darius for I mean no disrespect, but you say Fiona has told her father that she loves you, why would she say such a thing if it were not true? Then there is you, you do not not dare to believe that she is in love with you, you are tall and strong yes but not the most handsome of men, you believe that no woman could ever love you but I assure you Darius you have her heart and not because her gods told her to, she would have defied them if they had told her otherwise, now you have a choice to make, does Fiona have your heart also? Could you walk away and not know what sort of woman she is, wouldn't you always wonder how she would feel with her legs wrapped around you and calling out her love for you, her wants, her needs? Think carefully Darius, this opportunity may only come once in your lifetime."

Darius saw the sense of Igor's words and clapped him on the shoulder,

"Thank you friend you have opened my eyes, I must go and make my apologies to Fiona."
The gods whispered into her ear as she sat there in the smoky darkness. Her heart hurt from the way that Darius had spoken to her, and all because he had overheard her say that she loved him.

His reaction had bewildered her. When had a fondness of the heart become such a terrible thing? Her mother had told her that at first, when she and her father had been joined by the gods, there still was not anything other than a general fondness for each other.

Yet, on their bonding night, as they entered their hut, and while the feasting and revelry continued outside, as her father joined with her mother for the first time, the gods had revealed her father’s heart to her mother. His kindness and gentleness and intelligence, his calm countenance that carried the village through many difficulties. Her mother said that from the first time that they had joined, she could feel his true feelings.

She also told her that the gods told her that she had been made from that first joining. And she knew that once she too were to conceive, that the power of both her and Darius would increase.

He is unsure of himself. You must assure him. Love is a new concept for him.

And then the gods were quiet, leaving her with things to think about. After all, what was love but a fondness for one above all others. Now if she could make him understand that there was nothing to be afraid of. And that as that Priestess Perfect she had a right to know everything that was happening within the village.

That reminded her of the feeling that she had had as they had walk back to the camp. Something was happening back in the village that the gods were shielding from her. And that worried her.
Darius felt as though a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders after his conversation with Igor. He had told Darius that it was certain that Fiona loved him and he had to grasp this chance of loving her, if he did that then he wouldn't feel that he was being used as purely a baby maker but he and Fiona could have a life together as a family, something he had craved all through his life as a bandit.

He found Fiona sitting in his private area which was filled with a dark pungent smoke that swirled around Fiona and he knew from instinct that she was communing with her gods and he thought it best not to disturb her until she had finished so he sat down on the other side of the clearing and watched.

Eventually the smoke cleared and Fiona got to her feet with a perplexed and worried look on her face and she seemed to notice Darius for the first time. He reached out his hand to her,

"Sit with me Fiona we need to talk, I have been a blind fool by denying to myself that someone as beautiful as you could love someone like me, I thought that you were following the orders of your gods alone and accepted their decision that you should mate with me but I understand now that you also followed your heart, I believed that I couldn't love anyone, I never have but I DO LOVE YOU, Fiona Sweetmeadow and I will be a true and loyal mate to you. There is something troubling you though, tell me and I may be able to help."

As he took her hand he noticed the bruises on her wrist,

"Did I do that Fiona? If I did then I am truly sorry, I will never raise my hand to you again."

He held her hands in his big hands and kissed each wrist in turn.
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As her trance lifted, a form appeared out of the smoky mists. Darius sat over a ways, no longer frowning. In fact, the power coming off of him was more like the Darius that she knew. She smiled tentatively at him, unaware of the worried look on her face. Nevertheless she was rewarded with a smile back from him.

Sit with me Fiona we need to talk, I have been a blind fool by denying to myself that someone as beautiful as you could love someone like me, I thought that you were following the orders of your gods alone and accepted their decision that you should mate with me but I understand now that you also followed your heart, I believed that I couldn't love anyone, I never have but I DO LOVE YOU, Fiona Sweetmeadow and I will be a true and loyal mate to you. There is something troubling you though, tell me and I may be able to help.

She smiled even bigger at his words. The gods had chosen wisely. And when he noticed the bruises that he had left upon her skin, his apology and promise touched her.

Did I do that Fiona? If I did then I am truly sorry, I will never raise my hand to you again.

For such a bear of a man, he could be surprisingly gentle as he kissed the wrist decorated with the little black spots left by his fingers. Pulling her in to him, he waited to see what was bothering her.

Sitting him down on a rock, she told him the truth.

“Love is only a more intense feeling fondness and lust, but it is not bad. And even if you had not told me that you loved me, my feeling would still be there. Once we are truly joined, and I open my heart to you and you open your heart to me, then you will understand completely. If I had thought of you only as a man to supply me with babies, then the word love would never have left my lips.”

She smiled at him when he nodded, either in agreement or understanding, or perhaps both.

“You ask if something troubles me.” She nodded. “There is something wrong back in my village. What, I know not. But the gods are strangely quiet about it. And that is strange too. As if they want the villagers to solve it themselves. My father is there and he should be able to handle things normally but he has been ill.”

She hesitated. “Once we have mated, the gods will speak to you too, though not as often as to me. Yet you too shall have your place in our village, a place that no one can take from you.”
Darius had never in his whole life felt as happy as he did when Fiona explained to him how love worked and that she did indeed love him, this brute of a man who had abducted her with the sole intention of raping her and using her body and then maybe throwing her to his men. It was hard to believe that she could love him but she was so certain and he, who never loved anyone, was in love with her. However something was troubling her about the village, what it was he had no idea but if Fiona's gods would not tell her and would not help then it was his duty as her future mate to ensure that all was well before the three days of mating began.

"I think you are right Fiona this needs to be sorted by mortals and not gods for we cannot rely on the gods, yours or mine, to sort every problem that comes our way. I think we should not delay but take everyone to the village today and hope that we can discover what is amiss."

Having made his decision he called everyone together and told them to gather their belongings and as much else as they could carry.

"Fiona can you cast a spell on the men to discourage them from stopping for a roll in the grass on the way?"

He grinned as he spoke for he knew that his men would not stop for anything once they were on the march but he thought it wise to make sure.

On reaching the village they soon found the cause of the trouble as the three men he had left behind had been hogtied and were to be hanged from the trees by a group of disgruntled young men who barred their way.

Darius did not want to start a fight with these young men as they would soon be overwhelmed and his men would have no mercy and kill every one of them.

"I am assuming this has to do with the women of your village, let me inform you that we took precautions to ensure that the men would have no desire for that activity but something has gone wrong , perhaps your priestess can explain, if you don't believe me perhaps you will believe her."
As the group traveled closer to the village, the feeling of dread increased. The need for urgency pressed against her. Yet the gods remained quiet.

Had she somehow offended them? Or were they giving the people slow steps to taking care of themselves.

Upon reaching the village, she found the majority of the people gathered around the Punishment Tree, preparing to hang the three men that had been left behind. Meanwhile the men that she had known all her life were barring their way so that the could not interfere. Of her father she saw nothing.

Darius was diplomatic. I am assuming this has to do with the women of your village, let me inform you that we took precautions to ensure that the men would have no desire for that activity but something has gone wrong , perhaps your priestess can explain, if you don't believe me perhaps you will believe her.

Anger boiled up in her. How dare these men do something like this.

Stepping forward, the true Priestess shone from her. Her very bearing was obvious to most of the people gathered there, and the wise ones stepped back. But there were a few that stood their grounds.

HOW DARE YOU!” Her voice seemed loud, as if it were a male warrior that stood before them. Yet, Fiona spoke in her normal voice. But those that understood knew that it was the gods that spoke through Fiona, their voice powerful as it seemed to roar from her lips. The new people and the younger ones were caught off guard and all movement stopped as they stared at the blonde Priestess.

Release those men!

She stepped into the crowd and the younger men made an attempt to stop her, but with a flick of her fingers they jumped back as a spark zapped them.

“How dare you do something like this.” The loud voice was gone and now it was just Fiona talking. A very angry Fiona. “The gods give you a gift and you throw it back into their face? They bring you future friends. People to help build our village. People to help protect our village. And you treat them like this? You spit on the gods? How dare you!”

“But they took our women!”

“Your women? YOUR women? Had any of the women been bonded to you? Were any of these women forced to lay with these men?”

She stood there, fists in her hips, her stance and very manner bespoke anger and power, something Darius had probably never seen in a woman.

The woman that had stood crying over to the side rushed over to Fiona, pleading to her. They all spoke at once, their voices a jumble.

“We were not forced. We wanted these men. At first they ignored us and worked but later, they began to show interest as your power faded over them. But the men of our village grew angry because we preferred the new men.”

Fiona turned on the men, her face stormy and dark.

“You will have to learn to live along side these new men. And women. If we are to thrive as a village, we must grow. And put aside petty differences. There is plenty of room for others here.”

She turned to the new people that had come with them.

“We should live here in peace. A man does not force himself upon a woman here. Ever! The actions that I witnessed at the camp are not tolerated here. The gods do not allow it. There are plenty of woman that will desire laying with a man. We all work to the good of the village, whether it is tending crops, drawing water, or even working on defenses. I, as Priestess, have final say if there is a disagreement and Darius, as my future mate, has that power too.”

She could see the mild surprise in the people from the camp, though the woman seemed happy.

“In two nights time I will be mated to Darius and then in 3 nights from them I will emerge as the Priestess Perfect when we shall complete the Ceremony. Meanwhile, the new woman will be shown to the fearann and given a bed and be given aid as they settle in. Women with child will receive the bigger beds and receive extra portions of food if they wish.”

The village women nodded and rushed over to escort the new woman to the fearann. Fiona then turned back to the young men that had caused the troubles. They had already untied the camp men and each stood eyeing the other warily.

“As payment for this shameful way that you have treated these men, you shall work day and night to prepare each of these men their own hut. And if it is not your best work, the gods have decreed that you shall face the ultimate punishment - banishment.”

The villagers nodded their agreement as Fiona looked around, before her features softened. “Darius will probably want to check on how much of his orders have been fulfilled. Please give him your aid and welcome him and your new neighbors. Do all that you can to show them how we are a good village. If one needs help, please do so.”

She stepped back, her countenance visibly changing back to the soft Fiona that Darius knew as all around her became the bustle of villagers going about their work.