A Dangerous captive

The gods were pleased. In her dreams they spoke to her, pleased that Ceann Olc had been identified and slain. And the barriers had been lain.

She cannot return here. You have effectively seen to that. But for a while, construct a wall around it so that none may forget and step upon those grounds. And in the years to come, nothing will thrive there. Any grass will brown and die. You have both pleased us.

It was then that she knew that the gods spoke to them both, and that Darius would have heard them too. There would be no need relay the message of the gods.

When she awoke, Darius lay in bed beside her, his nude body sprawled face down in sleep, with his arm thrown over her nude body as if to keep her close. So as not to awaken him, she slowly rolled from under his arm and got off of the pallet, slipping her shift over her head and heading to check on the babies.

In the room that had been made larger for the three babies, Ayleen knelt over the pallet where they lay. The women of the village had made sure that the pallet was lined with plenty of soft cloths to protect the babies’ skin. The young girl seemed to be enamored with the wee things, softly singing to them. She could barely hear her as walked into the room, and once Ayleen became aware that she was not alone, she started and profusely apologized.

“Did I wake you? I am very sorry.”

“No, my aching breast awoke me. I suspect that the babies need feeding.”

Slipping the shift up over her head, she reached down and picked up Sirius. The babe was definitely hungry and quickly latched onto a teat before hungrily drinking. As he fed, she and Ayleen quietly talked. The young girl longed for her own babe to care for.

Once Sirius had drunk, she fed Aideen and let the future Priestess Perfect take nourishment while Ayleen changed the swaddling cloth on Sirius.

Lastly was Justus, easily the largest of the three babies and also the hungriest. For less than one day old, The baby was hungry and seemed to quickly drain the milk in her breast.
Darius stirred, half awake, half asleep and reached out for Fiona, finding only a warm patch of bedding where she had lain, for a moment he could not understand why she had not woken him with her soft eager lips around his member as she usually did, then the memories of the previous day came to him and he realised that the three babes would need to be fed, he smiled to himself as he thought to himself 'I hope that the babes leave enough milk for me, for that is the nearest I will come to making love to Fiona for some time' he made a face at the the thought.

As he dressed something kept nagging him at the back of his mind, something that he needed to do to keep the villagers safe, but they were safe now he had slain Vivian and sent her back whence she came. A quiet gentle voice spoke in his head,

"Darius, we have told you what needs to be done but with everything you have to deal with this simple task has not quite registered, the spot where Ceann Olc left this world needs to be completely sealed off, if anyone happens to walk across that spot the demons below may seize them and take them into the depths, never to return."

It came back to him then, the dream he'd had telling him to construct a wall around the spot. He had intended to go and watch Fiona feeding the babes or rather watch as they suckled her heavy milk filled breasts but this needed to be done as soon as possible so he called half a dozen men together and told them what was required, he was not one to just issue orders and watch so he helped them collect stones of a suitable size and mix mud with sand and smaller stones to fill any cracks, they built it high, the height of three men so children would not be tempted to climb. When they had finished he was shirtless and his powerful torso glistened with sweat as did the other men all of whom gained admiring looks from the women of the village.

"Off you go and many thanks I am sure you will be well rewarded judging from the number of women gathered."

Darius himself went in search of Fiona guessing that she would be with their babes. Sure enough she sat among the three cribs arranged so she could attend to each one where she sat. He gave Fiona a kiss and pulled the top of her shift to one side and looked hungrily at her breasts and engorged teats,

"Don't tell me I am too late for breakfast?"
Once all three babies had been fed, she slipped back on her shift while Ayleen finished up changing the soiled cloth that Justus wore. She was aware of Darius stirring in the other room but left him to his work. Instead, she picked up Aideen, singing and rocking the babe in her arms. Already she began teaching the baby, telling her stories of her ancestors and the brave deeds that the past Priestess Perfects had done to save their people. She hoped that one day, the battle that had been waged earlier against the evil one would be passed down to those that would follow years after she was gone.

The baby girl looked at her, the wisdom of the gods already shining in her eyes. Throughout her lifetime she would always hear the voice of the gods, enabling her to pass on their wisdom to their people. Meanwhile, as the boys aged, the gods would talk to them less and less, allowing them to find their own way, and yet be able to call upon the gods when needed.

Leaving the babies upon their pallets, she went in the next room and began to heat up something for them to eat. There was meat bits that one of the women of the village had brought them and she added some vegetables that another woman had dropped by on her way to the fearann. She noticed that Darius was gone and knew that he was out fulfilling the decree of the gods.

She was sure that he would certainly be hungry when he returned to the hut. After a while the food was ready and she backed it off the fire to allow it to stay warm yet not overcook. Meanwhile, it was time to feed the babies.

Sitting in their midst, she took then out one by one and began to feed them. Aideen was first, her tiny little mouth sucking on her mother’s teat. Of the three babies, she was the smallest. Next came Sirius, a bit bigger and hungrier. As she fed him she told him stories of previous deeds done by their people.

Lastly came Justus, the hefty baby hungrily draining any milk left in both breast. How ever did Darius’ mother ever feed 5 babies, and all boys at that. This gave her new respect for the woman.

No sooner had she finished feeding them than Darius came back in, stinking of work and sweat. He bent over and gave her a kiss and then glanced down her shift. The look in his eyes told her just what he wanted, and his words confirmed it.

Don't tell me I am too late for breakfast?

“For some time to come you shall be missing out on that particular breakfast. It is your fault.” She laughed before turning to clean up after smelling what Sirius had just done.

“You must have just finished the work. I will need to lean more heavily upon you in the running of this village.”

Eventually the babies settled down to sleep and she and Darius made their way to where the stew warmed near the fire. Soon they both ate their fill of hearty stew, crusty bread and drank some mead.
Having missed out on tasting the milk from Fiona's breasts Darius had to be satisfied with stew, fresh crusty bread and a flagon of mead, Fiona though only sipped a little mead, saying that it would impair the quality of the milk in her breast which Darius disputed hotly and volunteered to test the next time the babes were due to be fed.

As they sat side by side talking Darius kept sniffing at himself, "Hard work, sweat and dirt does nothing for an amorous man and by the gods I am feeling amorous, so shall we take a walk down to the waterfall where if I remove my clothes and wash you might be inclined to let me a little closer, Do not fear my love I will not be pressing for the restoration of all my rights, but does your mouth not salivate each night?"

He stood up and folded a fresh clean tunic over his arm,

"Are you coming Fiona, it is not much that I ask of you?"
Her mate could smell the need for bathing down by the waterfall, encouraging her to join him. She wanted to but now they no longer had the luxury of heading off when and wherever they wished.

“We cannot go off and leave the babies unattended. You head on and if I can find one of the women from the fearann to come sit with them, then I will join you.”

Darius looked a bit forlorn but he headed on out to the waterfall. She was sure that one of the women would be willing to watch them for a while.

Stepping outside the hut, she crossed quickly to the fearann, finding several women sitting around and laughing and talking.

“Would one of you be willing to watch over the babies for a little while? Darius and I wish to spend some time bathing at the waterfall.”

“Certainly,” said Faun, a happy young woman whose mate had died almost a year ago. “We are but sitting and talking, which we can as easily do while watching the babies.”

Soon the women were walking over to her hut and Fiona was heading down to the waterfall. As she came close to the water, she could hear Darius boldly singing about his deeds that he and his mate had performed against the Evil One. She could not help but smile.

Sneaking up on him, she quietly lowered herself into the water and swam underwater until she reached where he stood. Lightly brushing up against his leg, she was suddenly lifted out of the water by a laughing Darius as he drew her to him and kissed her soundly.
Darius understood Fiona's reluctance to leave the babes but he wanted to be alone with Fiona and show her how much he still loved her even though her body was not as perfect as it once was. It wasn't just her physical perfection that he loved it was her complete self, her mind, her character, her courage and above all her unconditional love for him, an ignorant warrior. He could see that she wanted to bathe with him as she promised to join him when she had found someone to care for the babes while they were gone.

At the waterfall he stripped off all his clothes and ignoring the icy coldness of the water tumbling down from the mountains he waded into the water and under the waterfall. He was in high spirits and sang loudly of his exploits in battle especially how he and Fiona had defeated the Evil One and driven Vivian back to hell.

He didn't know how or why but he sensed someone's presence, they made no sound but Darius knew someone was near, he stood rock still his eyes darting everywhere. IT brushed against his leg and he plunged his hand into the water a brought up a giggling Fiona, he laughed in triumph and crushed her naked body to his and kissed her soundly. When he broke the kiss he remarked with laughter in his voice,

"See what I have caught, a water nymph that has no tail, I wonder why that should be, perhaps she is hoping that I will fall for her charms. I cannot betray my mate though, she is a very jealous woman. You remind me greatly of her perhaps you are her, the one certain way to tell is to taste her nectar,,,,,,,,,,,, shall we?"

He led her to the edge of the pool watching her daintily negotiate the rocks until he found a grassy space to lay on, whereupon he spread her legs and began to hungrily lap at her sex.
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See what I have caught, a water nymph that has no tail, I wonder why that should be, perhaps she is hoping that I will fall for her charms. I cannot betray my mate though, she is a very jealous woman. You remind me greatly of her perhaps you are her, the one certain way to tell is to taste her nectar,,,,,,,,,,,, shall we?

For a while Fiona felt carefree, without the burden of her family and her people upon her shoulders. It was nice to play in the water and when Darius suggested that they continue their play in the shore, she was more than willing.

She did discover that having three babies at once did make her sex still very sore and Darius must have sensed it for he did not press for them to mate. Instead, he was very gentle with her, even going so far as to drink some of the milk from her teat, being sure to drink only a bit as he wanted to save most of it for the babies.

In loving return, she pressed her lips to his sword, worshipping its mighty length with her lips and tongue until it rose up from his groin like the mighty weapon that it was. Bathed in her saliva, she turned her back to him so that he could gently press it into her anus and he held her wrapped in his arms as they made love.

She could hear her babies calling after a while, their need for milk strong. After one last quick dip in the water, they dressed and headed back into the village where the loud cry from Justus could be heard.

“Your son is hungry,” she told Darius as they approached the hut. She knew that her life would change forever.

For a while life seemed to calm down as life continued. After several weeks Hetta gave birth to a beautiful girl that they named Gerda. Igor seemed so happy and Hetta was such a devoted mother. Meanwhile, Darius’ sister and Godric, her mate, were expecting their own baby, and Fiona had already proclaimed that the gods had shown her that it was a boy.

Yes, life could be very blessed.
The village continued to grow, with each time Darius working with the men to increase the size of the fortifications. About two years later, Fiona’s father, Eric, died. As he had been a past Priest, he was honorably mourned for 3 days before his body was honorably buried and sent on to the gods and her waiting mother.

When the triplets were about five years old, the village was attacked by a group led by a warrior called Der Bär or The Bear. The fighting was very fierce and several of the villagers, both male and female were killed. At the time Fiona could not fight on the front lines as she was expecting a daughter in a couple of moon cycles. But as Darius fought the Bear, the man managed to injure Darius when he pierced her mate’s side with his spear.

Seriously wounded, he was at the Bear’s feet and as the man prepared to finish Darius off, one of Darius’ brothers ran his spear through the Bear’s back, immediately piercing the man’s heart and killing him.

The battle was particularly bloody, and most of The Bear’s men were killed. However, there were a few of his men that begged for mercy and showed their worth to the village.

During the months that Darius recuperated, Igor stepped in to lead the men in rebuilding any defenses needed. By the time that their daughter, Paavo, was born, Darius was strong again and was left with a scar on his side and a sense of his own mortality.

As time passed, the children grew but Fiona noticed that the gods did not speak to her as much as they once had. Darius reassured her that they were giving her the chance to make decisions on her own. Still, she missed their wise council.

It came to her in a dream. It was time to give the village a name. All this time, it had always been known as The Village, but once that Fiona announced that a name was to be chosen, various individuals were eager to put forth their own idea. Some thought that it should be something pertaining Fiona’s family. Wisely, she declined, pointing out that it should instead be a name not about one person or family but instead pertain to all. As they felt that they had been blessed by the gods, the name eventually decided upon was Blessings.

There came a time when a great sickness swept through Blessings, killing a number of the people. Already, Fiona and Darius had passed on the titles of Priestess Perfect and Priest to Aideen and her mate, Enoc, and were already looking forward to becoming elders of the village. However, they became ill and within days of each other they died. The entire village mourned at their passing and Aideen ordered that instead a hallowed area nearby should be prepared for them.

Over the centuries, the name of the village was changed and eventually became known as Drogheda. As to Darius and Fiona, their honored place where they had been buried sat nearby so that on the sacred morning of the Winter Solstice when the sun rose over the horizon, it could light the way for Fiona and her mate.

Over time, Drogheda grew. And as time passed, the purpose of Fiona and Darius’ tombs were sealed and covered, and forgotten to all except those that carried the story down through oral history. Eventually the names of Fiona and Darius became lost, becoming story and legend.

When in the course of time, the bones of Fiona and Darius were eventually dug up, their spirits stood, hand in hand, watching as Newgrange, as it was now known, begin to reveal its secrets. And the gods spoke of how they were pleased with their faithful servants.


Now we come to the end of our story. We hope that you have enjoyed it and will be sure to check out other stories that Cumnchat and I are writing both together and with other writers. Thank you.
