🎵 Monthly Song Challenge 🎵

Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On

You ever hear a song that just makes you feel itchy and enraged?

This humongous floating turd of a song (and movie - I said what I said) is that for me.

Hello again everyone. Had a mini break to try and clear the cache from my brain and I'm looking forward to joining in again.
This song and Kate Winslet's wardrobe are the only things I liked about that movie 🤣 However, I don't like the song as much as I did then and I love her hat and sparkly gowns even more now.
Challenge has been really quiet this week.
Are people tired of decades week? We don’t have to do it again next month if people aren’t liking it. They just used to be the most popular prompts
This is my fave thread for sure but I haven’t had much time for Lit the last couple of days. Don’t give up on us! We’re your devout followers. 😘
Challenge has been really quiet this week.
Are people tired of decades week? We don’t have to do it again next month if people aren’t liking it. They just used to be the most popular prompts
I am still playing although I did fall short of 10 pts. (had 9). My problem is my song knowledge drops dramatically from the 20's on :LOL:
Day 25: A song you can’t stand

I hate this song AND the show.
