🎵 Monthly Song Challenge 🎵

Day 24 - A song from the 20's

Tennis, one of my favorite discoveries of later years...
Her voice drips with love, his guitar sings of yesterday.
Nostalgia and romance.

Sexy song +1, Kiss +1, Sex +1 = 19.
I'm not sure if I get a pass for Sex or if it's too abstract, writing about a simultaneous orgasm;
@morelikeasong, verdict?
Points corrected!

On the edge of the earth
on the crest of a wave
how long can we stay like this?
Leaning in for one more kiss

Tennis - I'll Haunt You

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Challenge has been really quiet this week.
Are people tired of decades week? We don’t have to do it again next month if people aren’t liking it. They just used to be the most popular prompts
Too abstract 😂
I really like the song though and I’ve never heard it before so thank you!
Points corrected! Now I just hope the bar wasn't set at 20 🥺

Challenge has been really quiet this week.
Are people tired of decades week? We don’t have to do it again next month if people aren’t liking it. They just used to be the most popular prompts
Not sure why. @UnquietDreams seems to have gone MIA too. Where are you, friend?!
I for one love the decades week. Has me thinking through an entire catalogue of music and not just what I've been jamming to lately..
Challenge has been really quiet this week.
Are people tired of decades week? We don’t have to do it again next month if people aren’t liking it. They just used to be the most popular prompts
I can only speak for myself of course but it's my favorite. I wouldn't mind if it was expanded to every decade but I like tons of old music so I'm probably not in the majority lol.
Challenge has been really quiet this week.
Are people tired of decades week? We don’t have to do it again next month if people aren’t liking it. They just used to be the most popular prompts

I don't have any idea why it's been quieter around here. I wondered if Lit has been more quiet, in general, recently. I certainly don't know, because this is the only thread that I regularly visit. And that brings me to my central point... I'm definitely not tired of decades week! I luv being exposed to everyone's cool song choices and interesting background stories! I haven't been posting much 'explanation' of my song selections recently, but that's only due to life getting busy (work, and such)... definitely not a lack of interest. This is my favourite thread on Lit, and I want to thank you again for making it such a fun, interesting, and inspiring place! Thank you.
She was my second choice. I love her song about dancing in Santa Monica (no names mentioned 😝). But I was feeling Doja again today 🤣
That made my shortlist (all of her songs 😂) but I think I’ll go with this one because the way she says “pleasure” tickles my brain

Day 24: A song from the 20s

Chappell Roan - Guilty Pleasure
