Why didn’t somebody warn me about the Amateur Pic Feedback???

You know, you could almost set your watch by the "I hate fat chicks" threads that show up in here.

I love chicks. I don't give a great God Damn about their physical dimensions. Damn near every woman I've met has had something beautiful about her and something worth getting to know. Lots of them have a myriad of things that make them thoroughly good and supremely beautiful women.

And very few of those things have anything at all to do with what my eye sees.
JazzManJim said:
You know, you could almost set your watch by the "I hate fat chicks" threads that show up in here.

I love chicks. I don't give a great God Damn about their physical dimensions. Damn near every woman I've met has had something beautiful about her and something worth getting to know. Lots of them have a myriad of things that make them thoroughly good and supremely beautiful women.

And very few of those things have anything at all to do with what my eye sees.
Give me a break

Bode said:
I have never seen so many overweight, gross and disgusting people as I have just seen in the Amateur pic feedback section. Then again, if you like getting lost in a woman's flab, perhaps this section is for you!

Needless to say, I will never venture down there again………..some friends you are!

Get over yourself! Even if your the hottest stuff around..you will get yours.

*slightly evil laugh*

Okay it wasn't nice but if your going to look, grow up and take it like a man.
Ha - this thread turned interesting over nite...

PS - I added BBW to my name back when I was using those horrid internet dating services. I put my size right on my profile - yet when I met several 'dates' they seemed surprised by my size. (just what do you think 200 lbs looks like?) So yes Cathleen - my "BBW" is meant as a warning - or a 'heads up' at the very least! lol
I dont spend a lot of time on Am Pic, but I did notice that not everyone labels themselvs with BBW, etc., usually its pot luck, which is the main reason I dont go there often....