When a white man, Sr71plt calls a black woman a "black bitch" is it racist?

Please stop distorting things

1.As WQ said, it was a cropped picture. Your logic is awesome
2.As I said, I never claimed Rob is fat. Only a couple of times after he insulted me + + in kind. And not in this thread.
It's you and your buddy Luk putting words into my mouth
3.Where did I say that "OMG I am being trolled?" All my comments here were focused on your bestie Rob and on the trolling that he does of several posters

As I said: you're being passive-aggressive

Oh, a list! I love a list!

1. So why bring up anything about the size of his dick, if you realize this?

2. Where did Rob insult your weight? You only assume Darbinder is Rob because Que says it is. You have no proof of this. Luk is now my buddy too, and we put words in your mouth? Well, to be fair you need a bit of help now and then, because you seem to have comprehension issues.

3. Where is Rob, or has he ever been, my "bestie"? I don't think I've interacted with him more than a handful of times. And honey, all you DO is talk about yourself and how hard done by you are, how much you hate Rob "etal" and their trolling.

As for passive-aggressive:


And you are back now on my self control iggy.

I was going to say, don't keep removing the AV. Keep it. Give zero fucks about what people say. You see, that's your problem, you care too much, even though you say you don't. Take a page from Funk: Give. Zero. Fucks.
Where is it about me?

This thread is about racist slurs.
- You, LadyF were insulted by sr71 only once.
- RacistDownSouth and his myriad of attack alts have been attacking at least 5 minority memnbers every day for years.

Who's more self-involved then? Me or you?

If you are under that level of attack I suggest you do your own thread on it.
As for this thread, the post count speaks for itself:


Stop looking to WQ as backup though. She literally used to post about the evils of "niggers" on a regular basis.


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Oh, a list! I love a list!
1.blah blah blah

2. I was going to say, don't keep removing the AV. Keep it. Give zero fucks about what people say. You see, that's your problem, you care too much, even though you say you don't. Take a page from Funk: Give. Zero. Fucks.

1. no comment

2. How did you reach the conclusion that "I keep removing my av" because I'm embarassed by them or because I care about Hashfag (aka RobDownSouth)'s insults about my face?
Honey, I keep changing or adding pics. Not removing them.

But thanks for saying indirectly what you think of my pics. lol
Oh God, I know I'm going to regret asking this, but: the hashtag45 who is apparently super-worried about how "xenophobic" and "racist" some people are is in fact the same poster who trailed around for months on end with their proverbial tongue up Busybody's proverbial bunghole, yes? If so, did they do a reversal on all that or is this just a further elaboration on the old douchebaggery?

(Sorry, Funk. This will be my one and only contribution to their threadjacking. I'm just curious.)
Oh God, I know I'm going to regret asking this, but: the hashtag45 who is apparently super-worried about how "xenophobic" and "racist" some people are is in fact the same poster who trailed around for months on end with their proverbial tongue up Busybody's proverbial bunghole, yes? If so, did they do a reversal on all that or is this just a further elaboration on the old douchebaggery?

(Sorry, Funk. This will be my one and only contribution to their threadjacking. I'm just curious.)

Yes. The very same racist POS.
Oh God, I know I'm going to regret asking this, but: the hashtag45 who is apparently super-worried about how "xenophobic" and "racist" some people are is in fact the same poster who trailed around for months on end with their proverbial tongue upl Busybody's proverbial bunghole, yes? If so, did they do a reversal on all that or is this just a further elaboration on the old douchebaggery?

(Sorry, Funk. This will be my one and only contribution to their threadjacking. I'm just curious.)

Oh boy. Cyrano again.
Another touchy feely sees racists under every bed poster. Just like Ulaven.

I remember clearly several instances when ai had to explain myself at length at him that I'm not a racist, after he misinterpreted some of my jokes when I was goofing around with smoothG
Funny how none of you guys are bothered by the fact that RobDownSouth throws racial insults at jews, native americans and asians on a regular basis.

It looks like, in your books some minorities are more worth it than others.
Oh boy. Cyrano again.
Another touchy feely sees racists under every bed poster. Just like Ulaven.

I remember clearly several instances when ai had to explain myself at length at him that I'm not a racist, after he misinterpreted some of my jokes when I was goofing around with smoothG

No, you're pretty much a racist scumbag like your buddies on here. I come to this place maybe 3 or 4 times a month and even I know what you are because nobody can miss it. Deny all you want but you are what you are.
No, you're pretty much a racist scumbag like your buddies on here. I come to this place maybe 3 or 4 times a month and even I know what you are because nobody can miss it. Deny all you want but you are what you are.

Please quote my posts that show that I'm a racist, oh mighty "liberal"
No, you're pretty much a racist scumbag like your buddies on here. I come to this place maybe 3 or 4 times a month and even I know what you are because nobody can miss it. Deny all you want but you are what you are.

Did you send penii pics. to the ladies too?

If so, send them to me, ladies. I'd love to post them.
Funny how none of you ladies ever cared that I poured gas on my head and set my hair on fire, screaming me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me.

Funny how none of you guys are bothered by the fact that I poured gas on my head and set my hair on fire, screaming me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me.

Funny how, you haven't figured out by now, that not a single pister cares.

Not a one.

No one gives a shit.

No fucks are given.

Are you truly so stupid that you can't see this?

Well I do.
Trolling and getting on the nerves of the self-righteous asshats who don't practice what they preach is my specialty.
Please quote my posts that show that I'm a racist, oh mighty "liberal"

You're not a liberal = your're racist/sexist/xenophobe.

Funny how none of you guys are bothered by the fact that RobDownSouth throws racial insults at jews, native americans and asians on a regular basis.

It looks like, in your books some minorities are more worth it than others.

You forgot his love of the term 'gook' as well.

It's ok, he's a Hillary supporter and as far as liberals are concerned, especially the ones on this site, that's all that is needed to not be racist, sexist or xenophobic like all the non Hillary supporters who clearly are. :)
At this point, we need to face the fact that we are dealing are dealing with an individual who is not well. As an adult with special needs possibly including a cognitive delay, she may deserve some special treatment and/or understanding.

I only hope that she is working with a physician and has support from her family. I would hope she has friends, but she has already confirmed for us that she has none.
You're not a liberal = your're racist/sexist/xenophobe.

You forgot his love of the term 'gook' as well.

It's ok, he's a Hillary supporter and as far as liberals are concerned, especially the ones on this site, that's all that is needed to not be racist, sexist or xenophobic like all the non Hillary supporters who clearly are. :)

Or rent - a gook about posters' underage adopted children. Or prairee nigger, kyke and jewish fag. Ad nauseaum.
Amazing how he kept repeating those yet none of the liberal posters got outraged.

Yet they are so quick to misinterpret and take slight over any comment, if you're not kissing "liberal" asses.

I personally think that a lot of the GB "libs." are far more racist than the GB conservatives are. They're just more hypocritical.
At this point, we need to face the fact that we are dealing are dealing with an individual who is not well. As an adult with special needs possibly including a cognitive delay, she may deserve some special treatment and/or understanding.

I only hope that she is working with a physician and has support from her family. I would hope she has friends, but she has already confirmed for us that she has none.

Good morning. :)
Things aren't quite working out the way the portly paki had anticipated, he seems to be distancing himself from the very people he wished to be friends with. Such a sad, sad donkey fucker.:D
I do not have a phobia for either group. Gays have great porn and in addition I have supported their quest for rights the entire time.

Trans are mental ill and need help and compassion, not celebration nor promotion.

No irrational fear of either group.. Throwing out the blankaphobic label is just the SJW method of control, of shaming and silencing me from critiquing what they are promoting. That tactic doesn't work on me. Trans are mentally ill, calling me a name doesn't change that

Your lack of understanding of the plight of trans people does not mean they're mentally ill. In fact, it can be viewed as the same closed minded bigotry you're calling out in your original post. The same mental illness argument was used to shame gay people for years.
Your lack of understanding of the plight of trans people does not mean they're mentally ill. In fact, it can be viewed as the same closed minded bigotry you're calling out in your original post. The same mental illness argument was used to shame gay people for years.

They are mentally ill. That does not mean they should face discrimination, but they are still mentally ill. It has always been a mental disorder, but the current zeitgeist claims otherwise by forcing the change from "gender identity disorder" to "gender dysphoria" in the attempt to normalize the illness (for political reasons). I don't agree. They need help and compassion.

This is not bigotry. Really, you are the bigot as you are intolerant to my opinion on this matter. That is the textbook definition of bigotry.

No bigotry was called out in my OP, re-read it.