What was your longest dry spell?

At my age I'm wondering why the hell I threw out the Midnight Rider. It seemed like a good idea at the time. :)
I had a fling in 2007 - hurried, ultimately unsatisfactory sex and a few more enjoyable blowjobs ... Wife found out and issued a declaration that I wouldn't be allowed anywhere near so it's been a barren 16 years and counting. :(

If the opportunity arose elsewhere, I'd probably take it but until then, it's me and my right (occasionally left) hand and internet porn! 😜😲
Right now. Our bedroom is the living room since we are remodeling our house. We worry about the kids walking in. It’s been 8 months.
Now til I die seems to be the answer to that “dry spell” question
Started 3 years ago? Well ? 2 if a lap dance counts
Six years in my 20's. I wasn't able to find any online, I wasn't getting any dates, and I was too confused about myself and the world to really be in a place to cultivate such relationships.
This thread is depressing me.
Some of the most sexually imaginative and open people out there, and they have longer spells "without" than me.
(And mine is longer than 5 years.)