What pissed you off today? Mark III

Seventh circle of hell. Sitting in airport, two hour layover, sicker than sick. Can't breathe, can't swallow.
Trying to spread as few germs as possible.

What is with all the crinkly food wrappers?

Fucking sick on a plane.

Awwww. Feel better. Trapped and hacking and wheezing on your fellow packing peanuts is the worst. Hope you got to your destination for some crinkle-free rest.
An otherwise reasonable, intelligent, middle-aged acquaintance who persists in saying he "groks" things. Really, Sam?
Remembering a mistake so vividly that I'm feeling it in my body.

It's time to do something I don't want to. The outcome will be nothing good, but I don't have a choice. :(
!!!Spoiler alert!!!
I purposefully left this pic as a link so as not to disturb some who have strong fears about guns. I personally have no issue with guns and open carry as it's a personal choice in which I wouldn't intrude.


I find this pic very disturbing and feel there is no place in the lifestyle to carry while playing and yes, it absolutely pisses me off to see this photo out there.

Am I wrong in this opinion? If so, convince me.


Looks staged, for effect.
Today's reason

Today, trying to discuss a problem with a customer service rep that barely speaks English.
His whiny pussycunt presence. No one cared when he left. No one missed him when he was gone, and almost no one is happy he’s back.
Finding out my irritation over an author's repeated use of fitted vs. fit for past tense is only because I'm from the US.

Fitted is considered the proper past tense in certain situations if you live outside of 'Murica.

Being under "boil water" precautions for the 4th day!

I just want to wash dishes as if I am living in the 21st century not the 1st!
What went on in Białystok pisses me off. The reaction from several politicians to it pisses me off. That I'm not in the least surprised by what happened and how the politicians are reacting pisses me off the most. And I just can't stop reading the news. It's a fucking train wreck. :mad:
Not pissed off, but annoyed...
I have a friend, middle aged, educated, who should know better, who persists in saying, "I grok..."
I was at the grocery store today. I bought blueberries, tampons and a chocolate bar.

I loaded my items on the belt and a male hippie weirdo with no shoes standing behind me said "You know, it's a myth that women crave sweet or fatty things like chocolate when they're on their period. The blueberries you're buying are much better than the chocolate because of the antioxidants. Actually now that it's summer you should freeze pieces of fresh ginger that you can suck on, it's so good for your cramps and it's refreshing too."

I wanted to hit him.

And I'm not even bleeding outta my snatch at the moment, thank you very much, I was just buying the tampons for future use. Jesus.
I was at the grocery store today. I bought blueberries, tampons and a chocolate bar.

I loaded my items on the belt and a male hippie weirdo with no shoes standing behind me said "You know, it's a myth that women crave sweet or fatty things like chocolate when they're on their period. The blueberries you're buying are much better than the chocolate because of the antioxidants. Actually now that it's summer you should freeze pieces of fresh ginger that you can suck on, it's so good for your cramps and it's refreshing too."

I wanted to hit him.

And I'm not even bleeding outta my snatch at the moment, thank you very much, I was just buying the tampons for future use. Jesus.

I would have reported him. After telling him off.