What is crossing your mind right now?

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I just turned the page of the calendar to September and realised it'd be Mum's birthday on Sunday... this will first year I won't buying a card for her. Feels so... odd.
I miss her much.
I shouldn't have had that third shot of espresso in my Costa...the top of my head feels like it needs unscrewing...:cool:
More sleep would be good. Very good.....Reeeeeeally good!

I agree, completely, I need my afternoon nap but fighting the urge to give into it, and slowly losing...


Life's too short to be sitting miserable.

I need to change mine in the new year, I'm too young to be living mine according to someone else's time. As much as I like my job coz it is stable for as long it needs it to be, I need to live mine my way.
That tomorrow my niece and nephew will be here for the weekend. JUST the kids. Not their selfish mother and so they'll have the freedom to BE kids and be themselves. And I can't wait. They are my reason. :heart:
I think that I feel sad and confused and I'm not sure why...but I think I did something wrong.
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