What Are You Thinking? Continued 14

This was insipid, prosaic, banal, pedestrian, dull romance.
What happened to good old romance? Le sigh!
I’ve just had a rainy hike in the hills.
Even though I’m soaking wet, it’s just a great feeling with all the smells of spring and the freshness that comes alive in the rain 😊
That I like spending time with family, but I’m happy it doesn’t,happen,often!
I came to this thread because I was thinking about my new couch but ended up under @Mrtenant for the third time in under 10 minutes...what is the universe saying to me?
So I'm doing random searches on Google thinking about a new avatar, and it crosses my mind...Casanova? Yea...Lit...famous lover... something...idk. Just brainstorming here. And I get a picture of the famous Casanova and it looks like this?


And, hell, I guess standards for attractiveness maybe changed a little since the 1700s- but, that's Casanova? Wtf?
Oooooh, juicy details please! Cavernous? Sounds awesome! Cunt? I mean, why not? Though a cavernous cunt AND ass would be better. Say more.
No names or details. Just a particular cockwomble I need to do a better job of ignoring.