What Are You Thinking? Continued 14

You would definitely get the best dressed superlative.
Aww….thanks Pmann! But I couldn’t resist a dress with a built in bra. All I need to do in slip that on and I’m done. These Japanese are so innovative.
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Aww….thanks Pmann! But I couldn’t resist a dress with a built in bra. All I need to do in slip that on and I’m done. These Japanese are
So innovative.

You’re welcome! You do dress incredibly well. Now I’m trying to think of pants with built in boxers. Hmmmmm. But what would I wear when I get home and kick off my pants? 🤔
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You’re welcome! You do dress incredibly well. Not I’m trying to think of pants with built in boxers. Hmmmmm. But what would I wear when I get home and kick off my pants? 🤔
Your actual boxers maybe?
But aren’t you home? Doesn’t this question becomes redundant then?
Your actual boxers maybe?
But aren’t you home? Doesn’t this question becomes redundant then?

But if they’re built into my pants, then I have to go fetch them and that defeats the purpose of me doing the bare minimum to get comfortable at the end of my day.
Sometimes I wonder how much longer I will do this. I know some appreciate all the effort I put in but at times the sheer entitlement and just nastiness of some seem to outweigh my enjoyment. It may be time to make a change in the not to distant future.
But if they’re built into my pants, then I have to go fetch them and that defeats the purpose of me doing the bare minimum to get comfortable at the end of my day.
did you burned or threw out your boxers in the dressers in your excitement of buying a line of boxer built in pants? Or if you want to do the bare minimum then just be bare man.
did you burned or threw out your boxers in the dressers in your excitement of buying a line of boxer built in pants? Or if you want to do the bare minimum then just be bare man.

I’m a classy guy, Auntie. I can’t go just sitting around with my cock on the couch.

If I had some kind of servants to help fetch my boxers, that would be the ideal scenario. Alas, I am servantless.
I’m a classy guy, Auntie. I can’t go just sitting around with my cock on the couch.

If I had some kind of servants to help fetch my boxers, that would be the ideal scenario. Alas, I am servantless.
Just don’t buy those pants! 🤣
This was insipid, prosaic, banal, pedestrian, dull romance.
What happened to good old romance? Le sigh!
I’ve just had a rainy hike in the hills.
Even though I’m soaking wet, it’s just a great feeling with all the smells of spring and the freshness that comes alive in the rain 😊