What Are You Thinking? Continued 14

That I like spending time with family, but I’m happy it doesn’t,happen,often!
I came to this thread because I was thinking about my new couch but ended up under @Mrtenant for the third time in under 10 minutes...what is the universe saying to me?
So I'm doing random searches on Google thinking about a new avatar, and it crosses my mind...Casanova? Yea...Lit...famous lover... something...idk. Just brainstorming here. And I get a picture of the famous Casanova and it looks like this?


And, hell, I guess standards for attractiveness maybe changed a little since the 1700s- but, that's Casanova? Wtf?
Oooooh, juicy details please! Cavernous? Sounds awesome! Cunt? I mean, why not? Though a cavernous cunt AND ass would be better. Say more.
No names or details. Just a particular cockwomble I need to do a better job of ignoring.
I genuinely dislike that poster and their gaslighting, self-righteous attitude.

So I'm just gonna excuse myself from any threads they frequent, even if it means I don't have many places to post anymore.
We've had the cat for 14 years (plus) now. She has cancer and it isn't treatable. The growth in her neck is now making it a challenge for her to stick her tongue out to eat, and she just starting to lose her bladder control. She's still a cat - doing cat things - but her time is just about up. I think we'll be taking her in to the vet in a day or two. It's tough not to think you have control over life and death, but I believe we've come to the conclusion we do not have that control. The cat IS dying. All we have control over is when to take her in. I'm at peace with taking her in tomorrow.