War of the supernaturals (IC thread. Check the OOC to join)

"Sure, a walk sounds nice. I haven't really explored around here too much yet. I guess I've been a little preoccupied..." She said as she returned to eating. "I believe I did the dishes last night so I'm pretty sure it someone else's turn. Arabelle said getting up from the table. Taking a deep breath Arabelle listened to Melea's out burst. "I'm just going to grab a jacket and then we can take that walk..." She said before running upstairs after her. Knocking on her door she started to speak "I know this is all difficult for you. It's hard for all of us. I know nothing about werewolfs so I don't know what anything is like for you. I'm treating you like I would any other person because I don't know what else to do. I didn't mean to upset you. You knew I was cooking dinner... I figured you would join us. I thought you knew, that was my mistake...I'm sorry..."
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'You know what Arabelle, just forget it, there is nothing I can do that will make this right, so if you wouldn't mind I would appreciate it if you would just go'
Melea no longer wished to discuss anything with Arabelle, she had caught onto something that had passed between her and Lyden, but there was nothing she could do. If things continued the way they were she feared she.may lose control and that is the last thing she wanted.
Arabelle decided it was best to just shake off whatever seemed to be going on, at least for now. Going to her room she grabbed a simple black jacket and then headed back downstairs. "Ready to go Mark?"
Mark Wills

Mark stared at Lyden to see if he'd object. He didn't but the expression on his face, Mark could've sworn that was jealousy.
"Sure, um...yeah, why not?" he stuttered standing up. On reaching the door, he bowed slightly and like a gentleman opened the door for her.
"After you madame." he joked in a poor french assent.
Arabelle giggled softly at his playfulness then walked out the door.
"Do you really love him?" Mark asked after a long moment of walking silently in the garden. "Lyden Snow. Do you love him?" he repeated the question when she had looked at him with some sort of confused look.
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Lyden Snow.

"No, no, no, no, no. Shh!" he cooed entering her room and walking up to her. He squatted in front of her and took her hands into his.
"Hey look at me," she slowly brought her face up. "Oh no." he exclaimed quietly as he noticed her watery eyes.
"You don't have to worry about anything Melea, i'm yours. I am here for you. I'll always be here." he reassured her.
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'How can you say that Lyden, you tied me to you, yet you think of Arabelle!, why is that? 'What is it that you know and aren't you telling her?' She started to cry, did he not care for her, was it just lust that had taken him over when he drank from her. She would do anything for him, loved him even if he didn't love her. Were these the consequences he had spoken of, her being bound to him, never able to love anyone but him. 'Please Lyden, tell me what you know of werewolves, why I acted the way I did' she pleaded.
"I don't know where you got the idea that I love Lyden." Arabelle said as she continued to walk "How long have you known that your a shapeshifter?" She asked in an effort to change the topic of conversation.
Mark Wills

"Almost four months now. Actually i discovered it in prison when..." he trailed off. Mark stopped and glared at her. "Did you cast a spell on me?" he asked for he had just told her what he never would tell a girl that was a prospective date.
"No, of course not. I don't cast spells on people unless I absolutely have to." She said stopping and turning to face him "What kind of a spell do you think I cast on you Mark?"
Lyden didn't know how to put it so the situation won't get worst than it is. "The way you acted, it was not your fault. Its no one's fault. Its just a natural phenomenon of your kind. Of a wolf."
He cleaned tears from her cheeks, "You see...every werewolf has an inner consciousness, a wolf that guides their decision and their destiny. Every lonely wolf needs a pack and subsequently an alpha. Put this two together you have the old you. Your wolf chose me as your Alpha the first time we met. I didn't do anything to deserve you, but it chose. That's why you have this strong feelings towards me, that's why you love me because i'm your Alpha." he paused to let the information sink in.
"As your powers are unveiling what you'll have hightened hormones. When you're happy, it becomes joy. When you're angry, it's rage. And when you feel jealous, you become dangerous. Think of it like two people's similar emotions merging together as one. Only in your case, one emotion is of a beast and the other a human. You."
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Mark Wills

"Well considering the fact that i just told you the truth now and i'm openly telling you what i'm thinking that you casted a spell on me...i'll say its some sort of tell the truth spell. Why did you cast such a thing on me. Don't you trust me?" he asked feeling rejected.
"I've never cast a truth spell. I don't even know one." She said "Mark I have no reason not to trust you. You're telling me this because you want to not because I'm making you."
'Did you have to do what you did? Bind me to you, or was that something that just happened? Could you have been my Alpha without me having jumped you?'
"Binding you to me was never what i wanted. I tried to fight the urge to feed from you while we were together. But i couldn't, i was weak and for that i apologise."
He brought his head down, shamefaced. "To an ordinary vampire, feeding from a mate is just...ordinary. But to a vampire as old as i am, its much more than that. By feeding from you i binded your soul to mine, and since its not a one way thing, a sliver of mine exits in yours. Yes i do have a soul.
"As for your second question, the answer is yes. I was already your Alpha the moment your wolf chose me not when we slept together. Sooner or later we would have had to come together. It's an inevitable part of a wolf. It must mate."
He brought his face up, his lips just inches from hers. "I feel this deep feelings towards you Melea, i'm afraid to love but i can't help but admit it. I do love you."
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Mark Wills

Mark chuckled softly, he admired her strength. Her untapped power. "Is there one thing i'm good at, is knowing when i'm under a spell. I'm guessing you did this spell unconsciously but consciously wishing for it. Do you feel someone is lying to you?"
"Maybe...yes..." She admitted "But it's not you. I'm so sorry, I never ment to. I don't seem to have the best control over my powers." Smiling at him she started walking again "So since you have to tell the truth... Is my chest really that big. You over did it a bit when you changed into me, right?"
Mark didn't tell her that the spell was only temporaly. He just played along. Maybe it'll be fun.
"Ya. It was totally that big, i really don't have control over the anatomy of the people i unconsciously change to."
Cupra and the Lords

Cupra brought his bike to a halt in front of what looked like an old abandoned warehouse on the edge of town and stepped off stretching. He'd never been a huge fan of the big cities, so many smells and sounds and humans literally stacked a top each other to the very heavens themselves. It was disgusting even if it was necessary.

The food, women and convienence all made it nearly worthwhile though.

"Is everybody here?" Cupra called out. Four voices responded with varied levels of enthusiasm. "Good. Well the shifter is here and I've already made contact. With any luck we can simply proceed with Plan A, but-"

Wuya held touched her hand to a candle lighting it a flame. "You want us to prepare encase we have to try plans B through Z. It really would be more fun to skip to the end you know?"

Damian frowned slightly having his doubts about giving Black Star a body. Not only because he wasn't certain they could control him for any length of time but giving him a body, a permament one amounted to murder. Ultimately after a minute he ordered his men to bring in one of the security guards, none of them would have been alive at this point if not for the E.M.s.

Before he arived he looked to his new accomplice. "You sure about this?"
"No way. You have to be wrong about that." She stopped again and faced him "I'm really sorry for what I'm about to do..." She took a deep breath and moved closer to him, wrapping her arms around him. Closing her eyes she kissed him, giving it her all. Maybe there'd be something there, maybe just a spark.
Sarah Ruber

Sarah shook her head "No, but we may need him..." She said "I think it's our best option for now. It'll at least buy us some more time to figure things out."
Damian pinched the bridge of his nose then motioned for the men to bring in the security guard. He started to tell her that if this went sideways it was on her but it wasn't. This was his operation and he had to accept responsibility. "Fair enough, lets pack it up and get home."

Now that his mind was less focused on the task he could feel more supernaturals around. His instinct was to go out and get them. "Lets get everybody back to HQ and see what our next move is."
"There is no next move, at least not yet. Your actions in there were a mess." She said following him "People died and it's your fault. You threw a kid across the room when I had everything under control, there was no need for that." Sarah stopped him "You need to calm down and regroup. You're messing up..."
Damian narrowed his eyes for a moment then shrugged. "I think back to HQ implies regrouping." He refrained from pointing out that there was really no reason other than Black Star being polite that he hadn't gone back into the kid. At least none that he'd noticed either from the brief nor from his personal observations. "The kid's fine, a little bruised but he'll live."

With that said he started walking out.
"It wasn't a suggestion Damian. You are taking the night off." She said following him once again "You're too hot headed for this! Cool down and then we can talk about OUR next move."