Victor Davis Hanson on Joe Biden's Racialism

Give it a fucking rest! They came through the front door. When I was young we made fun of polish people, today if you did that the racist virtue police would cancel you. LMFAO
The Polacks told the best Polish jokes, same with the Italians, blacks, Honkies, etc. We used to be able to laugh at ourselves and each other without someone getting their panties in a wad. And on those rare occasions when someone did get their panties in a wad, well, we laughed at them (and many of us still do).

As much a problem illegal immigration is it isn't the most serious problem. What will tear this country apart is those that foment tribalism for their own political purposes. That is the path to Civil War and genocide.
The Polacks told the best Polish jokes, same with the Italians, blacks, Honkies, etc. We used to be able to laugh at ourselves and each other without someone getting their panties in a wad. And on those rare occasions when someone did get their panties in a wad, well, we laughed at them (and many of us still do).

As much a problem illegal immigration is it isn't the most serious problem. What will tear this country apart is those that foment tribalism for their own political purposes. That is the path to Civil War and genocide.
Moms and babies crossing our border are not my priority for deportation, we should be compassionate as a nation but the single males, I have a problem with that. Leave them in mexico and create an effective system for green cards and laborers, god knows we need them but what's happening today defies logic. We're surrendering our nation to the world, throwing caution to the wind. There are people out there that want to kill us and yet we have politicians that just refuse to take the threat seriously.

Tribalism, fanning bigotry and racism, identity politics, gender identity, CRT and free flowing drugs, IT'S ONE BIG BUCKET OF SWILL. Slowly transforming into a marxist, agnostic, atheist culture, eliminating religious and nuclear family values is rotting us from the inside out. Civil war will be promoted by media and internet, maybe start when SCOTUS overturns R vs W.
There are people out there that want to kill us and yet we have politicians that just refuse to take the threat seriously.
The only people out there who want to kill us are Islamist radicals, and none has succeeded since the Boston Marathon bombing. The GWOT is pretty much a thing of the past, now.
Tribalism, fanning bigotry and racism, identity politics, gender identity, CRT and free flowing drugs, IT'S ONE BIG BUCKET OF SWILL. Slowly transforming into a marxist, agnostic, atheist culture, eliminating religious and nuclear family values is rotting us from the inside out. Civil war will be promoted by media and internet, maybe start when SCOTUS overturns R vs W.
The decline of religious values is never to be regretted.
The Polacks told the best Polish jokes, same with the Italians, blacks, Honkies, etc. We used to be able to laugh at ourselves and each other without someone getting their panties in a wad. And on those rare occasions when someone did get their panties in a wad, well, we laughed at them (and many of us still do).
You miss them old days, don'tcha? When you could just Archie Bunker out loud to your heart's content anytime, anyplace? ;)
The Polacks told the best Polish jokes, same with the Italians, blacks, Honkies, etc. We used to be able to laugh at ourselves and each other without someone getting their panties in a wad. And on those rare occasions when someone did get their panties in a wad, well, we laughed at them (and many of us still do).

As much a problem illegal immigration is it isn't the most serious problem. What will tear this country apart is those that foment tribalism for their own political purposes. That is the path to Civil War and genocide.
You can tell which tribe is the most stung here by the responses, a large part of it just ad hom...
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
You can tell which tribe is the most stung here by the responses, a large part of it just ad hom...
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
Yeah. You can pretty much tell who did or didn't serve in the military. Of course they're trying to do the tribal sensitivity thing there too.
The Left hates what is good about America so much that they invite illegal immigration,
champion destructive economic theories and convince us that the Emperor's new wife
is not a man and can most certainly get pregnant, it's just not fashionable or cool.
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
Yeah. You can pretty much tell who did or didn't serve in the military. Of course they're trying to do the tribal sensitivity thing there too.
You can tell which ones will panic because the Democrats (who are trending Socialist) tell them to
and will similarly panic when Republicans do pretty much anything
even when it benefits them and, well, I was going to say
family, but that too is not fashionable or cool...
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
Have no problem with legal migration, you do, too bad.
I am a legal immigrant (to Australia), remember? Why would I have a problem with that?
We the people have a right to demand that our government uphold our immigration laws.
Interesting how often you hear that from people who otherwise hate government.
We are spending billions of taxpayer dollars on illegal migrants, puting unreasonable strain on many local communities.
How do you figure? It's not on welfare, because illegals aren't eligible for that. It's not on education, because public schools don't get paid by the head. It's not on crime-fighting, because immigrants are statistically less likely to be criminals than citizens are. It's not on health care, because we're the only developed country without public healthcare for anyone. So...just where are all these tax dollars supposedly disappearing to? Of course, illegal immigrants do pay taxes on everything they buy, just like everyone else does.
We have enough unsolved problems in our own right and we're in debt up up our eyeballs.
Thanks to decades of Republican economic stewardship, yes. But you don't really care about putting a stop to that. If you did, you'd vote for the party that has a record of actually reducing the deficit, rather than just whining about it while also voting for ever more tax cuts for the rich which always end up increasing the debt.
We are not obligated to take on millions of migrants. This will be an issue come election time. We the people have the right to determine who enters our country and to select those who are self sufficient and add to our common good of our nation. We have hundreds of thousands of homeless in our own right we don't need more. The majority of americans are against this onslaught of illegals. Americans know they're looking it's nothing against them but they are breaking our laws
I concede, the law is the law and we do have the right to deport anyone found not to have a right to be there. But at a time when a major political party has gone full-on fascist and tried to overthrow the government, women's rights are being turned back to the 1950s, it's just about impossible for most Americans to ever be able to afford a house or pay off their student loans while the rich are getting richer still...blaming all your problems on the weak really is not a good look.
Praise be to Allah but you people are so predictably pedantic and propagandized...
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
Praise be to Allah but you people are so predictably pedantic and propagandized...
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
See post #1.
and will similarly panic when Republicans do pretty much anything
even when it benefits them
Republicans don't do anything, other than tax cuts. They're a party of obstruction, have been since 1994. They have nothing to contribute.