The looming race war.

I'm not going at this lightly or with any thought of looking forward to the possibility but the possibility does exist.

BLM and Antifa are communist organizations, they are unabashed by this fact. Within their organizations I'm sure they argue over Leninism vs Trotskyism vs Maoism but that's for them to argue about and I really don't care one way or the other. What they both, along with other such organizations, agree with is Lenin's realization that the "Proletariat" is never going to rise up. Their power comes from the "Serfs" of society.

Both organizations have as a goal the complete disruption of society. The creation of chaos to demonstrate the the existing structure of society has not the means to deal with lawlessness. And that means is a lot easier to achieve if you can place like minded people in places of local, or state, power. (Think Bloomberg financing local DA elections here.) The notion here is simple to understand, existing society must be destroyed so that the new "utopia" can be built.

Back to the 'serfs.' They must be manipulated to believe that there is an "oppressor" class and that they bear no responsibility for their lot in life. To right these wrongs they must rise up and overthrow the existing order. If you can infiltrate the schools, from primary education to the Univ., so much the better.

BLM has seized upon the black population as their vehicle to facilitate a 'serf' uprising. Antifa is more generalized regarding race but are more than willing to go along for the ride. To an extent, BLM being the more successful, they are making inroads. Beyond recruiting in their targeted demographics they have coerced various notable corporations and individuals to side with them. More than a few of these corporations and individuals are doing so out of defense as opposed to buying in to the whole mantra. "Don't molest me, I'm on your side." Kipling's Dane-Geld writ large.

My concern is that they become so successful that there is a general uprising and that will spell disaster. 13% of the population, or to be more precise that portion of the 13% along with their willing allies, are not going to do much beyond committing a form of suicide that will completely defeat any advances they are trying to make as well as create a backlash that will last for generations.

Will it happen? I hope to hell not, but the possibility exists none the less.

Which races will be involved in your war?
then what would be the impetus? anyway, by 2050 'minorities' are projected to be the majority in the u. s. and both terms are bullshit because people are just people.

Minorities almost by definition cannot be a majority, especially since when we speak about minorities we are generally speaking about privilege. Women are actually a majority if we were to poll based simply on gender and not race but they are generally considered part of the team.

"Minorities becoming a majority comes with its own problems of there no longer being a real good reason to maintain political ties. No small part of the Black on Brown violence that isn't huge right now but was a huge deal in the not to distant past is that they did take our jobs. The anger at them is misdirected mind you, we should be pissed at the law makers and business owners who were handing out Visas and Green cards. But just like far too many Americans believe Joe Biden literally runs the planet because inflation is happening everywhere, shortages are global but our media on every level keeps us ignorant to a certain degree and our education system is so piss poor that people can't just eyeball lies.

I'd call it a class war in the classic communist construct, as there are more than a few POC out there who will put a bullet in the brain of any Antifa/BLM type who presumed to harm them, their family, or property. If it happens I think it's pretty much confined to Blue cities where there is more tolerance for their violence.

Almost all true "cities" are blue. It turns out there is something that happens when you have to interact with people. You realize the world does not in fact revolve around you. Red tape is generally written in blood one way or another. Sometimes its safety, other times its various forms of cheating people out of their money, or blatant discrimination. Bobo like to pretend that if there is no law sayin you can do this or that, that people won't do it. Hell that even if the law specifies you cannot do something that it doesn't happen. I've been fired for being a black male. Even the guy who officially fired me knew what was up but Manager trumps Assistant manager.
Minorities almost by definition cannot be a majority . . .

I've read sociological studies that define "minority" in terms of status rather than numbers -- in those terms, nonwhites in Apartheid South Africa were minorities.
Which races will be involved in your war?

Belmont Stakes, Preakness and The Kentucky Derby.

ya' know, at this point in time, black folks don't even care enough about your white ass to start a race war. they've been making it this long, they'll be making it after you're gone.