The Last Thing You Thought...

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I really need to start buying metal tongue rings.... I keep breaking the plastic ones...

Fuuuccckk there goes my favorite one.
And it's nice not to have to wander far to find what you're after. ;)

Oh.. not bad I'd say. Fairly uneventful, which is probably a good thing.

Yes, sometimes uneventful is a good thing. :)

After, hmm... Are you trying to get me to pounce you?

Not that it would take much...

Haha, yeah.

Like in biology when the teacher says "penis."

You're sitting there trying to keep from laughing.

Maybe that was just me... hmm.

No... I don't believe you're alone with that one. I was pretty immature about that stuff when I was a kid and still giggle least my friends let their inner 12 yr olds comes out once in a while too.
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