Size Positive Hotness!

Incoming rant in 3... 2... 1...

Oh, I see. Please excuse this misunderstanding. Of course, all the fat women posted in this thread obviously train for the Olympics, clean and jerk 240lb and deadlift 320lb several times per day. They are fat because they are on a special diet to maintain their strength, and not because they eat three times as many calories per day as they should while having a sedentary way of life. :rolleyes:

I should have known you'd peek your little head in here, darling. You never can resist a good fight. Too bad you use your energy as a blowhard it is ever so unappealing.

Let me tell you a little story. A story about an obese boy. A boy who couldn’t do even 10 push ups. A boy who was out of breath after rising even two stories on the stairs. A boy who couldn’t score even 2100 yards on the Cooper test. A boy who was picked on and ridiculed without end in school for years. A boy who weighted over 200lb at age 16. A boy who was so hurt in the end, that he tried doing this to end it all (fyi: the razor blade cut down to the bone; the wound had to be closed with 7 stitches, and the scar will never go away). Some years ago, I stopped being a lazy bum, got off my fat arse, and started exercising. Instead of whining on the internet how unfair obese people were treated, and drowning my sorrows in another bowl of ice cream, I joined a gym and trained three times a week. Yes, there were setbacks. My weight is still fluctuating (mainly because of work related stress and the related candy binges), but I’m already feeling alot better and healthier, now that I’m down 40lb (and still going).

That's a good story. Can I eat it?

Joking aside, I'm sorry you weren't active. I was as a child, and still am. I exercise three times a week and all that jazz, but you see, here's the thing. I don't have to justify my size to you... and neither do you to me. Your health and body size is your business, and perhaps the business of your doctor, but that's probably it. No one has to justify shit about their existence.

Our culture does fat-shaming, because being fat is a deviation from the human default! No one is born obese, and the normal development of human physiology doesn’t include “weighting 400lb” at any point. There is a border between “curvy” and “obese,” and many posted pictures are far across that line. No matter how you put it, being fat is abnormal. Obesity is considered a disease for a reason (there are even ICD codes for it).

We don't actually know this, size is different for each person, given family history, medical conditions, ethnic history, and a variety of cultural, gendered, and personal intersections.

You're conflating size with health.
And no matter a person's size they deserve the right to feel beautiful.

Unless you start putting your money where your mouth is, and back up this claim with some medical studies regarding the general populace, this is pure unfiltered bullshit to justify being a whale (and no, a blue bird in your hair doesn’t make it better).

Oh wait! I can!
I've recommended this book several times in the past and continue to do so.

I'm going to ignore the blue bird comment, lurker, but your vitriol and use of the term whale is a little self hating, and I wonder why you are so angry about this.

It is true that if you’re suffering from certain conditions, you should only lose weight under medical supervision to avoid harming yourself or provoking complications, but saying that for “most people” it’s not a good option? That’s ridiculous! Also, unless you go for some really drastic measures (like bariatric surgery), losing weight is a mid- to long-term goal that requires regular exercise, and a fundamental change of your lifestyle. It’s not something that can be solved by swallowing a couple of pills, and if you believe any ads for a simple and effortless weight loss, then you deserve what you get. It requires discipline, and willpower – both admittedly things going out of style in our instant gratification society.

You're conflating health with size. You're conflating health with size. You're conflating health with size. You're conflating health with size.

Did I say it enough? Do you understand?

You can be considered fat and obese, but healthy. The difference and I think we can agree here, is activity. You were and still seem to consider yourself fat, but you are active. Which has resulted in weight loss (doesn't happen to everyone) and an elevated sense of confidence. But activity is the key.

If you want to lead a life that is less healthy, shorter, and less exciting (obese people regularly can’t participate in several “interesting” activities; many bungee jumping and parachuting companies have max weight limits, and if you’re too fat to fit in a roller coaster’s restraints, tough luck; and I’m not even mentioning all the things you can’t do in bed with over 100lb of fat strapped to your belly), then be my guest. But for fucks sake stop advertising being fat as something normal or acceptable or even desirable. It is not, and never should be, unless you want humanity to end like the blobs in Wall-E.

Or we look up ways to find and include people of size into these activities.

As for sexytimes, if you can't figure out how to fuck a fat chick.. you're probably doing it wrong. And if you chose to use this moment to tell me that I'll never find love or sex or that no one wants me because I'm a big, blob of fatness.... Excuse me while I go fuck my husband, then my wife, then my boyfriend, then my Daddy and sister, and oh geeze, I'm an exhausted and satedly happy bad, bad girl.

If you'd step off your platform, you might have some fun yourself darling.

On that note, I'm done here and I ask those of you who would keep this going, to not reply to baelnorn or any of those who would seek to derail this thread further. You can show your support by posting a picture of a person of any size that you find beautiful.

Thank you.
:heart::heart: Vi
You can be considered fat and obese, but healthy.
Are you really sure about that? Reality doesn't seem to agree with your opinion.
CDC said:
•More than one-third of U.S. adults (35.7%) are obese.
•Obesity-related conditions include heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer, some of the leading causes of preventable death.
•The estimated annual medical cost of obesity in the U.S. was $147 billion in 2008 U.S. dollars; the medical costs for people who are obese were $1,429 higher than those of normal weight.

•By state, obesity prevalence ranged from 20.5% in Colorado to 34.7% in Louisiana in 2012. No state had a prevalence of obesity less than 20%. Nine states and the District of Columbia had prevalence between 20-25%. Thirteen (13) states (Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, and West Virginia) had a prevalence equal to or greater than 30%.
Boy, being "healthy" sure is dangerous and costly. ;) And if you think being obese is no problem at 30, think about your situation at age 60. Our bodies don't get younger, and health issues have that nasty tendency to quickly pile up.

Oh, and FYI: I used the gender neutral term "whale" because in that other thread you made clear that "big girl" is an unacceptable sexist expression. :)

As for sexytimes, if you can't figure out how to fuck a fat chick.. you're probably doing it wrong.
I never said that obese people couldn't have sex at all. I said that there were strong limitations in place what they could do. But you are free to prove me wrong. If you can, show me a video of an obese couple doing The Ape, The Bridge, The Rowing Boat, The Standing Wheelbarrow, or The Clasp in a way that is actually enjoyable for both partners in the same way as it would be for a normal sized couple (regarding skin contact, depth of penetration, and so on).
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Darlin, you're gonna have to do better than that, if you want something. I suggest the confessional. ;)

I want you on your knees. I don't need a confessional for that.

But also, stop fighting with that guy. You deserve this place to be a positive one. So keep it that way. Brit, literally, said the only thing in this thread on the subject that makes sense. You can't control his douchebaggery. You can only control yourself. Barely. Most the times. Sometimes.


I'm a fit nut, you know it, but being someone who has spent a ton of time in a gym and helped fat people start their journey towards fitness - you have to have a bit of fucking compassion and a bit of fucking respect if you expect anyone to feel motivated to do something as hard as getting themselves into shape. Shitting all over someone isn't going to do anything but make you look like an asshole (and being someone who is an asshole, I've the authority to speak on the subject) and also damage their chances to make a positive change in their lifestyle.

And to the guy.

Yes, being fat isn't as healthy as being fit. I agree with you. But I also think you're coming off like a basement dwelling mouth-breather - taking shot at fat chicks who are just trying to support themselves and other people with positivity. They don't want to hear your shit. Make your own fitness thread if you want.
Shitting all over someone isn't going to do anything but make you look like an asshole (and being someone who is an asshole, I've the authority to speak on the subject) and also damage their chances to make a positive change in their lifestyle.
Maybe. But this "big is beautiful" nonsense is much more dangerous, because it tells those people "you are fine as you are, nothing is wrong, here take another super sized meal" on a nationwide scale. If being fat ever gets widely accepted as a social standard, there is absolutely no drive for people to change and better themselves, at all. All those firm abs in the Man Candy thread? All those hot chicks in the Lingerie Lovers thread? Those will be a relic of the past. After all, "big is beautiful," and it's the other people's fault for not liking rolls of fat.

And if "big is beautiful" when you're 20 or 30, is "big still beautiful" when you're 60 or 70, can't move around without a motorized wheelchair, and are unable to visit any place without elevator or escalator? Not to mention the impact on your cardiovascular system and your joints? The number I quoted from the CDC on medical costs for obesity was from 2008, but I don't think much has changed since then. Another statistic mentions that in 2009-2010, 18% of all 6-11yo children in the US were obese (not "only" overweight, obese). But no worries, "big is beautiful," am I right? Is that the message you'd want to send those kids, that not being able to see your own toes at age 9 is perfectly okay?

And accommodating obese people in all sort of ways? Hell no! For the majority of fat people, it's not genetic, it's not due to a chronic disease, or due to something else beyond their control. Most fat people are fat because of lifestyle choices they made. Eating too much fastfood, too much candy, exercising not at all or too less/irregular, whatever. It shouldn't be the rest of society that has to deal with the resulting issues. How about this case, where a skinny woman was removed from a plane to make room for an obese 14yo girl that needed two seats (but hadn't bought a second ticket)? Would you willingly give up your seat so that Mr. BigMac can have two seats for his butt? Should you be disadvantaged because someone else went to McDonalds 6 times a week for who knows how many years? And when airlines wanted obese people who needed more than one seat to actually pay for the extra seat(s) they need, some of those obese people got all pissy and went to court. Wtf? Have they ever heard of "taking responsibility for your choices"? Oh no, I forgot, "big is beautiful" and it's acceptable to take up space for 3 but only pay for 1, be it in an airplane or a cinema or a restaurant, and impose a financial disadvantage on the provider of the service. :rolleyes:

This whole "big is beautiful" stuff is a symptom of what ruins our society: the inability of people to take responsibility for their own actions and choices. Instead of accepting that the lifestyle choices some people made put them in a disadvantageous position, they bitch and whine and claw until the whole rest of society is damaged enough to view their abnormal model as an acceptable default form. Just like "everyone is special" and "everyone's a winner," this nonsense creates a generation that is brought up with completely wrong values. Just look at Miss Vivi's "reply" to my post.
Miss Vivi said:
Baelnorn said:
Our culture does fat-shaming, because being fat is a deviation from the human default! No one is born obese, and the normal development of human physiology doesn’t include “weighting 400lb” at any point. There is a border between “curvy” and “obese,” and many posted pictures are far across that line. No matter how you put it, being fat is abnormal. Obesity is considered a disease for a reason (there are even ICD codes for it).
We don't actually know this, size is different for each person, given family history, medical conditions, ethnic history, and a variety of cultural, gendered, and personal intersections.
See how she's not only completely missing the point, but also brings up the old "it's genetic (aka runs in the family)/racial/cultural" excuse for being morbidly obese (remember, I explicitly mentioned 400lb in my post). It may be a genetic or medical (organ malfunction due to disease, or whatever) issue for a miniscule minority of obese people, but she makes it seem as if that was the #1 reason for being grossly overweight when it actually isn't. That's exactly what I mean, the inability to take responsibility for your own decisions; it's always someone else's fault, either of the society or of your genetics. And even if tendency for obesity was a genetic issue for most, the fat still doesn't materialize out of nowhere - all those calories didn't eat themselves.

But I also think you're coming off like a basement dwelling mouth-breather
I get called that even when making perfectly harmless on-topic posts, so if I'm going to be insulted no matter what, I can at least make it worth my time and have some fun along the way. *shrug*
Nobody gets to determine your worth.
Not some internet troll who doesn't know when he is beaten.
Not your mother, father, daughter, sister, brother, son, or partner.
Your worth is not determined by your size, by your hair color, sexuality, gender or non-binary gender, eye color, ear length or shoe size.
Your worth is not determined by a arbitrary set of ideals.
You are beautiful.

Every wrinkle, crinkle, stretch mark or gray hair. Every bone that juts from your body or roll that presses.
You take care of you, because you are beautiful and because your body is strong and deserves your best.
And no one, I repeat, no one has to justify their size, their shape, their weight, their sexuality, their life to fucking anyone.
You be you, because you're...

...positively amazing.

And I just thought, you should know.
Putting Baelnor on my ignore list continues to be an excellent decision, and I encourage others to follow suit. It's amazing how much more positive things are.
While the occasional, and I do stress occasional, individual in this thread is not to my personal liking, I like the idea of seeing women with curves proudly showing themselves in ways that they feel truly comfortable.

To me, 80% minimum of a person's beauty comes from their personality, outlook and intelligence. Their physical shell is just the wrapping of the present. As long as they are healthy, and are not causing other people problems, then if they're happy how they look, so am I.

And that applies to anyone and everyone. Not just the models shown here, but the people who post on these boards and that I see in my everyday life.

To those that post pictures here, please keep up the great work.