shy asian girl peeking in

Shyguy!!! Good to see you too. So, did you win the lottery already? So you could come and visit? ;)

Not yet, but I keep trying. And when I do, I will do more than visit sweetie. It would be an extended stay indeed. Always a pleasure to see you.

Hugs, Licks and Kisses
:rose: x 13
Hey Shai! Good to see you back around, have some Gluwein and keep warm! LOL

Yeah, some Gluwein, or maybe some Sturm! ;)

Not yet, but I keep trying. And when I do, I will do more than visit sweetie. It would be an extended stay indeed. Always a pleasure to see you.

Hugs, Licks and Kisses
:rose: x 13

A pleasure to see you too! You're welcome to visit. You can camp on my doorstep. But then, if you won the lotto, you wouldn't need to camp, right? You can take a suite at the Hilton. (yeah, there are Hiltons everywhere. ;))
I was trying for a downblouse pic with this one.

It's during times like these that I wish I had bigger mammaries so that I would have a nice cleavage for these downblouse pics. All I got was a slight curve, unlike others who have, like, a baby's ass during these pics - which I'm sometimes envious of. :eek: Oh well... we come in different shapes and sizes. Gotta love what we have. :)
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As a sucker for a woman in lingerie, you will get no argument from me over it's merits.

gift wrap, not so much. gimme an old newspaper

Let's see if I have some lingerie pics in the archive. ;)

As for old newspapers (or magazines), I think they could be great wrappers, if done creatively.
We must do our share of recycling. ;)

(What's with all my environmentalism lately? Maybe it's because I was talking about the Coppenhagen summit with another guy. :) )

Gorgeous Girl!!!

Thanks for the love, Ari. I'm honoured to have you in my thread. When I see that pic, I see some flaws, and several "I wish blah-blah-blah". It sometimes just takes another set of eyes to tell you that there's beauty in something which you didn't see before. :)

I seriously have to agree with Ari on this picture. You are stunning Shai! :kiss:

Thanks, Kaio. Sometimes when a girl is down, a nice word or two lifts her up again. :)
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I was trying for a downblouse pic with this one.

It's during times like these that I wish I had bigger mammaries so that I would have a nice cleavage for these downblouse pics. All I got was a slight curve, unlike others who have, like, a baby's ass during these pics - which I'm sometimes envious of. :eek: Oh well... we come in different shapes and sizes. Gotta love what we have. :)

I am certainly a big fan of what you have:rose:

I am certainly a big fan of what you have:rose:


Thanks John! I'm glad you are. :) I'm usually content with what I have - specially when I'm jogging and the girls are not too heavy. :D It's just when I'm browsing the open-blouse thread or downblouse thread that I get insecure once in a while and I wished I had a nicer cleavage:eek: But it disappears when I go to sleep, because with my little girls, I can do so on my tummy. ;)
Thanks John! I'm glad you are. :) I'm usually content with what I have - specially when I'm jogging and the girls are not too heavy. :D It's just when I'm browsing the open-blouse thread or downblouse thread that I get insecure once in a while and I wished I had a nicer cleavage:eek: But it disappears when I go to sleep, because with my little girls, I can do so on my tummy. ;)

Shai ...... truust me i would often feel insecure also regarding my lack of a cleavage but i guess i've learned to be comfortable and accepting of my own attributes which we all have :) i just try to wear clothing that would emphasis but other "assets" ;) ...... teeth , hair or even elbows ;) !!! I'm sure guys here have certainly noticed your assets as well and would probably enjoying see mooooreeee .... ;)
Thanks John! I'm glad you are. I'm usually content with what I have - specially when I'm jogging and the girls are not too heavy. :D It's just when I'm browsing the open-blouse thread or downblouse thread that I get insecure once in a while and I wished I had a nicer cleavage:eek: But it disappears when I go to sleep, because with my little girls, I can do so on my tummy. ;)

Shai ...... truust me i would often feel insecure also regarding my lack of a cleavage but i guess i've learned to be comfortable and accepting of my own attributes which we all have :) i just try to wear clothing that would emphasis but other "assets" ;) ...... teeth , hair or even elbows ;) !!! I'm sure guys here have certainly noticed your assets as well and would probably enjoying see mooooreeee .... ;)

Well grils....:heart::kiss:

....with the nipples that you two have topping off your cute little pairs of tits.......the actual size of your breasts doesn't even matter..!!!:D
I was trying for a downblouse pic with this one.

It's during times like these that I wish I had bigger mammaries so that I would have a nice cleavage for these downblouse pics. All I got was a slight curve, unlike others who have, like, a baby's ass during these pics - which I'm sometimes envious of. :eek: Oh well... we come in different shapes and sizes. Gotta love what we have. :)

And we love what you have Shai. Nothing missing from your body or your pics. :rose:
Well grils....:heart::kiss:

....with the nipples that you two have topping off your cute little pairs of tits.......the actual size of your breasts doesn't even matter..!!!:D

Amen on that.... says a long term fan and lurker on both your threads ;)
I was trying for a downblouse pic with this one.

It's during times like these that I wish I had bigger mammaries so that I would have a nice cleavage for these downblouse pics. All I got was a slight curve, unlike others who have, like, a baby's ass during these pics - which I'm sometimes envious of. :eek: Oh well... we come in different shapes and sizes. Gotta love what we have. :)

First of all I think you have absolutely amazing breasts that give great erotic and arousing cleavage. I wouldn't change a thing about you honey. You are so amazingly sweet, sexy and arousing just the way you are.


A pleasure to see you too! You're welcome to visit. You can camp on my doorstep. But then, if you won the lotto, you wouldn't need to camp, right? You can take a suite at the Hilton. (yeah, there are Hiltons everywhere. ;))

You mean I wouldn't be allowed inside? Or stay inside? Well that may be a bit much at first, but I am sure we could work that all out if I did end up on your door step :D

Hugs, Licks and Kisses
:rose: x 13
hey if hongluobo delurks to second a great point about some outstanding points...

I was trying for a downblouse pic with this one.

It's during times like these that I wish I had bigger mammaries so that I would have a nice cleavage for these downblouse pics. All I got was a slight curve, unlike others who have, like, a baby's ass during these pics - which I'm sometimes envious of. :eek: Oh well... we come in different shapes and sizes. Gotta love what we have.

Sweet and Sexy ShaiGirl:rose:,

I just had to mention that after reading the above (also after I stopped laughing at the "baby's ass" comment:D), I carefully reviewed the pics of you I've archived (250+ including orangebottom.jpg:heart: in case you were wondering:rolleyes:) . I am happy to confirm my hypothesis that you have absolutely no flaws whatsoever. Sadly, I wasn't able to see every millimeter of your loveliness to prove my theory:(;) but if the little bit I have seen is any indication (and I'm sure it is) you're perfect as you are:rose:

ShaiGirl:rose:'s beauty flawed?:eek:
Nothing could be more untrue!
THE flawless dream girl
I remember looking at im_a_man's thread (shameless plug, lol) and I said that the heels on his pics looked like mine. I'm funny sometimes, that I buy heels which have a certain look. :eek: I have 2 pairs, of different colours (black and silver) but almost the same design. See for yourself. ;)

And oh, sometimes I buy shirts of one design but in several colours. Who else here does that? :D

Thanks for the plug, shameless or not! Just wondering if it should have been prefaced with "man-parts seen there" as a warning! I'm guessing most of your fans wouldn't be a fan of my thread! Then again, if they didn't "get it" by my name, then, well... they get what they deserved!

Always good to hear from you! And, your discussion on elaine's thread... yummy! (I posted there too, if you'd care to read it!)

Keep up the good work, and stop hating on your small tatas! Personally, I think they look DELICIOUS! :kiss:
Sweet and Sexy ShaiGirl,

I just had to mention that after reading the above (also after I stopped laughing at the "baby's ass" comment), I carefully reviewed the pics of you I've archived (250+ including orangebottom.jpg in case you were wondering) . I am happy to confirm my hypothesis that you have absolutely no flaws whatsoever. Sadly, I wasn't able to see every millimeter of your loveliness to prove my theory but if the little bit I have seen is any indication (and I'm sure it is) you're perfect as you are

ShaiGirl:rose:'s beauty flawed?
Nothing could be more untrue!
THE flawless dream girl

Hey wanton! I'm glad you were able to get some laughs at my "baby's ass" comment. :D When I'm with my Asian girlfriends and we're having girltalk, we often laugh about that as well. We have an expression of that in our language, and it's really translated as "butt/ass of a child", but "baby's ass" translates better, no? You see, most of my Asian girlfriends wear A or B cups - C cups are rare. That's why when we are sometimes being catty (or envious ;)) there comes the "baby's ass" comment. :D

And I don't hate my little ones - I like them most of the time. :) There are always maximizer bras if I wanted to be a bit bigger. ;) It's just when taking downblouse pics that I get a little insecure. :eek:

I think it's easier to be on the smaller side. I've read some threads here about boobies, and larger busted women sometimes complain of back aches, difficulty in finding nice bras (in some shops they only go up to C or D cups), men don't look at their faces but look south instead, etc. As a woman on the smaller side, I don't have backaches due to heavy tatas, they don't sag yet (but I imagine that the sag factor will come if/when I have a baby and/or when I'm in my 40s), men look at my face most of the time (when I'm not wearing minis or shorts and they're not looking at my legs, lol), and I don't have difficulty in jogging or sleeping on my tummy. ;)

p.s. I'm flattered that the orangebottom pic remains close to your heart (or is it your nether regions? lol)

p.p.s. I don't have anything against larger busted women (since some women might be lurking). In fact I envy them sometimes. :eek: What I've said about them are the comments that I've read from other threads. I think the size of a woman's bust shouldn't be the only gauge for attractiveness, after all, the most attractive organ should be the mind!?! :kiss:
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New pics! Sorry for the grainy quality :eek: webcam pics (mine or borrowed - just guess!). lol
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Shai ...... truust me i would often feel insecure also regarding my lack of a cleavage but i guess i've learned to be comfortable and accepting of my own attributes which we all have :) i just try to wear clothing that would emphasis but other "assets" ;) ...... teeth , hair or even elbows ;) !!! I'm sure guys here have certainly noticed your assets as well and would probably enjoying see mooooreeee .... ;)

I think I'm still on the journey of acceptance of my own attributes. :) When I started posting last year, I was very insecure of my body. Being on Lit has helped me to be more forgiving of my body and its flaws. I think there's always the "grass is always greener on the other side" syndrome, but now it comes less often. ;)

As for showing more... we'll see when the mood arises. ;)
Sorry, my photoshopping skills aren't the best. :eek: Glad you liked, though. :)

Hello shaigirl!

i really like your thread, because you create some kind of tension (right noe also in my pants, regarding your last pictures) :)
i read the discussion about the nice cleavage: wel i think u dont have to be envious onother girls! you are a fine asian girl and i think your cup size fits perfectly to your body.
i dont like these pictures of these asian women with pimped up boobies...

so be proud of what you got.
i will go on peeking, if you keep on sharing pictures ;)

by the way:
i also read some german words. did you lived there or can u speak german ?

Well grils........with the nipples that you two have topping off your cute little pairs of tits.......the actual size of your breasts doesn't even matter..!!!

Well thanks d! I sometimes view my cute tits (and the nipples) as a cupcake with a raisin on it. :D
Or maybe a big Hershey kiss with a raisin? Cut the top off and put a raisin instead. :eek:

And we love what you have Shai. Nothing missing from your body or your pics.

THanks TC! I'm glad I'm still appreciated in this little corner of Lit. :)

Amen on that.... says a long term fan and lurker on both your threads

Wow, the Hong went out of lurkerdom! I'm honoured. :) Thankee for the visit.

First of all I think you have absolutely amazing breasts that give great erotic and arousing cleavage. I wouldn't change a thing about you honey. You are so amazingly sweet, sexy and arousing just the way you are.

Second... You mean I wouldn't be allowed inside? Or stay inside? Well that may be a bit much at first, but I am sure we could work that all out if I did end up on your door step :D

Thanks Shyguy! I really appreciate your words. :) You're really very sweet to me.

Second... if you did come to visit, you would be allowed inside - for coffee maybe. After that I'll shoo you off to the Hilton. LOL Who knows, maybe I'll join you there! ;)

Thanks for the plug, shameless or not! Just wondering if it should have been prefaced with "man-parts seen there" as a warning! I'm guessing most of your fans wouldn't be a fan of my thread! Then again, if they didn't "get it" by my name, then, well... they get what they deserved!

Always good to hear from you! And, your discussion on elaine's thread... yummy! (I posted there too, if you'd care to read it!)

Keep up the good work, and stop hating on your small tatas! Personally, I think they look DELICIOUS!

You're welcome (for the plug). Well, I did mention your screen name (which is undoubtedly male). If they didn't get it, then it's not my fault if they looked at your manparts! :D

FYI, I don't HATE my tatas. I like them, and won't be getting silicon anytime in the near or distant future! :) (Just wondering now - do breasts with implants lose sensitivity?)

Read your post in Elaine's thread too. Thanks for the link for Chinese Laundry. It's nice eye candy. ;)
i like raisins....
fruity and sweet ;)
and the crumpled surface feels so funny on the tongue :)