Random Gamer Silliness

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Well, I did until I started looking for solutions and found out people who legit direct downloaded it got the same error. EA doesn't know what the hell they're doing.

Uh-huh. Justify your theft however you want. It's still theft.
Uh-huh. Justify your theft however you want. It's still theft.

I wasn't trying to justify it. I was saying that people who legit bought the game were having the same problem, so it wasn't /caused/ by some anti-piracy measure as I originally thought.

In fact, I fail to see how that could have been taken as a justification rather then a factual statement about me learning more about the issue.

You wanna get into the morality of pirating, you're talking to the wrong person. I don't think it isn't stealing. I know it's stealing. I do it anyway. I don't need any kind of moral justification for it, because I simply don't care.

In more related news, I still haven't found a crack that worked. I'm really hoping that just by downloading "generations" it'll fix itself. That's what a lot of people have said to do.
I am happy with my dragonbone double-enchanted gear that gives me + %160% sneak skill.

Nobody can find me. Nobody. AHAHAHAHAHA!

*sound of arrows plinking and happy laughter*
Man my current DnD character is such bullshit. He's by far the best melee in the party and he's designed to be a ranched character but once he pops his Incredible Hulk Serum he just brings sexy back.
Man my current DnD character is such bullshit. He's by far the best melee in the party and he's designed to be a ranched character but once he pops his Incredible Hulk Serum he just brings sexy back.

I know a lotta gamer slang, but ranched I don't know.

'Splain please?
Typo. Ranged.

His main weapons are the Heavy Crossbow and Medium Crossbow which both work off his Dexterity stat. But his Serum and another spell give him +6 strength which launches him from weakling into low Super Strength and instead of one attack each round I get three each one stronger than my regular attacks. It's stupid. I can't believe I never blundered into this bastard before. If he didn't have rediculous theme song (posted earlier in this thread) that I can't get out of my head I'd be completely in love. As it stands we spend a lot of time singing together.
Typo. Ranged.

His main weapons are the Heavy Crossbow and Medium Crossbow which both work off his Dexterity stat. But his Serum and another spell give him +6 strength which launches him from weakling into low Super Strength and instead of one attack each round I get three each one stronger than my regular attacks. It's stupid. I can't believe I never blundered into this bastard before. If he didn't have rediculous theme song (posted earlier in this thread) that I can't get out of my head I'd be completely in love. As it stands we spend a lot of time singing together.

Oh! Okay.

Is this DnD online?
Nah, IRL. I've done DnD online all of once and I'll admit it's debatably a superior system. Turns out that with private messages I can pull people aside without stopping the flow of the main game and since we aren't talking over each other I can hold more conversations online than I can IRL where I have to wait for each person to stop speaking before I can engage the next but I haven't managed to fall in love with random number generators. I like my dice and they hate me. They also love my cripple friend which is why I always remind him that I can get up and walk away if the game starts being mean. I can also drive a car and dance. I'm lying about the last part, I can't dance. I can flail around and possibly hurt myself and others but I'm being mean when I say these things and thus the truth can be allowed to wander off for a bit.
Nah, IRL. I've done DnD online all of once and I'll admit it's debatably a superior system. Turns out that with private messages I can pull people aside without stopping the flow of the main game and since we aren't talking over each other I can hold more conversations online than I can IRL where I have to wait for each person to stop speaking before I can engage the next but I haven't managed to fall in love with random number generators. I like my dice and they hate me. They also love my cripple friend which is why I always remind him that I can get up and walk away if the game starts being mean. I can also drive a car and dance. I'm lying about the last part, I can't dance. I can flail around and possibly hurt myself and others but I'm being mean when I say these things and thus the truth can be allowed to wander off for a bit.

I did play some group D&D and had a lot of fun.

I had a very sadistic dungeon master who always sent rust monsters after the tanks and when I was a mage always had me in ankle deep water so I couldn't cast lightning.

His wife played and the real reason for his sadism revealed itself. His wife was a bard with a unicorn and a dimensional pocket to hold everything. He could never kill her without bringing her back more awesome after getting...THE LOOK.

The rest of us didn't even have pack weight allowance for the oil to light the trolls we knew were coming on fire.
That's how one of my friends DM's annoys the hell out of me. I think he's part Jew based on how fucked he always leaves us with gold. It's so bad that the one time he gave us gold we all made sure we spent it on food and animals before the first sitting and sure enough we found ourselves in an apocalypse where actual gold wasn't worth shit but access to apples was fucking bitchin. Wish I'd bought an apple tree instead of a pack of dogs, several horses and several carts but still I did ok.
Got everything unloaded from the event. Took some steel wool to the scabbard of the sabre. Looks a lot better now. I still need to take a grinder to the blade to smooth out the knicks. Looks respectible now though.
Got everything unloaded from the event. Took some steel wool to the scabbard of the sabre. Looks a lot better now. I still need to take a grinder to the blade to smooth out the knicks. Looks respectible now though.

Will it go on display or in a closet? Or in a closet on display?
It should go in your trunk. Never know when you might need to kill a bitch.

When I go to events it will be

Will it go on display or in a closet? Or in a closet on display?

Both. Actually none of my blades are currently on display. They used to be when I had a huge ass entertainment center but I no longer have it. Right now they are in boxes in my basement.
Just sayin, when you get caught at the Republican Convention and a hurricane cuts Rush Limbaugh off from food for six weeks you're gonna wish you'd kept a weapon on you and preferably one that doesn't run out of ammo.
Just sayin, when you get caught at the Republican Convention and a hurricane cuts Rush Limbaugh off from food for six weeks you're gonna wish you'd kept a weapon on you and preferably one that doesn't run out of ammo.

If I was at the convention ya I would plan for that. However, I am about 1200 miles north. I'm looking for a new house right now. Trying to find one with a fireplace so I can hang my sabre and musket above it. Ya I'm kind of redneck like that.

On a side note, played some rocksmith today. Kicked ass with my number one.
If I was at the convention ya I would plan for that. However, I am about 1200 miles north. I'm looking for a new house right now. Trying to find one with a fireplace so I can hang my sabre and musket above it. Ya I'm kind of redneck like that.

On a side note, played some rocksmith today. Kicked ass with my number one.

Hey disaster can strike anywhere at any time! Be prepared. Also I forgive you your redneckism. I can't be mad at everybody and Reci leading the charge to drive us back into the middle ages has me to tired to be mad at frankly anything. Romney could when the election and get a 100% Tea Party Congress and I'd just shrug and go back to sleep at this point.

I need a new game. Anything I haven't accomplished in Batman at this point I'm clearly not capable of figuring out since it's been most of a year at this point and Resident Evil 6 isn't coming fast enough.
Hey disaster can strike anywhere at any time! Be prepared. Also I forgive you your redneckism. I can't be mad at everybody and Reci leading the charge to drive us back into the middle ages has me to tired to be mad at frankly anything. Romney could when the election and get a 100% Tea Party Congress and I'd just shrug and go back to sleep at this point.

I need a new game. Anything I haven't accomplished in Batman at this point I'm clearly not capable of figuring out since it's been most of a year at this point and Resident Evil 6 isn't coming fast enough.

Well the new madden just came out.
Yeah. Madden an go fuck itself. I haven't played Madden since 94. Turns out I don't like games that my Dad can kick my ass in because my understanding of football is that it's one of the two bastard sports. Years ago when all the sports were invented everybody agreed that step one of being a sport was getting some object and placeing it inside some form of recepticle. You might kick it into a net, or throw it in a net or whack it with a hammer from horse back but the basics were the same. Then someone got really confused and out sprang Football. I have no clue what to do against a Nickel Defense or how to stop a Blitz and it turns out that these are important skills to a game that cannot be won by picking whatever team has Kobe Gretzky Beckham and just being made of pure awesome.
Was I that transparent? I can occasionally be tricked into playing a sport that involves Mario. It turns out that fire breathing lizards make everything better.
Was I that transparent? I can occasionally be tricked into playing a sport that involves Mario. It turns out that fire breathing lizards make everything better.

Agreed. The Mario sports games were epic. I have nes golf. It was the first.
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