Psychoanalyzing sigs


Sun of a gun
May 29, 2006
The sig lines at the bottom of someone's post are chosen with care, I suspect, and probably reveal something about the poster on a significant level. So put on your shrink caps and tell us what the sig of the poster before you says about him or her. Creativity would be welcome on the blank ones. You can start with mine.

Not too bad, writer. MMW, that's more for a Say Something Nice thread

A man who likes to make himself useful to gain acceptance, and who has exhibitionist tendencies
Not too bad, writer. MMW, that's more for a Say Something Nice thread

A man who likes to make himself useful to gain acceptance, and who has exhibitionist tendencies
A man who thinks about sex a lot and doesn't care what others think about it.
They find fulfillment through their writing and want to spread their gift, and they have an insouciant streak
A woman who has learned through hard knocks not to take shit and to live life on her terms. And she's into fisting
Her own version of the 90's dating book "The Rules" :D
And this awesome guy... doesn't have a sig! Everybody knows how cool he is already. :rose: And neither did I for like a month or two, I just added my last quote for this thread, see if anybody can see what I was thinking, hehe.
And this awesome guy... doesn't have a sig! Everybody knows how cool he is already. :rose: And neither did I for like a month or two, I just added my last quote for this thread, see if anybody can see what I was thinking, hehe.

She's has a big wonderful imagination. Definitely worth getting to know. ;)
And this awesome guy... doesn't have a sig! Everybody knows how cool he is already. :rose: And neither did I for like a month or two, I just added my last quote for this thread, see if anybody can see what I was thinking, hehe.

I believe hers is in relation to the Matrix, her favorite movie because it dwells on an alternate reality where anything is possible. :kiss:
Azul: has cast his lot with Lit as a main source of fulfillment, and who wants to share of himself and make others feel good