Posts, Signatures, Profiles, etc, May NOT Contain Off-Literotica Personal Contact Information


Dec 31, 2009
Site Content Guidelines and Forum Rules are quite specific in that any personal contact information that is not on is not permitted. This includes, but is not limited to Skype, Kik, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tik-Tok, email addresses or anything similar.

You may not post any personal information of Literotica members or any other person. We do not allow the posting of phone numbers, email addresses, private messages, or quotes from private emails to be posted on the forum. This rule also prohibits the posting of real names, employment info, locations, age, and any other personal information that we deem inappropriate.

The Chat Support Forum has it in a little moire detail, but those rules apply sitewide:

Posts containing such information are subject to removal. Profiles and signature should be edited to remove any currently in place. Those that are not will be subject to editing by the Site Admins.

This is another long standing policy that has been neglected on the forums.
Site Content Guidelines and Forum Rules are quite specific in that any personal contact information that is not on is not permitted. This includes, but is not limited to Skype, Kik, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tik-Tok, email addresses or anything similar.

You may not post any personal information of Literotica members or any other person. We do not allow the posting of phone numbers, email addresses, private messages, or quotes from private emails to be posted on the forum. This rule also prohibits the posting of real names, employment info, locations, age, and any other personal information that we deem inappropriate.

The Chat Support Forum has it in a little moire detail, but those rules apply sitewide:

Posts containing such information are subject to removal. Profiles and signature should be edited to remove any currently in place. Those that are not will be subject to editing by the Site Admins.

This is another long standing policy that has been neglected on the forums.
The rules state you may not give location, but the profile page has a specific slot for giving it. A bit odd that. :(
I interpreted those rules to mean that one could not post other folk's information. ie. doxing
I interpreted those rules to mean that one could not post other folk's information. ie. doxing
It's a reasonable interpretation given the paragraph before, but it appears some people are less than reasonable.
It's a reasonable interpretation given the paragraph before, but it appears some people are less than reasonable.
I also took it to mean that your own personal info could be posted in your profile. *shrug*

For a literary site, the copy writers for rules kinda suck.
Perhaps an attorney needs to be consulted.

Don't matter much to me.
It's been hashed out among Mods and Admin to mean that you can post your own contact information in your Profile or in PMs, but not openly on the boards or in your signature that appears in each post.

It's hard to write rules for a group of people across the world determined to find ways around them. Go to the Author's hangout and look at the number of threads arguing against the age rule that simply says no interaction with anyone under 18.

*That's not the law where I live.

*What if the kids are in the room but the adults are playing under a blanket?

*What if the kids are in the next room listening?
It's been hashed out among Mods and Admin to mean that you can post your own contact information in your Profile or in PMs, but not openly on the boards or in your signature that appears in each post.

It's hard to write rules for a group of people across the world determined to find ways around them. Go to the Author's hangout and look at the number of threads arguing against the age rule that simply says no interaction with anyone under 18.

*That's not the law where I live.

*What if the kids are in the room but the adults are playing under a blanket?

*What if the kids are in the next room listening?
Thanks for the clarification.
It's been hashed out among Mods and Admin to mean that you can post your own contact information in your Profile or in PMs, but not openly on the boards or in your signature that appears in each post.

It's hard to write rules for a group of people across the world determined to find ways around them. Go to the Author's hangout and look at the number of threads arguing against the age rule that simply says no interaction with anyone under 18.

*That's not the law where I live.

*What if the kids are in the room but the adults are playing under a blanket?

*What if the kids are in the next room listening?
Hopefully the language can be rewritten to reflect that. As I said, that's how I read it.
The age thing is perfectly clear.
(Though very tricksie to enforce with the photo posts of "youthful" looking models, which seem pretty pervasive, I am sure)