Non consensual BDSM stories

Sep 13, 2023
I have just read a story from the BDSM category that is a kind of modernized story of O where a modern strong woman submits herself to a secret BDSM societey. It is very well written, but ultimately the female hero is abused by someone who has a sexual harassment history. And as if we would not bei after #metoo, the abuser is protected by this society and the victim has to take all the blame as is thrown out. Some may find this kind of non-consensual elements in BDSM appealing for me it has completely destroyed the story. (

Am I the only one who is appaled by abuse in stories and particular BDSM? How do others feel about such stories?
I didn't take it that the exile and blame was intended to be sexualized and so for me it added depth to the world the author was creating and makes it easier to relate to because that kind of thing plays out every single day. I don't find it "sexy" but I'm not going to be offended by good writing interrupting my arousal.
I'd have to read the story, but 'abuse' is an over-used word. An argument where one spouse does not listen to the other can be called abuse.In the real world it has its place to protect rights.
In the fantasy world of fiction however, those lines fade. Nonconsent domination or submission can be very erotic. I use the humiliation factor as well as physical 'abuse' in the majority of my stories. Where I draw the line is I hate to see the victim destroyed. I want him or her to have an out, a future of some sort where they return to a normal life or at least one of their choosing.
I skimmed the story, because it wasn't exactly to my tastes, but I didn't see anything that would "appal" me. I think @Gamblnluck put it very well. It deserves repeating. Bottom line, a story may not be to your tastes, but I don't think fiction, in general, warrants appaling someone.

I'd have to read the story, but 'abuse' is an over-used word. An argument where one spouse does not listen to the other can be called abuse.In the real world it has its place to protect rights.
In the fantasy world of fiction however, those lines fade. Nonconsent domination or submission can be very erotic.
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It deserves repeating. Bottom line, a story may not be to your tastes, but I don't think fiction, in general, warrants appaling someone.
it does if it goes too far. Fiction has a great effect on attitudes. Reading and enjoying a story about destroying someone's life for fun can change the way you think. The same with some of the racist stories. But at the same time, I don't see the need for all the sensual aftercare and 'loving submission' either.
it does if it goes too far. Fiction has a great effect on attitudes. Reading and enjoying a story about destroying someone's life for fun can change the way you think. The same with some of the racist stories. But at the same time, I don't see the need for all the sensual aftercare and 'loving submission' either.
I've seen a lot of opinions on line that deny that it has been established that reading a story can change the way you think.
But I guess I do agree that some things would appal me. Not the things you site, but stories advocating racism or misogyny, not be representation, but by outright advocacy. But I've never seen such stories on Literotica or any other erotica site.

There was an eloquent post by an author on LushStories who was of Asian descent. Not surprisingly, stories about sexual violence toward Asians turned her on. Her stories were banned from Lush. Her stories were about her fantasies. She wasn't advocating anti-Asian hatred.

@Gamblnluck so you see this last para, as it was an edit. Don't know if editing in your name will work. Lemme know if you see it.
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I've seen a lot of opinions on line that deny that it has been established that reading a story can change the way you think.
Same indoctrination as liberal teaching in the education system. You accept what you see and hear. Maybe more subtle as you get older, but still there.
You come to accept what you see, smell and hear. Reading is just one more input into the mind. Case in point. I know many in the medical field who would almost pass out at the sight of blood, mucous, guts etc. when younger. Later it was just red or otherwise colored stuff that would stain or possibly transmit a disease.
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I do not think writers have an obligation to uphold societal standards or even their own personal morals in the stories they write: for evidence, I present to you the entire genre of Horror.

How many books have you read in which a character is murdered? Dozens? Hundreds? Do you condone murder? Of course not. But it doesn't destroy your ability to enjoy the book because it's a plot device. An imaginary event that apes events that occur in the real world.

Is every author publishing in NC/Reluctance a rapist? Of course not. I would hazard a guess that many authors on Literotica are exploring fantasies and events that they would not condone in real life. I certainly am. Likewise, I often read sexual content or watch pornography that doesn't have to align with my own morals in day to day life. I can be aroused by a fantasy, and still draw a hard line between that fantasy and reality. If someone can't, I think that says much more about their own character than it does about the content they consume.
I will never condone sexual abuse against my sex, it's wrong and would hate for this to happen to me, or any of mine in reality x However, in a written story or a movie plot, these things happen x Also, behind closed doors/curtains etc these are purely fantasies for certain women like myself, which I sometimes like to act out in consensual 'non consenting' role-play with guys as I'm Submissive, enjoy rough sex, dirty talk, hair-pulling etc, it's part of who I am and what arouses me sexually x x x
How many books have you read in which a character is murdered? Dozens? Hundreds? Do you condone murder? Of course not. But it doesn't destroy your ability to enjoy the book because it's a plot device. An imaginary event that apes events that occur in the real world.
This certainly puts a point on it.
If it is non consensual, it belongs in Non Con, stop polluting the BDSM category with rape stories
Oh look, they have 'master' in their avatar...says it all.
ow many books have you read in which a character is murdered? Dozens? Hundreds? Do you condone murder? Of course not. But it doesn't destroy your ability to enjoy the book because it's a plot device. An imaginary event that apes events that occur in the real world.
I'm not talking about separating a story from reality. One point is using blatant stereotypes.... like for blacks: the 'big dicked nigger', the 'ghetto rat drug dealer' or 'pimp'. One story might denigrate another may move those same characteristics to a pedestal And in that case of course the white men become 'little cocked boi's' or some such.
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And I am an avid fan of letting erotic fantasies loose. Or even put yourself as a writer into that mindset and see where it takes you. I'm talking the extreme. Where it can push the boundaries into danger.
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Somehow someone else's post showed up here under my name.
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There can be a huge disconnect between "stories that depict responsible BDSM" and "stories that responsible BDSMers might get off on and might want to roleplay". Plenty of BDSMers get off on fantasies of non-consent/abuse/etc. that would be abhorrent to them in reality.

I think part of the reason there's so much heat on this topic at Literotica is that it's not really clear whether the BDSM category is meant to be "stories depicting BDSM" or "stories to fuel BDSM fantasies".
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I think part of the reason there's so much heat on this topic at Literotica is that it's not really clear whether the BDSM category is meant to be "stories depicting BDSM" or "stories to fuel BDSM fantasies".
Too true.
I’m not even going to attempt to excuse things like rape and bestiality in real life. They are disgusting and should not be sexualized under any circumstances. Consensual submissive behavior and cooperation for mutual pleasure are different. I say this as a victim of sexual abuse who knows other victims also. Yes, there is sexual abuse in my stories, but its perpetrators are always punished severely. It is included for awareness, not arousal. And I might read stories where it’s used otherwise, but I will not enjoy them.
There just straight up needs to be a NC BDSM category.

The NC/R category seems to be frequented by folks who want rape-play fantasies. Usually with a female victim. Nothing wrong with that in the context of fiction/fantasy. My husband and I play around with CNC play a lot and both love it.

Anyway right now any spanking story where the sub isn't begging for it on his/her hands and knees and screaming they love it after each smack is shunned over at BDSM and over at NC/R they're just confused and not interested.

But I only want to write on this site due to its 18+ rules.
In what way are they confused? Why are they not interested?

I suspect 90% of readers there want NC stories of women being overpowered for sex by men. Just a guess. The readership generally isn't expecting a spanking story, and usually not a story with a male submissive or overpowered male.

When I post there I suspect most people find me through tags moreso than the new queue.
This thread took a different turn than I expected. Maybe, because English is my second language, the use of some words was not accurate. I found it hard to put in words, what disturbed me.

Basically the story violated my understanding of SSC/RACK standards. The doms in the story acted in a way, that any person would have to have a self-destructive personality to submit to them.

And to me that just adds to the cliché, that BDSM is a kind of personality disorder. (like 50sog)

Writing such a story is fine with me, when I can see it coming (and thus avoid the story)

For 3/4 the story was fine and then it took a turn, where I thought, "oups the author apparently has a totally different understanding of BDSM than I have have."

So my questions boils down to: What do others think of BDSM stories, where SSC/RACK is not adhered to?
Do you read them or do you seek them or do you skip them? (I hate them)
Do you read them or do you seek them or do you skip them?
Depends on the mood I'm in. Most often I seek out and read them, and I have found and enjoyed things like that in the BDSM category.

I've written and submitted things on lit that feed fantasies of violence and control, but I'm never tempted to write them in a realistic setting. It's not for any moral reason, just that it wouldn't do anything for me.
I have to admit that in BDSM I do not care for things like excessive cruelty. Like using pushpins and thumbtacks. I recently read a story (Wrong Turn), that featured this. I gave it five stars because it was well written, and a good story, and if the pushpins and thumbtacks are what the reader wants, then it's all there. But those parts I skimmed over pretty quickly. I don't judge those who like things I do not care for, and I try and rate each story based on its merit. If it keeps me reading to the end, especially despite content I do not care for, then it gets a good rating.

The link to the story is: