masters sub

So this boils down to *neener, neener, dom's better than your dom?* How a very pathetic way.
Well, after seeing all these posts, comments, and slandering made me wonder about Sinpain and if I made the right choice. Since I am new to all of this I started exploring. And since yesterday, I have "met" FIVE different Doms/Daddys and started conversations with them. And I can honestly say that since I have been with Sinpain I have never been treated badly, felt truly uncomfortable, or any humiliated in any way shape or form. However, in the recent conversations with FIVE different people, it has been awful and the conplete opposite of what I was looking for. So, I would like to say that y'all can say what you wish, it doesn't matter, you are clearly destined to make other's relationships miserable, but know this, we are happy. We are all happy. We know what else there is and we have decided that He is what we want. We're not being forced to submit or anything like that. We are all informed and are willing. So just stop, you're only making yourself look foolish. Anything you have to say from here on out will be null and void. Enjoy your own Lit/Real Life experiences and let us enjoy ours. Thank you.

Cool story bro.

But next time?

Don't assume you're entitled to our involvement and agreement about your personal life... or anything else. When you post about your whatever on the internet, all you're going to get is opinions. And if you can't handle that, then don't post.
Well, after seeing all these posts, comments, and slandering made me wonder about Sinpain and if I made the right choice. Since I am new to all of this I started exploring. And since yesterday, I have "met" FIVE different Doms/Daddys and started conversations with them. And I can honestly say that since I have been with Sinpain I have never been treated badly, felt truly uncomfortable, or any humiliated in any way shape or form. However, in the recent conversations with FIVE different people, it has been awful and the conplete opposite of what I was looking for. So, I would like to say that y'all can say what you wish, it doesn't matter, you are clearly destined to make other's relationships miserable, but know this, we are happy. We are all happy. We know what else there is and we have decided that He is what we want. We're not being forced to submit or anything like that. We are all informed and are willing. So just stop, you're only making yourself look foolish. Anything you have to say from here on out will be null and void. Enjoy your own Lit/Real Life experiences and let us enjoy ours. Thank you.

Cool story bro.

But next time?

Don't assume you're entitled to our involvement and agreement about your personal life... or anything else. When you post about your whatever on the internet, all you're going to get is opinions. And if you can't handle that, then don't post.

What KP said. If you don't like the way we handle stuff either put us on ignore or don't post here. Duh. I mean it's not rocket science - no one makes you keep coming back here. The fact that you're still here, after saying you're gonna leave at least twice, and all that makes me think, even more, that you're a troll and you're enjoying the attention. Either that you're a drama queen. Or both.
Your spelling gets worse every time you come online. Wow. How old are you? Honestly? 15?
I think she was just upset and wanted to get things said. Typos were the least thing on her mind. While I don't agree with her still thinking that dom guy is the best thing to happen in her life, I do understand her position.

None of us think this guy is worth the effort and we can't get her to understand that. She just won't listen to people who have been in her shoes. This is a large part of what this forum is about...helping newbies understand fake doms, wannabees and losers/users/abusers who seek out the newbie in the crowd, because they have no past experiences to fall back on. Look at this guy through the eyes of experience and you see a different dude. I'm not going to say he's total bad news, but I will say he's far from something special.
I think she was just upset and wanted to get things said. Typos were the least thing on her mind. While I don't agree with her still thinking that dom guy is the best thing to happen in her life, I do understand her position.

None of us think this guy is worth the effort and we can't get her to understand that. She just won't listen to people who have been in her shoes. This is a large part of what this forum is about...helping newbies understand fake doms, wannabees and losers/users/abusers who seek out the newbie in the crowd, because they have no past experiences to fall back on. Look at this guy through the eyes of experience and you see a different dude. I'm not going to say he's total bad news, but I will say he's far from something special.

I guess. I asked if she was 15 for a reason, actually. Her spelling is a lot like my sisters and my daughters, very common misspells for people who spent a lot of time texting and using text speak.
Well, after seeing all these posts, comments, and slandering made me wonder about Sinpain and if I made the right choice. Since I am new to all of this I started exploring. And since yesterday, I have "met" FIVE different Doms/Daddys and started conversations with them. And I can honestly say that since I have been with Sinpain I have never been treated badly, felt truly uncomfortable, or any humiliated in any way shape or form. However, in the recent conversations with FIVE different people, it has been awful and the conplete opposite of what I was looking for. So, I would like to say that y'all can say what you wish, it doesn't matter, you are clearly destined to make other's relationships miserable, but know this, we are happy. We are all happy. We know what else there is and we have decided that He is what we want. We're not being forced to submit or anything like that. We are all informed and are willing. So just stop, you're only making yourself look foolish. Anything you have to say from here on out will be null and void. Enjoy your own Lit/Real Life experiences and let us enjoy ours. Thank you.

Honest question -

If you "met" a boy online on like facebook or something, we'll call him boy A (and it had nothing to do with BDSM), would you judge the health/happiness/etc of things with boy A off of conversations you had with the next 5 boys you talked to on facebook?

Because that's essentially what you're saying happened.

Y'all can have all the kinky sex talk ya want, no skin off my nose... but there are people here who are raising questions, because we see things going down here that raise concerns. You joined 11/13, and have talked of being inexperienced, and a virgin, and not really knowing much about BDSM outside of the stories on Lit... and now you're saying "We know what else there is and we have decided that He is what we want. We're not being forced to submit or anything like that. We are all informed and are willing." Really? 13 days, and online conversations with 5 other "dominants" and you feel educated and fully informed, and like you know what you're getting into (even if it is online only)?

This Sinpain guy might be fabooo. He might be the awesomest awesome online dominant/master/whatever on the planet. This whole situation might feel exciting, and new, and like it's exactly what you've always fantasized about. It might even be a semi-good way to explore a few things. But there's a reason who stereotypes exist, and a reason why people are responding to these posts like a bad stereotype of a poorly written BDSM novella.
I guess. I asked if she was 15 for a reason, actually. Her spelling is a lot like my sisters and my daughters, very common misspells for people who spent a lot of time texting and using text speak.
Not having kids of my own, I wouldn't know about misspellings. And I don't even own a cell phone, so have never and probably will never send or receive a text message.

But, I can see how spelling will suffer, when you are probably just using one or two fingers to type something on a keyboard the size of a credit card (if that large) using short cuts and hyphenated words as much as possible. And, it's not like they aren't doing something else at the same driving? It does make me wonder though...will the next generation be even worse? Will our slang take over the properly spelled sentence, in the interest of time and lack of dexterity? :eek:
Not having kids of my own, I wouldn't know about misspellings. And I don't even own a cell phone, so have never and probably will never send or receive a text message.

But, I can see how spelling will suffer, when you are probably just using one or two fingers to type something on a keyboard the size of a credit card (if that large) using short cuts and hyphenated words as much as possible. And, it's not like they aren't doing something else at the same driving? It does make me wonder though...will the next generation be even worse? Will our slang take over the properly spelled sentence, in the interest of time and lack of dexterity? :eek:

You are not the only one worrying about this. I've read TONS of articles in parenting magazines and stuff about this. Text-speak is even affecting their speach, my daughter the other day said 'idk' when I asked her a question. Now, I know that means I don't know, but her dad didn't.
Not having kids of my own, I wouldn't know about misspellings. And I don't even own a cell phone, so have never and probably will never send or receive a text message.

My kind of guy!!! Yes, seriously!
I guess. I asked if she was 15 for a reason, actually. Her spelling is a lot like my sisters and my daughters, very common misspells for people who spent a lot of time texting and using text speak.

This is one of the few things that lends credence to there being at least two people posting here. The disparity in posting styles would be difficult to fake, I would think. If nothing else, sinpain dude was fairly articulate in his diatribe.
You are not the only one worrying about this. I've read TONS of articles in parenting magazines and stuff about this. Text-speak is even affecting their speach, my daughter the other day said 'idk' when I asked her a question. Now, I know that means I don't know, but her dad didn't.

Back in the day when texting started, not sure how many of you recall this, you were charged per character and/or be charged for going over a character limit. Some companies I think still do this.

Abbreviating was necessary and eventually it just stuck.

It annoys the shit out of me. Especially when I come across someone who is an adult, I've come across people who are in their 60s, who write like that! Not text, but write, email, etc. B for be, 2 for two, U for you. I shake my head and feel like asking them, "What are you, ten years old?"

I know someone who teaches English at a college and receives papers filled with abbreviations AND EMOTICONS drawn on the page!
This is one of the few things that lends credence to there being at least two people posting here. The disparity in posting styles would be difficult to fake, I would think. If nothing else, sinpain dude was fairly articulate in his diatribe.

It's possible, but I've seen trolls with multiple accounts who are smart enough to use different styles.

Anyone remember princess goddess, her master, her lawyer, and her daddy?
I know someone who teaches English at a college and receives papers filled with abbreviations AND EMOTICONS drawn on the page!

I read something about that the other day, too, and one of my english teachers remarked on it in her syllabus - that we'd lose a letter grade PER text speak.
I read something about that the other day, too, and one of my english teachers remarked on it in her syllabus - that we'd lose a letter grade PER text speak.


I mean really! On another note, cursive writing is not being taught in grade schools anymore.

I mean really! On another note, cursive writing is not being taught in grade schools anymore.

I know. My oldest can't write cursive - the reasoning behind it being that no one needs to learn it anymore, and that learning to type is a more useful skill. I'm going to probably pay for her to take some calligraphy, just because it annoys her so much that she can't write cursive.
I know. My oldest can't write cursive - the reasoning behind it being that no one needs to learn it anymore, and that learning to type is a more useful skill. I'm going to probably pay for her to take some calligraphy, just because it annoys her so much that she can't write cursive.

Not for nothing, but good for her! If she is curious, there are lessons online... I know, the irony.

All she needs is a pencil and some ruled paper. Funny enough, you can even find that online to print.
Well, after seeing all these posts, comments, and slandering made me wonder about Sinpain and if I made the right choice. Since I am new to all of this I started exploring. And since yesterday, I have "met" FIVE different Doms/Daddys and started conversations with them. And I can honestly say that since I have been with Sinpain I have never been treated badly, felt truly uncomfortable, or any humiliated in any way shape or form. However, in the recent conversations with FIVE different people, it has been awful and the conplete opposite of what I was looking for. So, I would like to say that y'all can say what you wish, it doesn't matter, you are clearly destined to make other's relationships miserable, but know this, we are happy. We are all happy. We know what else there is and we have decided that He is what we want. We're not being forced to submit or anything like that. We are all informed and are willing. So just stop, you're only making yourself look foolish. Anything you have to say from here on out will be null and void. Enjoy your own Lit/Real Life experiences and let us enjoy ours. Thank you.

Thank God... now please stop with this insipid tripe. Oh, and I'm retracting my earlier claim that I thought you had a brain. Keep it in pm's amongst your group. It's not even funny anymore.

Any further posts will be met with "ignore".. hey.. if shunning works for the Amish... why not trolls?
I agree that cursive should not be taught in school any more. At least, not as a required thing. Just like I don't think schools should teach how to paint with oils as part of the core curriculum. Cursive, as lovely as it is, has become solely an art.

If people want to learn it, BY ALL MEANS! LEARN IT! It is lovely and I'm somewhat envious of those who can write beautifully. my grandfather is an architect and he just has this amazing calligraphy script that is fantastic to look at. It's not even TOO hard to read.

But I'd hate to see history, science or, more importantly, the endangered times for RECESS, cut short for the sake of something without any universal utility any more.

I do think kids should be exposed to cursive, though. Maybe taught it a LITTLE in order to read it. But I remember spending HOURS learning cursive...really for nothing.
You are not the only one worrying about this. I've read TONS of articles in parenting magazines and stuff about this. Text-speak is even affecting their speach, my daughter the other day said 'idk' when I asked her a question. Now, I know that means I don't know, but her dad didn't.

It's seriously real-world newspeak and it scares the hell out of me too. Nothing like limiting the mind by limiting what it's capable of thinking. daughter the other day said 'idk' when I asked her a question. Now, I know that means I don't know, but her dad didn't.

If she said the actual letters IDK then that's even worse as that has the same amount of syllables as the phrase it's supposed to be abreviating!

It's like on a keyboard you have to hold down two keys to get the '@' symbol when two strokes is all it takes to spell 'at'

..... By the way, I eventually got my pizza and it was cold - and I specifically said no anchovies.
My oldest spend all of her fourth grade writing in cursive. My youngest spent wasn't taught. They are only two years apart.


I agree that cursive should not be taught in school any more. At least, not as a required thing. Just like I don't think schools should teach how to paint with oils as part of the core curriculum. Cursive, as lovely as it is, has become solely an art.

If people want to learn it, BY ALL MEANS! LEARN IT! It is lovely and I'm somewhat envious of those who can write beautifully. my grandfather is an architect and he just has this amazing calligraphy script that is fantastic to look at. It's not even TOO hard to read.

But I'd hate to see history, science or, more importantly, the endangered times for RECESS, cut short for the sake of something without any universal utility any more.

I do think kids should be exposed to cursive, though. Maybe taught it a LITTLE in order to read it. But I remember spending HOURS learning cursive...really for nothing.
Well, after seeing all these posts, comments, and slandering made me wonder about Sinpain and if I made the right choice. Since I am new to all of this I started exploring. And since yesterday, I have "met" FIVE different Doms/Daddys and started conversations with them. And I can honestly say that since I have been with Sinpain I have never been treated badly, felt truly uncomfortable, or any humiliated in any way shape or form. However, in the recent conversations with FIVE different people, it has been awful and the conplete opposite of what I was looking for. So, I would like to say that y'all can say what you wish, it doesn't matter, you are clearly destined to make other's relationships miserable, but know this, we are happy. We are all happy. We know what else there is and we have decided that He is what we want. We're not being forced to submit or anything like that. We are all informed and are willing. So just stop, you're only making yourself look foolish. Anything you have to say from here on out will be null and void. Enjoy your own Lit/Real Life experiences and let us enjoy ours. Thank you.
Thing is? For whatever reason, he sent babygrl here and wajalover here, to post public messages about their private games. In internet terms this is like sending someone out naked on the street.

When people started making fun of wajalover, who is most def not the sharpest tack, he says he "stepped away," instead of protecting the sub who had come to post because he told her to.

You of course, can enjoy playing with sinpain and I truly expect you will continue to have a good time with him. Just know that he's made a public exhibit of you all and not backed you up in any way. Personally, I would never ever put anyone in that position.
My oldest spend all of her fourth grade writing in cursive. My youngest spent wasn't taught. They are only two years apart.


Hmm fair enough. To be fair, it's been quite some time since I was in grade school, so if it's different now it wouldn't surprise me.