Lord Pmann’s Friendly SMOOTH Vagina Pic Club

Lord Pmann

Mar 12, 2012
I just wanted to create a thread for people to kindly discuss and find like-minded friends to whom they may send vagina pics.

I think there is a stigma with sending vag pics. I mean, the women here just seem to welcome random dick pics. But unsolicited vagina pics? They’re almost unheard of. They are the unicorns of unsolicited genital pics. And that’s a double standard. And if there’s one thing that Lord Pmann doesn’t stand for, it’s a double standard for you ladies. You all know me as a feminist and this isn’t an area that women should have to always look upward through the glass ceiling and see nothing but dicks. Don’t stand for it, ladies. I want you all to look through that glass ceiling and see some friendly* vaginas staring back at you.

*This thread is only for friendly vagina pics. Angry or manky vagina pics should be directed to @Mr_bogey.
... Okay.. so this is rather weird to realise, but.. That guy, sans howling wolf mask and paws..

I mean, he is kinda.. you know.. sort of.. attractive! 🙈🙈🙈

Yes, I know.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Cat likes wolf
News at 5:00!
I was just reminded about some guy I used to vaguely know who used to pronounce the word vagina as 'vaginer'. I didn't say a word to him about it, but I did tell a friend. She contrived a way to make him say it in front of her, and when he did, she burst out laughing.