Lawyers house is my half way house. (Invite only)

When the pots and dishes is clean I will teach you how to make tomato soup and grilled cheese.
I smile and take the pot put a bit of water in and heat it up. I grab a new can and dump it in. Then i tell you to keep string it every minute or so. Meanwhile I take the 4 slices of bread and put them in the toaster. When they pop I grab a dish and put them on it and put 4 more in. When they pop I take a slice of cheese and put 2/3rds of it on one slice of toast and do that will all. I use 3 slces of cheese and the 4th slice gets the 1/3rd slice put on. I put on the other batch of toast from the toaster and slip the plate in the microwave for 20 seconds. By then the tomato soup is headed up and I grab 2 saucers and 2 bowls. I hand the bowls to you and ask for you to dish it up. While I put the 2 grilled cheese sandwiches on a saucer and bring them to the table. I make another batch of grilled cheese while I get my self some tea from the frig.
Tricia watches, studying. it didn't seem that hard. It was just soup and a sandwich. She felt embarassed for doing such a bad job before. It also smelled good. That was surprising. And it was nice and hot, different than the lukewarm microwaved meals she had been living on in prison.

She dished the soup and set two places at the table. She began to feel normal again.
Jon pulls the toast out of the toaster and puts a new set in then grabs 3 more slices of cheese and makes a second batch that is only waiting for the top. Jon sits down and eats dipping his grilled cheese into the soup.
Jon eats his 4 grilled cheese sandwiges by dipping them in the soup then he eats the soup. Jon askes while eatting the soup if Tricia knows how to make home made mac and cheese?
"I'm sure I can learn." She answered. She might use it as an excuse to spend some more time with him. As long as he wasn't angry with her tomorrow night.
That made Tricia remember how happy she is that she can't be thrown in "the box" again.
Go into the cupboard and get a package of elbow macaroni for me and in the frig get me the big bag of shredded cheese. Then you will want to put the tomato soup in a bowl and slip that into the frig too.
Tricia did as she was told. How long was this going to last? It was one thing to whip up a quick meal, but was she going to have to endure a naked cooking class?

She put the soup away and retrieved the ingredients from the cupboards.
Jon smiles and says get 6 cups of water and put it into the big pan,and bring the water to a boil. The key to good home made mac and cheese is make it before hand so the cheese can settle and firm up..*Jon smiles as he looks over Tricia's nude body*
When its to a boil, look at the time and add the macaroni. keep it on high for 7 and then on medium for 8 mins. Stir often so it don't stick. Then fill you big frying pan up with water just to coat the bottom then add 2 pounds of cheese in the pan and put that on high heat too stir that now and then but not so often. Once the cheese is melted will look yellowish milky look then turn it off and let the mac finish cooking till its soft then pour the cheese over the mac. I like to put the cook past in a plastic dish then pour the cheese into the plastic dish and mix it up then slip it in the frig.
Tricia listened intently, and continued to cook exactly as he had prescribed. She was used to following instructions now. She did everything he said and soon had perfect piping hot mac and cheese, ready to be doled out.
"To be honest, I've had a long day. A great day, a wonderful day, but a lot has happened and I'm tired. Besides, I imagine you have plenty for me to do tomorrow. If it's all right with you, I think I'd like to get some sleep."
ok I will be working in my office then hope you sleep well. * Jon gets up walking down into his bedroom* He slips into the hidden passage way and takes the tunnel to the wooden old massage table and waits under the table for Tricia to come into her room.
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Tricia returns to her bedroom. She hadn't noticed that there was no bed, just what looked like a massage table. It was leather, looked firm and hard, but it had to be softer than the cot she had inside.

She found a sheet in her closet, lay down on the bed and pulled it over her. She tried to get comfortable and closed her eyes.
Jon was kinda surprised she went to bed so fast. The sheet blocked out most of the light but he knew he was under the gap of where the table bottom and top meet. Jon didn't know how she was laying as the gap was covered but he knew she was right above him again.
Jon was looking up knowing about 2 inches above him her hips rest.