I've nothing to say...


I have played this videogame :D
Guys! Learn to tie a bow tie!


While not as used as the venerable Windsor or double Windsor knots for long ties, it's just one of those things a guy should know how to do for himself.

...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Shame you couldn't fit Pluto in the big picture...:rolleyes:
Cool geoglyphs in Kazakhstan

Estimated to be 8000 years old

Link to the article:

Discovered less than a decade ago, these are estimated to predate the large structures built by the Sumerians or the Mehrgarh. Why they were built and who built them is unknown. The answers to these questions are likely to reshape our understanding of human prehistory.

One of Saturn's moons, Enceladus, along with a partial view of Saturn's rings, as seen from the Cassini probe
I was fortunate enough to get to see him in concert several times

This album was my intro.


Overnight Sensation was an awesome bit of vinyl. I hadda be real careful not to let my folks hear Zappa when I was spinning those platters. Good thing the 70's came with headphones...
Overnight Sensation was an awesome bit of vinyl. I hadda be real careful not to let my folks hear Zappa when I was spinning those platters. Good thing the 70's came with headphones...

They used to play Dinah-Moe-Humm on the radio and no one complained. That was before Tipper Gore and the whole PC movement came around.
Ever listen to this one? This album had a whole side about an encounter with groupies. It was hilarious. But also contained a very kick-ass version of Peaches en Regalia.

On a different note, I got hold of "The Martian" (a novel) today and tore through it this afternoon/early evening.
I can't say about the movie based on the novel, but seriously, find the book and read it!
It's entertaining, engaging, funny as hell, and so far as I can tell, the science portrayed is pretty solid (which means it's honest-to-god sci-fi, not fantasy with a tech veneer, like Star Wars).