For fun: If a Lit author was a MC in one of your stories, what would be their (mis)adventure?

You planning some crazy Yahtzee sex tournament story with some of the Lit hotties, Duleigh? Count me out. I'm not at all competitive... you can leave the shibari, though. Cozy. 😌

There is a "Buy out option" and you'll get co-author credit on Enchantress 4

One cup, you say?

Don't... don't even go there.

LOL. Prepare for mayhem..... this yahtzee game may go off on a wild tangent as Chloe slides her little knife out, a quick twist, and the cuffs come off, the blindfold drops, and Chloe....smiles.

Some people take their Yahtzee too seriously. That's why when we play it when we're camping we lock up all the guns... and the knives... and the MREs (a well tossed Government Issue pound cake is considered a deadly weapon and are outlawed in 14 states)

@Duleigh, I know you like playing with trains, but that was one hell of a derailment.

I like playing with LOTS of things
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Let's see... I need four volunteers... @seraph_nocturne, thank you for raising your hand, don't mind my assistants, let me know if the rope is two tight... @MediocreAuthor thank you for joining, yes we do keep the hand cuffs in the refrigerator. @ChloeTzang, the blindfolds will come off soon, and thank you @EmilyMiller, how long this will last is totally up to you

Ok ladies the name of the game is Yahtzee, there's five dice and one cup, now Chloe! Throwing the dice is not allowed and that was painful, wasn't it? Yes Emily The electrodes will be considered negative reinforcement and... so yes that's right seraph! The vibrators are positive! You've played this before? No? I think you'll all enjoy it... what's that Mediocre? No, my mother never did anything like that, now if you get a Yahtzee you will feel this... That was fun, wasn't it? For a six it will be much... Ladies please, we'll never get the rules read if you keep interrupting me... Yes I do think she likes the electrodes now as I was saying...
Cold handcuffs? You're an inhuman monster.
I have incorporated a few other authors’ work into mine but only as echo. It’s never ultimately had lasting results. Or has it? You tell me, fans. ;)