Cooking with Chaz- Things I hate and Love


Literotica Guru
Oct 9, 2004
Hi there everyone,

I thought I would share with you the fact that I am a Man totally obsessed with good food.
I guess partly due to me living with an Italian family for 20 years (through my first Marriage)

I eat nothing from a box, frozen foods I avoid like the plague and don't EVER try and serve me anything with a sauce that came from a fucking jar, unless I put it there :D

I will concede to using Ketchup but that's it!

I've lived outside the US for many years and I just can't understand why so many Americans (yes, I am one) eat crap!
It bewilders me to see so many cars lined up at fast food drive throughs when they could easily go home and in 5 minutes have a decent meal.
No wonder so many are fat pigs!!!!!!!!
Get your ass in that kitchen and cook something ya miserable lazy shithead.

Excuse me but what can I say........ I'm passionate about food.

And guys.... watch your dairy intake if you want your partner (notice the Politically correct term there) (Fuck P.C. actually)
to go down on you and actually swallow that stuff.
Actually, watch fast food too.

If anyone needs any great traditional recipes feel free to email me
Or ask away here.

I do great Italian and BBQ not to mention the best damn Salmon with Scallops in a cream sauce you ever tasted. Takes 20min.

Speaking of BBQs. What's up with all this sweet sauce that everyone seems to like here. If ya want a good sauce for your meat (Now Now, be good) mix up a little red wine, Ketchup, Garlic and "Worcestershire Sauce" and not the cheap no name brand either you tight asses. When it comes to food DON'T SKIMP!!

Things I hate realted to food.....


(only good for Yuppie meetings) their coffee absolutely sucks!!! Actually, it's not the beans, it's what they do with it. Ya want a good coffee go buy an old fashioned Italian stove top espresso machine, get some decent beans and make it yourself. Forget all this tootie fruity sweet syrup shit that is just full of sugar too....... OR. grab a Tully's


Now here's a place to grab all those really hard to find shity crapy products. Enough said on that one........ There are NO great Supermarket chains in the US, there's a couple of very small stores I go to but I also get a lot of my food from O/S
YES. I also bring Coffee beans in from O/S.
Ooopsss. Trader joes is good, sorry TJs
They have good pasta there too, it's only 0.69 a bag 1lb


They all suck. Besides, if I want a burger, I make the best I've ever had, well, except for a little hole in the wall on a South pacific Island called Vanuatu.

(I know I'm boring the hell out of everyone but I need to get all this off my chest)


People who put margerine on everything, even toast.
Get some class and try Olive Oil. Best for you and tastes a heck of a lot better.

I ACTUALLY WENT TO A DENNY'S: (shhhhhh) Moms Fault

I nearly died when they brought out my plate (grand slam or something it was) They actually put the eggs right next to the pancakes, on the same fuckin' plate!!!!!!!!! GROSS!!!!!!!!
I sent it back.......
(Don't ever go to a restaurant with me, unless I know it-)


NEVER, NEVER, put sugar in a pasta sauce. If I ever see you do that I'll spare myself the misery of witnessing it next time and kill ya..... Salt yes but NO sugar.
While I'm at it........ Don't put it in a pizza sauce either.


As mentioned earlier, get your pasta from Trader Joes. Yes there's better but it's too hard to find.


If I want a bit of gasoline with my BBQ I'd fucking ask for it!!
Go on........ drink some and see how good it is, I've smelt the stuff all through the cooking process. Go and buy some decent self lighting coals (yeah yeah, I know, it's got the shit on it too but it goes away fast) OR better still, use lots of wood and cook from the coals. Oh. Forget those gas grills too.

PEAOPLE WHO DINE AT "OLIVE GARDEN" and think they've had Italian. Bull shit! It's about as Italian as fucking Wendy's.


Look folks.... I don't know what that stuff is that they put in those green cardboard containers but it aint no Parmigiano.
You spend what, $2.50 on it (I'm guessing here) go to a Safeway at least and buy yourself their Verdi brand grated Parmesan Cheese. It's actually very good. If you're near a Trader Joes get theirs.


For gods sake! If you want the best scrambled eggs here's what ya do......... Skillet on med. Olive Oil, a good amount too. (Never, Ever use vegetable oil) Before the pan is hot crack 4 eggs into it and with a spatchula NOT A FRIGGIN METAL FORK MORON stir it up just so as you can still see the white part. Salt pepper to taste and that's it. I happen to like to put a sprinkle of Parmesan it it too...


V O is bad for you, at least use canola, peanut or Grape.
Naturally, the best is Olive Oil. You can only fry in olive oil for a short time as it's burning point is far less than other oils.
The only good use for vegetable oil is cleaning my BBQ grill.
Then I burn it off.


Yes folks, even the so called gourmet ones. Nothing that comes out of a bottle you buy at the grocery is gourmet, got it?
There's only one salad dressing and that's home made Italian.
Get your salad and pour white vinegar and extra virgin olive oil over it and don't skimp. Equal parts, well, almost. A little less Vinegar. Salt and pepper and a good handful of grated Parmesan cheese.


It almost always sucks. Ever noticed that the fruit is almost always hard. You can't rippen fruit in a store or at home.
Go to a fruit shop and buy decent stuff.


Yes, it's food related. If you want good skin just induldge in Olive Oil ok? My skin used to be yuk but with me pushing 48 and a few years of using it I have beautiful skin.
Ladies, even "Clinique" is bad for you.....


It aint fuckin' French!!! It's not even Mustard so don't kid yourself.
If you want a decent mustard give 'Plochmans" a try.
For what it is it's very cheap. If that's important to ya and if it is-
DON'T Eat!
Otherwise..... Try a good stone ground mustard, at least one that doesn't have the appearance of yellow much.


Above got me thinking........ French think they are the best cooks but in fact they only outrank the world in being tremendously snobbish and arrogant. Oh, they also hate Americans.


Thats all Although who would have guessed years ago that a celebrity was actually someone who did a cooking show as apposed to saying. "I'll be back"
Don't get me started on bad movies too now........


I go fuckin' nuts at grocery stores. You go try and find a sliced bread with less than 1gr sugar in it.


Many coffee places serve this shit. For one, it's not Italian and secondly, it's full of sugar!!!!
Give it to a wop and see what happens..


I'm not a beer drinker by any means, get's me too drunk but on rare occations when I do buy it, usually for guests (and I'll tell you they line up outside this house) I buy real beer.
Such as Steinlager, Stella Artois or even Pyramid.
Budweiser, Coors and MGD are NOT beer ass holes.
It's piss disguised as beer. Spend an extra 2 bucks ya tight assed redneck and buy something decent.


Hate to break it to ya but French wine isn't the best anymore.
Many of them are just too overpriced and besides, I've boycotted all French products.
The best wines in the world come from Australia. Did you know that for the past 10 years or more that Australia has been selling wine technology to the French? That's true.
Ahh but don't go buying that "Yellowtail" shit.
Jackobs Creek is excellent and not expensive.


What the heck is this shit!! Use a wine you would drink.
Always use white wine when cooking chicken in the oven or I'll come over to your house and stick the chicken in YOUR oven...

There's a lot more but don't worry I'll post again!!

Tomorrow I'll do a list of things I love, for those of you who may be interested and my guess is it's going to be about 1 or 2.

Oh, well then ok. Not counting me, one.

Seriously though. I am a chef IMHO and I take great pride in what I cook. It's easy to cook quality food both time wise and dollar wise. If you need help just ask away.......

Oh, one last thing. People actually get sick from using those cheap so called non stick frypans. Buy an expensive one from a decent kitchen store, not the fucking supermarket.....

Charlie Chan the Cooking man
Ever order Domino's just so you could stay naked and continue fucking instead of making dinner? Best "bad" pizza I ever had.

...but, I guess that's out of the question...
Christ, this guy makes me look mellow when it comes to food.
Well, I actually agree with most of your likes and dislikes, but why are you so angry about them.

I particularly dislike French wine. Give me a good bottle of Chianti. Spanish wines are often good, too.
Does it make anyone else wonder what motivates someone to post this?

Is there a single person here who cares? lol.
chazman said:

NEVER, NEVER, put sugar in a pasta sauce. If I ever see you do that I'll spare myself the misery of witnessing it next time and kill ya..... Salt yes but NO sugar.
While I'm at it........ Don't put it in a pizza sauce either.

false. you need about 2 tsp of sugar in a good batch of tomato sauce in order to cut the acidity.


V O is bad for you, at least use canola, peanut or Grape.
Naturally, the best is Olive Oil. You can only fry in olive oil for a short time as it's burning point is far less than other oils.
The only good use for vegetable oil is cleaning my BBQ grill.
Then I burn it off.

wait, so what exactly is in vegetable oil if it's not canola or olive?

What a great idea!!!! I once had an OK Round Table pizza but to be honest I was invited to the kitchen and had them make me a special one, seriously!!!!!!


I am a bit over the top but you have to understand I was around Real Italians for years.
My passions are few......... Music, Food and my Wife.
In the reverse order though.....


I'm not really angry....... I know it sounds it, just a mood that's all but I do get very argumentative about food as it's one of three main passions. I hate to see people eating crapy food....
It just bewilders me.........
Once was in an Italian Restaurant in Upstate New York (though to be one of the best in town)

Ordered spaghetti and they brought out a big bowl of sugar, with some bowls of cheese and hot pepper flakes. We didn't order coffee or tea.

Asked what it was for, the waitress said for the sauce, if not too your liking, whether too spicy or sour you add sugar.
Re: Cooking with Chaz- Things I hate and Love

Originally posted by chazman

NEVER, NEVER, put sugar in a pasta sauce. If I ever see you do that I'll spare myself the misery of witnessing it next time and kill ya..... Salt yes but NO sugar.
While I'm at it........ Don't put it in a pizza sauce either.


false. you need about 2 tsp of sugar in a good batch of tomato sauce in order to cut the acidity.

Ah, that's not true, myth! I know what you're saying and yes suger does that but if you make a proper sauce with salt and herbs you DO NOT NEED sugar!!!
Sorry but I am quite qualified to answer this.......
My Sugo's (Italian for Sauce) don't taste acidic at all...


V O is bad for you, at least use canola, peanut or Grape.
Naturally, the best is Olive Oil. You can only fry in olive oil for a short time as it's burning point is far less than other oils.
The only good use for vegetable oil is cleaning my BBQ grill.
Then I burn it off.

wait, so what exactly is in vegetable oil if it's not canola or olive?

Vegatable oil is filled with crap! It's bad on the skin and tastes like shit......... Olive Oil is pure, if it's the good stuff.....
Phalenopsis said:
Ever order Domino's just so you could stay naked and continue fucking instead of making dinner? Best "bad" pizza I ever had.

...but, I guess that's out of the question...

Are Dominos any good in the US? Cause they're about rock bottom here, along with Pizza Pizza, Boston Pizza and Pizza Hut. The best US pizza I had was Papa John's
MCunnilinguist said:
Are Dominos any good in the US? Cause they're about rock bottom here, along with Pizza Pizza, Boston Pizza and Pizza Hut. The best US pizza I had was Papa John's

NO! There are no really good Pizza chain stores in the US.

I make my own Pizza, my own dough AND sauce. Takes no time.

Also, a traditional Italian Pizza also doesn't have all that crap on it, cheese and Sauce, with herbs of course :)
I actually really like the thick pizza's, kinda like focachia...

Wait a minute!!! 20 years ago I worked part time at a "Red boy" Pizza place in San Rafael Ca. The owner was german and could make a mean pizza.............
MCunnilinguist said:
Are Dominos any good in the US? Cause they're about rock bottom here, along with Pizza Pizza, Boston Pizza and Pizza Hut. The best US pizza I had was Papa John's

Uh...I think you missed the point. Domino's is definitely bad pizza any where, but after the right "work out", anything tastes okay to me. :D

You're an asshole.

Good thing you showed us that right off the bat though so we didn't have to figure it out over time.
fille said:
Well, I actually agree with most of your likes and dislikes, but why are you so angry about them.

I particularly dislike French wine. Give me a good bottle of Chianti. Spanish wines are often good, too.

Ahh, Chianti. Good stuff.....
You know, I was almost moved to tears when a reliable source told me that the Chianti bottles we have grown to love are to be no more....... :(

Can't give you a time frame but it may happen.......

There's a few good Northern Italian wines too, also cheap...
sunstruck said:

You're an asshole.

Good thing you showed us that right off the bat though so we didn't have to figure it out over time.

I'll admit it, only when it comes to Food though.
Otherwise I'm just your average nice TV host kinda guy :)
I ate frozen lasagna boxed dinner tonight.

Are you married? Want to be?

chazman said:
I'll admit it, only when it comes to Food though.
Otherwise I'm just your average nice TV host kinda guy :)

If you're Emeril your marinades suck ass. So do your sauces. Blech.
Another good thing to do with Olive Oil is........

Rub a good, liberal (Usually hate that word, reminds me of a mental disorder) amount of it over your Ladies pussy. But be sure to get in there where all the cracks are.
Now mix that with the juices and off to munchville we a gogo

Hey! Tastes a lot better than lube and her pussy will thank you for it later.

Personally, I keep a bottle of my best imported stuff right in the ole bedside drawer......... :p
chazman said:
Another good thing to do with Olive Oil is........

Rub a good, liberal (Usually hate that word, reminds me of a mental disorder) amount of it over your Ladies pussy. But be sure to get in there where all the cracks are.
Now mix that with the juices and off to munchville we a gogo

Hey! Tastes a lot better than lube and her pussy will thank you for it later.

Personally, I keep a bottle of my best imported stuff right in the ole bedside drawer......... :p

That's just gross.

Why the hell do you need lube to lick pussy???
sunstruck said:
If you're Emeril your marinades suck ass. So do your sauces. Blech.

Emeril I am not, thank god! I dislike much of his stuff too but I'll say this much for him. He's done a lot to bring attention to a great artform.

He's also about as much Italian as I am Greek.
Although I don't mind a bit of Greek now and then.........
JinXed said:
I ate frozen lasagna boxed dinner tonight.

Are you married? Want to be?


I think I did that too once. I'll forgive you but if you want a really nice Lasagna recipe I'll post it for ya.......
I'm good like that

Yes, I'm married and my wife thinks I'm a snob when it comes to Food and Music, I am though.
MCunnilinguist said:
Emeril's half portugese and half french canadian

Yeah, I know but he seems to like people to think he's Italian....

I like Oliver........