Artistic Liscentiousness

I also love to experiment with new techniques, formats or simply a different medium. So yes, playing with food or drawing lines into the sand can give you inspiration.
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True. I was glad for the Valentine's Day prompt.
Yeah, I did a few of those. The fact is I have zero energy, but I feel like I have to put something up on my thread each day. The thing I have up now doesn’t count.
I have some unfinished things in my files but it seems every drawing I touch I just make worse.
Yeah, I did a few of those. The fact is I have zero energy, but I feel like I have to put something up on my thread each day. The thing I have up now doesn’t count.
Nope. You do NOT. "have" to, even if you pressure yourself to.

Take a break an percolate ideas.
Nope. You do NOT. "have" to, even if you pressure yourself to.

Take a break a percolate ideas.
You’re right; i know that in the logical part of my mind but my emotional self says, “You’re a slacker. You are a zero.”
ESPECIALLY here. This place should be just for giggles.

I kno wthat I often put too much weight on reactions here...mostly because this is my only outlet for my erotic imagery.
Your drawings are very energetic.