😈✨🍺MrTenant's Tavern and Dungeon

RJ.... that is crazy expensive!!!! Was your dad a Rockefeller or something???

Holy cat chow!!!
1 bottle will last me 4 months and it shoots my blood sugar thru the roof
My dad was Vice President of Hartford Insurance Company in Connecticut
I'm not sure how this worked out... but RJ posted a pic of Fritos.... did I mention them???

I'm drinking Pepsi, Bushmills shots, and eating Fritos... WTF???? The interwebber thingy is spying on my stupid ass!!!!
I'm not sure how this worked out... but RJ posted a pic of Fritos.... did I mention them???

I'm drinking Pepsi, Bushmills shots, and eating Fritos... WTF???? The interwebber thingy is spying on my stupid ass!!!!
@XShadynzX see, she did say it...
@BrendaD you said...

Give me a shot of that.

Leave the bottle.

I need Pepsi too... I always need Pepsi....

(ropes are good too)...

● (Got any Fritos?)
Hello everyone

Class is done for the Spring! I swear it's like working two jobs. I am just 5 classes away from graduation. It's been a helluva journey. Sometimes, Idk why I am even trying to get this degree done. Idk that it does anything for my career. I'm kinda too old for that really matter anymore, I think. But then, it will be something different, so it's hard for me to predict the outcome. I said hard. 😜

Maybe it's just an excuse for a big party. This last semester, I had technology issues and was worried I would fail both classes. Inside two weeks, I turned failing grades around into an A and B. Crazy how all that works out.

Looking forward to the next class.

Summer is rolling In here with a vengeance. We hit 94⁰F yesterday. That's around 34⁰C in most of the world 😂

I hope you all are doing great. If you are out causing trouble, I hope it's worth it and exciting!
Congratulations! All that hard work does indeed pay off!
If it’s that hot too many days in a row for me, I’d melt 🤣