The Barista Girl...


Literotica Guru
May 21, 2002
Hi all...

This is my first attempt at a role play on this site....

Miranda looked inside the shop window of her favourite coffee house. The street and the cafe were almost deserted, the clock tower just having chimed 10am, on a Sunday morning. Miranda entered the cafe and saw Sarah, behind the counter. She approached, and greeted the girl fondly, stating her order, enjoying the brief conversation with her. Moments later, with her order, Miranda walks over to her favourite corner and sat, where she has a clear view of behind the counter, including Sarah’s shapely legs in her uniform above the knee skirt. As Sarah faced Miranda smiling, Miranda opened her bare thighs, and saw the rush of blood in her face as Sarah noticed that Miranda’s pussy was bare, exposed..
Sarah really liked Miranda, having spent a few minutes every Sunday getting to know Miranda. Sarah thought it best for the cafe to know and cater to regulars, but Sarah thought more of Miranda than just a customer. There was something about Miranda that Sarah really liked. A worldliness, an air of confidence, Miranda's style and a playfullness that Sarah didn't get from any of her other friends.

When, on this Sunday, she noticed that Miranda's pussy was exposed and in her direction, she actually burned her hand when making a latte for another customer. She grimaced, but finished the drink, and took it to the other customer, before making Miranda's espresso.

With the espresso made, with ana almond biscotti, Sarah approached Miranda, her hand red from the slight burn and greeted Miranda.
Miranda smiled as she saw Sarah approach and quickly closed her knes. She had deliberately worn a floaty dress a dress that was taught enough to keep the view open, but lose enough for Miranda to open her dress wide enught for Sarah to see her stocking tops her trimmed labia!

Miranda was 34 and divorced of 4 years. She married at 26 having had almost three years of dating before he proposed and Miranda accepted.

Their marriage started well, but quickly they started to argue... Miranda never seemed to do anything right! It turned out that he started an affair with his ex girlfriend, and through guilt took it out on Miranda.

But since the divorce, Miranda has not seen anyone...

She moved to the area a couple of years ago, and soon developed a liking for Despina's coffee house, who prided them selves on a service. As Miranda often worked from home she would some times frequent Despina's during the wek and most Sunday's after her early bird spin class at the gym.

Over months she developed a rapport with Sarah and started to discover that she was infatuated with Sarah, or at least had a crush on her...

In fact Sarah was the first girl since meeting her ex that she felt a sexual attraction to since university, when she had been bi-sexual, though partly thought of it as a phase.

But was it?

Miranda smiles as she Saw Sarah blush but suddenly felt guilt as Sarah obviously scalded her hand briefly with the hot water!

As Sarah approached, she closed her legs...

"Everything al-right Sarah?" briefly meting her eyes before taking her cup, and sipping her latte.
Sarah tried to cover her hand, a little embarrased.

"It's nothing, just a little burn. I was being careless." Sarah tried not to give away that her carelessness was from the brief glimpse of Miranda's sex. "I'm fine."

Sarah was 18, and working while many of her friends were partying and avoiding classes at the local university. Her parents weren't from money and she couldn't get enough scholarships to be able to go to school, so she decided to work full time until she could afford to go on her own.

She liked working as Despina's; the clientele were quite friendly, except for a few businessmen and women who were always in a rush in the morning. She was a popular barista because of her outgoing personality. It was different with Miranda. She always felt shy around Miranda. It wasn't for lack of experience with women. Sarah was bisexual, and had been for a few years. She knew little about Mirand'a sexuality, but was drawn to Miranda, and that feeling made her get very flustered.

Sarah offered another smile to Miranda, after watching Miranda sip the drink, then bustled back to behind the bar, waiting for the next customer. Sarah would take covert looks over at Miranda, but she saw only Miranda buried in the Sunday paper for quite awhile.
Miranda saw how Sarah's eyes opened wide as she looked and how quickly she flushed, yet didn't seem overly perturbed. Rather Sarah's injury seemed as a result of Sarah looking away, forgetting what she was doing t that moment.

As Sara walked back to the counter, Miranda picked up the paper and pretended to read, but her mind was far from reading the paper. Rather she was trying to determine what she was intrigued by Sarah, what was it about her that she found alluring, attractive. Yes Sarah was pretty and a lovely smile but there was somethign else. Miranda wondered, realised was it partly the uniform, the light brown blouse, the darker chocolate coloured skirt, with the longish, narrow V slit at the back, the sort of slit which opens up when you bend or walk purposefully making the skirt more practical, a s well as teasing Miranda at times with brief glimpses of her legs, lower thighs. The blouse was slightly tight across Sarah's breasts leaving some times one or two tension lines with the button straining slightly even though Sarah didn't have a particularity large bust.

IT was also the age, or rather the age gap. So much in the news about on-line grooming, as well as younger males 'kidnapping' younger girls. The though made Miranda shiver, yet she was aware that Sarah, as she approached her 19th birthday was almost young enough to be Miranda's daughter, if she had been careless like one of her friends was at that age...

Slowly as Miranda finished her coffee and cheese cake, she thought of Sarah, was Sarah interested in her as a friend? Was she interested sexually? Miranda was aware that Sarah had boyfriends, had seen the odd one pop in whilst she was working, the last one was only a week or two ago...

Suddenly Miranda was bought back to reality as she heard Sarah's Voice
Sarah couldn't help but watch Miranda reading the paper, long enough that she was brought out of her reverie by another customer who didn't take very lightly to a delay. Sarah quickly make the Americano and the rather hummy woman paid and made a rather harsh comment about the service that she hoped Miranda didn't hear.

With a pause at the counter and only another lone customer by the window, Sarah slowly walked back towards Miranda, not wanting to disturb, but just to offer service. She watched Miranda's eyes flicker over the paper as she approached. Maybe Sarah could ask Miranda for coffee? What a silly thing to do, ask her out for coffee. What about dinner? Miranda was much older and wouldn't give Sarah a second look probably.

"Miranda, is there anything you need? Perhaps another latter, or a biscotti? We also have a nice set of salads for lunch, now that it's getting towards noon." Sarah was hoping she didn't come off as too eager, with her tight brown blouse straining cloe to Miranda's eyes.
Miranda smiled as she saw Sarah approach, and listened to what Sarah ad said.

Smiling, "No thank you Sara, I've food at home....."

Miranda smiled ass he suddenly, completely spontaneously continued...

"What time does your shift finish today? Maybe...." Miranda paused briefly...

"why don't you come round and let me prepare rustle something up for us later?"

Miranda wondered if she had over stepped the mark, but there was something that she found alluring, sexually alluring. But deep down Miranda knew it was mostly sexual.
Sarah was very surprised at the offer, turning quite red and initially unsure how to respond.

"Well, my shift doesn't end until 5, so I won't be able to do lunch." She met Miranda's eyes, seeing, not disappointment, but determination. Taking that look, Sarah, decided, smiling.

"I could do dinner, if you are interested. I was just planning on buying something on the way back home. I usually do after a shift."

Sarah was feeling rather self-conscious and still partly thinking of seeing Miranda's exposed sex. Miranda smiled and nodded.

"Dinner it is then, I'll write down my address. Don't worry about changing, you look lovely in your work outfit." Miranda winked and wrote down her address and cell phone number on a napkin.
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Miranda finished her coffee and left leaving a Sarah a tip. She walked home, slowly enjoying the spring sun, and debating in he r mind why she invited Sarah for supper, and whether it was wise...

Miranda was after sex. She liked Sarah and was attracted to her but couldn't see the two of them having a relationship, more a friendship with benefits, and was that cruel. Especially as one of the attractions was Sarah's age, the age when Miranda herself explored her bi-sexuality.

She remembered Sara's blush as she commented about her looking good in her uniform, though she did...

Finally she got home and relaxed did some domestic chores until around 4pm she started top prepare the food for supper. She was going to do a pasta dish, a dish that takes minutes to cook and so with the vegetables prepared, and the sauce pans ready,

Later after a quick shower, and wearing a narrow shoulder strap red dress, bra-less and just in a thong Miranda waited anxiously for
Sarah to arrive.
Sarah spent the rest of her shift rather flustered, even dropping mug of coffee meant for a customer and having to clean up the mess. As the minutes ticked down and the cafe cleared towards closing time, Sarah briefly thought about running home to change out of her uniform, but then she remembered the looks that Miranda was giving her. And Miranda had said not to change. Sarah only fretted that she hadn't worn nicer underwear.

Sarah begged one of her coworkers to manage the final clean, and went into the ladies room to fix her hair and make up. She decided to let her hair down, around her shoulders, and added a bit of eye shadow, lipstick and gloss. Once she felt confident and together, Sarah looked at Miranda's address and started the walk. It was a pleasant day, and Sarah, who always preferred the outdoors, felt calmed.

She had some idea that this might turn into sex. Miranda had that look in her eye and showing off her pussy was an obvious sign. Sarah had always enjoyed looking at older woman, sexy, sophisticated, confident, but hadn't really imagined herself with one. Now that she was, she found herself getting very aroused by the thought.

Around 5:30, Sarah arrived at the address, and rang the doorbell. Her heart was fluttering slightly, but she also had a bright smile on her face.
Miranda heard the doorbell, and stood up, and walked into the hallway and onto the front door before opening the door.

She looked over at Sarah briefly, and smiled

"Please come in Sarah."

As Sarah stepped in, Miranda turned to close the door , before returning to look at Sarah. their eyes met briefly as a silence descended on the two...

The house is a 1930s suburbia development, bricked houses with bell front windows. Whilst the house wasn't initially worth much, int he housing boom of the 80s-90s he house is now worth over 1/2 million.

The hall way is wide and sparsely furnitured, though what furniture is more traditional antique style, offering space freedom of movement with an old coat and hat stand in the corner.

The two females stood in the hall way, in a moment of silence...

"so do you always enter the homes of strange females Sarah?"
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Sarah was a bit surprised at the sudden direct question. She had been looking at the decor of the house, very beautiful, much more grand that her parents house and Sarah's own apartment, which barely had any furniture in it.

"I.. I... no, I haven't, I don't." Sarah said in a quiet voice. "Normally, I would refuse an offer from a stranger, but we're not really strangers. I've know you for months in the cafe, and you are quite friendly." Sarah hesitated, then said in a low but firm voice.

"So were you on display for me, or for the entire cafe? I haven't seen your pussy before today." Sarah smile rather naughtily and met Miranda's eyes. Sarah then noticed the beautiful and rather daring outfit that Miranda was wearing, and suddenly became very flushed.
Miranda smiled as she reached out, and softly cupped Sarah's cheek but didn't say anything. She just met her glance as she allowed her nails to caress, rake the cheeks, aware of Sarah's subtle gulp, a few goose pimples on her flesh.

Miranda's own body responded as well, with the unexpected turn of event. Miranda's gaze held Sarah's as her finger moved to caress her silk hair before closing her eyes and leanign in, her head tilted very slightly, depositing a brief kiss on the girl's lips...

"Only for you Sarah" Miranda finally replied as she pulled away, her forhead still resting on Sarah's forehead, her fingers stroking her hair as she inhaled the perfume...

"Lovely fragrance"
The words "only for you" resonated in Sarah's mind, and with the caress and soft kiss, she felt electricity shooting through her flesh, focusing right between her thighs.

She met the gaze of Miranda, forehead to forehead and lifted her hand, fingers playing along Miranda's collarbone and neck.

"I'm so glad you did. Before today, I felt too shy to say how beautiful and sexy I think you are. Now, I can only think of how much I want to go to bed with you right at this moment." Sarah said in a breathless voice, breathing hard and giving Miranda a kiss, firm, on the side of Miranda's mouth.
Miranda smiled as she listened to Sarah, realising that Sarah had been with females before. She felt slightly disappointed in that she had hoped, assumed Sarah was straight.

She met her gaze as Miranda pondered. She looked cute, still in her blouse and skirt. Suddenly Miranda pushed Sarah back against the war, as her fingers moved, one hand caressing Sarah's hip, bum cheek through he polyester skirt, whilst her right hand was caressing the girl's cheek.

Slowly Miranda;s head tilted, her eyes closed as she moved her lips to Sarah's lips, briefly kissing. The kiss started with a series of butterfly kisses, before the kiss deepened in intensity, lust as their lips parted....
The groan that Sarah made into Miranda's mouth was the most sexual, lustful noise that Sarah had ever made in her life. No woman had ever wanted her this much, this obvious.

Sarah parted her lips and touch Miranda's tongue with her and moved her arms slowly around Mirand'a waist. Already against the wall, Sarah pulled Miranda's harder against her own body, wanted to be pushed, the pressure from both sides made her more excited and she kissed Miranda harder. Her legs started to shake, and she could feel her arousal build quickly, intensely.

Sarah felt herself sink down on the wall a few inches, before the touch of Miranda's lips ceased, and Sarah finally opened her eyes.
Miranda inhaled deeply, aroused, wanton.

"so how many girls have you slept with Sarah? Ever been with any one much older than your self?"

Miranda continued to caresses Sarah's hair as they stood, Sarah backed up agasint the wall in the hall way, a lone finger nail running along the flesh next to the neckline of her uniform'ed blouse...
Sarah's breast was heaving as she felt the nail close to her cleavage. Her skin was covered in goosebumps.

"Three girls, all my own age. One in high school, the other two in college. They weren't... well... all that great." Sarah stammered. She wasn't sure why she was being so honest about it. The look that Miranda was giving her, made Sarah feel completely naked and vulnerable, and she liked it.

Sarah saw a sparkle, bright and wicked in Miranda's eye.

Miranda breathed deeply as she held Sarah against the wall, one hand on her side, the other hand caressing her flesh their eyes locked. There was a sexual tension, a lust in Sarah's eyes that Miranda had not seen from some one so young.

She closed her eyes and moved into her neck, kissing that sensitive spot close to the base of the neck. Initially it was a soft sensual kiss, a lick a caress, but a primal desire, a basic instinct took over, grabbed hold of Miranda. She opened her lips and bit her neck as if a vampire, sucking biting. She wanted to mark Sarah as hers.

Sarah winced in the pain, gasped "Oh god ohhhh fuck!"

Miranda continued to mark her, until she pulled away breathless looking at the love bite.

Smiling she lent back into the young girl and opened her lips as she kissed Sarah hard. The kiss was long intense physical. This was not about making love, but a primal desire to fuck this younger girl grinding her pelvis against the girl's crutch a s deep and aggressively as she was able to muster. As Sarah responded, Miranda's hands moved to grasp the neckline of the blouse, and as the kiss broke, she pulled it with her rare strength. The material ripped, buttons flew as the blouse was opened exposing the bra underneath.

Both girls looked at each other Miranda smiling...

She pushed her self back onto the girl taking her hands and lifting them holding the m against the wall above her head. Miranda was in control, and needed to cum now. She pressed her pelvis against Sarah's pelvis gyrating her cunt against Sarah's cunt. Miranda gasped sighed. She had not been this aroused, this primal for a long time.

"Oh god oh fuck!"

Miranda continued to kiss her younger lover as she pressed her against the wall, her hands held above the girls head. "Oh God OH Fuck..."

Miranda screamed as she came, breathless, her eyes wide open...
The raw, animal passion of Miranda was almost more than Sarah could take. Her neck throbbed and before she could even speak, she felt the wetness of Miranda cunt again her own. It was pleasure such as she had never felt. Sarah's hips seem to move on their own, pushing back, refused to let her be pushed hard into the wall.

The motions didn't hit all the right spots, but enough to make her very aroused, in awe as Miranda seemed to take Sarah's body for her own pleasure. She was just on the edge of orgasm when Miranda threw her head back and scream, and Miranda orgasms, and left Sarah panting, excited and a little frustrated.

When Miranda paused for breath with a rather naught smile, instinct propelled her to look around for the nearest couch. She saw one in the sitting room, grabbing Miranda's hand and pulled her almost roughly. Sarah sat Miranda down and quickly removed Miranda's underwear, along with her own. She moved fast as not to give Miranda neough time to think. Sarah parted Miranda's legs and quickly got between them, pushing her wet and needy cunt down against Miranda's. This time, Sarah would have her orgasm.

Holding Miranda down, legs apart, she ground her cunt to Miranda's as Miranda had just done to her. Sarah could feel the building again, more powerful than before, and after just a few moment of wet, hard rubbing, she tossed her head back and has the orgasm she craved, fall over onto Miranda as she jerked.

Sarah then felt fingers into her hair and pull firmly.
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Miranda was surprised by Sarah's boldness as she almost dragged her into her back living room, pushing her onto the sofa.

Quickly She removed her own skirt before lifting Miranda's dress up over her abdomen exposing her crutch, the gusset of her thong sodden with her juices.

Suddenly Sarah lowered herself and started to grind deep, purposefully...

Miranda pushed her self into Sarah's cunt, meeting her thrusts, responding to her gyrations. Despite having already orgasmed, Miranda felt a second urge, as this young girl fucked her.

"Do you like fucking some one who is almost old enough to be your mother Sarah?"

Her eyes closed, her breathing ragged Sarah Nodded, some how Miranda's raw question was enough to tip them both over the edge.

Suddenly she came, load and vocal.

Hearing her cum triggered Miranda's second orgasm, not as intense as her first, but still pleasurable, as the two opened their eyes, breathless..

Their body's glistening with their perspiration...

Miranda pulled Sarah into an embrace and held her briefly in silence..

Nothing was needed to be said...


"Would you like a drink Sarah, cold wine, beer? a G&T?"

Sarah held Miranda as she calmed, feeling sated for the moment, but the idea of a wild and willing lover gave her all sorts of exciting possibilities.

Sarah hadn't had much to drink in her life, but it felt like a day just to let loose.
"I'll have a glass of wine, if you don't mind." As Miranda walk to a corner of the room to the liquor cabinet, Sarah decide to remove the rest of her blouse and her bra, lightly caressing her breast. Miranda's ass was so sexy as she bent over and she felt a sudden urge that she had to fulfill.

She strode over, as Miranda was looking through the different bottles of wine, knelt and placed a kiss right on Miranda's beautiful ass.
As Miranda looked for a suitable cold crisp white wine she felt a kiss on her bum cheeks close to her anus, her rose bud and she inhaled deeply.


She felt another kiss as she found a bottle, but felt a hot breath on her damp anus to much to bare.

Putting the wine back in the fridge, she bent forwards further, grasping both bum cheeks firmly with her hands..

"Don't Stop...."

"And tongue me deep you kinky bitch"
Sarah moan against Miranda ass, the hot breath right on Miranda's anus.

"Try and stop me."

Sarah bared her teeth, starting to bite just to the right of Miranda's anus, sucking and biting like Miranda had done to her neck. She kept going for several long moment, until and angry red spot appeared in the inside of Miranda's crease. Pausing to admire her handy work, she heard Miranda's growling voice.

"Don't fucking tease me, fuck me!"

Sarah giggled, touching her tongue to the wrinkled skin, teasing open the entrance. Feeling Miranda's relax and moan, Sarah slowly pushed her tongue inside, getting the heady taste of sweat, and sex and Miranda's ass. Sarah tongue was squeezed out as Miranda clench from pleasure, but Sarah, determined, pushed her tongue back inside and held it there, her hands sliding around Miranda's hips.

Wiggling her tongue, lips pressed to Miranda's anus, Sarah started to pull and release Miranda's labia.
Miranda was now holding onto the cabinet for support. Sarah was getting quite kinky, and Miranda liked it. She was young, and adventurous, something Miranda had missed; some of her older lovers were very sensual but also some what blinkered in their outlook.

She moaned as Sarah cupped, sucked bit her flesh, making Miranda squeal with delight, wriggling her bum.

Finally as Sarah tongued her ass, Miranda spoke..

"Finger me you bitch, finger my anus and then let me see you lick it...."

With that, Miranda turned around breaking away from Sarah.

She needed to sit down and moved tot he sofa, sitting on the edge with her foot on a coffee table exposing her cunt and anus to her young lover....