Paid Compainion (Closed for TirithIre)


The Timid One
Oct 4, 2007
Lana ran a hand through her hair as she looked around the bar. She was supposed to be meeting her first client here and she was nervous. How could she be anything but? All her life, she had known that she was going to have to do something in the sexual entertainment business. She'd hoped that things would change before she was old enough to find a job but it had been useless wishing on her part. Her ears twitched slightly as she fidgeted with her drink.

At least I didn't have to start out on the streets, she thought with an obvious shiver. Many of the men watching her from their seats would probably think that she was cold. It wasn't like she was wearing all that much, her skin tight silver dress covered only the bare necessities and had patches on the front and back cut out. Her tan fur showing through nicely, with a pretty good contrast but not too much of one. Just the thought of having to walk the streets looking for a john was enough to make her skin crawl.

Crossing her legs, she looked around the small bar and frowned slightly. How was she supposed to know that she was know when he was here? She'd learned everything she needed from her mother, but for some reason she couldn't remember anything anymore. She couldn't seem to help the nerves that assualted her sense. At least she wasn't a virgin on top of everything else. That she could thank her ex-boyfriend for. Sadly...when he found out she was going inot her mom's side of the business rather than strip at some club, he decided they should break up. At least he gave me one good thing before he decided to end it, she thought with a soft smile.


Height: 5'4"
Measurements: 38" 26" 38"
How was she to know? she had been given contact information. There was a massive difference between the streets and what she was doing tonight. On the streets, you never knew whom you would meet, you never had a clue what type of situation they were getting into.

She actually had a cell phone number, a physical description, and a name, all written on a small card that she had been given. Apparently her first job was with a well known photographer named Devon Magliff... he was very well known, and had paid well for her services, which meant that for one night, had he wanted to cum all over her and take pictures of it for his own purposes, he could.

Yet as she sat waiting, she felt a slight tap on her shoulder, before there he was. A light blue shirt hung openly upon his chest, his eyes looking into hers for a moment though he smiled and stepping back, he bowed ever so slightly to her.

" You must be Lana. I am Devon, a pleasure to meet you."

He remarked, extending his hand... he wasn't just taking her up to his suite right away... oh no, it was his night, she had already been paid, so if he wanted to sit and talk that was his business... which is what he did, moving to the seat beside her and ordering a drink for himself he looked to her easily, he seeming at ease about this then she was... for now.

She couldn't help but giggle as he bowed slighlty to her. No one had ever done anything like that for her. Not many people considered furries to be anything but sex toys. Why show them any sign of respect? "The pleasure is mine," Lana said with a soft smile. She placed her hand in his, almost expecting him to lead her away from the bar, and was surprised when he sat beside her.

"How was your day?" she asked, making it seem like she had known him for longer than ten seconds. That was yet another thing her mother had taught her. He was just like the descirption that she had recieved, and she couldn't help but smile at that fact. Some might wonder how she had forgotten that card she had, but her only excuse was that she wasn't used to this. Lana just hadn't been thinking clearly.
" Hmm... now that is an interesting question. I suppose it was productful... although the women that seem to think themselves supermodels have a serious sense of inferiority."

He admitted, though he smiled to her as he ordered a rum and coke, he looked to her easily... though leant in slightly. " Simply because i'm going to ravish your body later, does not mean you do not deserve respect.", though he smiled as he added aloud. "Do you need a refill Lana? how was your day? have any problems getting here?" He truly being respectful to her as he added easily. " Are you hungry? This hotel has some nice food as well as their wide selection of wines and drinks..."
"No thank you," she said softly as she raised her still full martini glass, "I haven't been here that long. My day was...slow, to say the least. No problems. I had a few offers while I waited but nothing that I would ever accept." Lana smiled soflty and simply shook her head at his last question. She was really too nervous to eat anything. "Are you hungry?" she asked softly, "I don't mind waiting while you eat."
He smiled though shook his head easily as he looked to her and chuckled as he nodded to her, she could see him looking her over, though he asked simply out of curiosity. " What did they offer you?" He picking up his drink and dropping a twenty onto the bar, the drink was seven dollars, three dollar tip, and to cover her drink, he actually smiled as he motioned her to follow... wondering just how much experience this one had, she didn't seem to have much judging by the nervousness... but you never knew until you got to the room.
"One offered to write about the experience in a book. I didn't really understand why that would be a good offer," she told him as she picked up her drink and followed him. Taking a little sip from her drink, she sighed softly. "Another offered to buy me a car, but I don't need one of those. Another offered me a day at the spa. And the last one offered to make me his mistress," Lana told him with a slight shrug, "None of them were things that I wanted."

That was the truth. Especially about becoming the other man's mistress. First off, he was married and she just didn't want to sit around waiting for him to come calling. And secondly, she didn't know what kind of man he was. With Devon, she knew what to expect for the most part. At least she thought she did. Truthfully, he could be compeletly different from what he seemed to be.
That he could be... or he could be everything and more... she didn't know. Yet he nodded to her as he rolled his eyes ever so slightly. It truly is saddening to think that people honestly believe that they can buy women with things... if they truly wanted you... they would have taken what they wanted of you." He replied easily though as they approached the elevator he stopped, pressing the button he turned to her.

" what is it that you want then Lila? simply to be fucked and pleasured until you can't stand? or perhaps there is more to this little beauty then beneath the eye."
"I'm not sure what I want. I never really thought I would follow my mother into this business," she told him truthfully. Looking up at him, Lana frowned slightly. She hadn't told anyone that before. Maybe she should have just gotten a soda to drink.
" No? that's a shame... I can imagine you'll be good at it. Does that mean this is your first time?"

He wondering if he had a virgin on his hands... he really honestly hoped not, he wanted a furry whom at least knew how to have sex, if he had to teach her everything, well then it'd put a dampener on things!
"My first time with a client...yes. My first time having," Lana told him with a smile. She knew that some people wanted to believe that they were the first, but she had a feeling that he was one who would rather she told him the truth. She was sure he would have been able to tell the difference if she lied anyways. Some weren't able to tell that there was a missing barrier when they trust inside, at least that was what her mom said. She'd yet to fake her way through one of those clients.
He chuckled slightly as he nodded to her, the doors to the elevator dinging open, he stepped inside, and even as he turned, he took out the penthouse card, swiping it as he looked to her. Thank you, for telling me the truth." He remarked, though as the doors closed, he looked to her curiously. How much do you know about sex Lila? shall I be teaching you anything tonight, or do you know what the body is capable of learning and experiencing?" Surprisingly... he found himself curious about her... she was beautiful yes, but it was more then that, something he could not simply explain.
Lana smiled softly as she followed him into the elevator. "I don't claim to know everything. You will probably teach me something new. The only person I've done it with, wasn't very good at it," she said with a shrug. Not every Furry was good at sex, and her boyfriend had been a prime example of that. He was one of the few that if he hadn't gone into stripping, he wouldn't have been able to survive in life.

"My mom did teach me somethings but I think that sometimes it's better to let instinct to take over," she told him with a brighter smile. This one was a ginuine smile, that brighten her eyes and made her face glow.
Devon chuckled at that though nodded, she could see he was appreciative of her honesty, unlike alot of women in 'the industry' she seemed to be willing to be honest with him. He couldn't decide whether that was a good thing because she was new, or simply because of whom she was. " Well then, we will need to expand your repetoire of knowledge then won't we."

Though he nodded to her, he could see her smile was genuine, and so as the elevator began moving up towards their destination, she saw him reach for her, pulling her gently against him as he grinned to himself. We're going to have alot of fun tonight, I can assure you of that my little pretty one."

Which she was little, Devon stood just over six feet tall and though he was slim he had alot of strength to him, though he moved his hands around her and gently moving one hand up she felt him stroke one of her ears. Are you truly ready to do this hmm? have sex with a stranger? After all i'm sure you know my profile from the agency, but you have nooo idea what i'm going to do to you tonight, how i'm going to make you scream in pleasure." He purred gently, grumblingly as only a true man could.
Lana giggled softly as he pulled her close and placed her hands on his chest as she looked up at him. "I'm sure we sill have lots of fun tonight," she whispered softly as she looked up at him. She didn't have much of a choice about that, but she loved it when men were taller than her.

As his hand stroke her ear, she gasped softly as her knees weakened. Her ears had always been a sensual spot for her, just as it was for many bunnies. His words didn't help with the weakness, the deep purr sending shivers down her spine. She couldn't wait to start her first night of work. "I...I'm ready," she whispered softly as her fluffy tail wiggled in anticipation.
He grinned slightly as he looked to her... and even as she said she was ready, he nodded easily though his hand didn't leave her ear, instead, he stroked it oh so gently and nicely, even as he ran his other hand over her sides... he looked to her oh so easily.

Well then there's no reason to worry."

He remarked easily as she felt him pushing her against the wall of the elevator, the ride only taking a few minutes, but he having fun making her squirm and shiver, gasp and groan... by the time the doors opened again, he had her dress off her, the penthouse suite awaiting them, she naked, and he smirking as he smacked her ass.

" All right, into the room."

Though to be fair, the room was more like several... it nice and warm, he seeming to know how to turn little bunnies on in the most intimate of ways!
Lana did shiver, moan, and gasped as he played with her in the elevator. She hadn't noticed when her dress came off and was surprised when he smacked her bare bottom. She hadn't seen the need for them, she might be nervous but she was even more eager. Looking back at him, she smiled softly and walked into the penthouse.

It was warm, and she wondered if he knew just how much easier that made it for her to be aroused. Bunnies loved the warmth and it often aroused them, but it wasn't a well-known fact. She looked around the room in amazement. The front room was larger than her apartment and she couldn't help but love it. "How many rooms are there?" she asked curiously. She wanted to know just how many places it was possible for them to fuck. She would have called it making love, but when you thought of it like that, there was a chance that you would grow attached to someone who might not want you for more than the time he paid for.
He grinned as she asked him that... and even as he bent down, picking up the dress, he carried it in though looked around easily. " One main greeting room, two bedrooms, one master bathroom, a kitchen, and a balconey. Though there are also the secondary living room, as well as the dining room."

He replied, though he tossed her dress aside, the room was nice and oh so warm both because he knew that she would only get even 'hotter' for him in it, and also because he enjoyed heat, he hated the cold with a vengence! Yet as he moved he looked her over, teasing her slightly with his eyes though he held out his arms.

" I would believe that it would be only fair that you should undress me Lana, since I was kind enough to undress you..." He not just bending her over and fucking her, instead he was making her so hot and eager for him that he knew when they did get 'to that stage', that she would eagerly bend over and beg for it!
Lana moved forward eagerly. She was surprised, so far everything her mother had told her had been wrong. Apparently this was a different type of man than she was used to. She walked around behind him and stood on tip-toe as she slipped his shirt off. Since it had been hanging openly since she met him it had seemed the easiest way to start. Straightening the shirt in her hands she drapped it over the chair behind her.

The heat was still affecting her as she moved in front of him once more. She didn't speak, she wasn't sure what to say, as she reached for his pants buttons and zipper. She looked up at him alomst questioningly. Her nerves were coming back but she wasn't going to let them stop her. She really did want this. She needed it more than she had thought that she could.
Oh he was different.. he wasn't in it for the sex only... he wanted to make the little bunny furry squirm in need and desire as much as possible during this night... and even as he saw her questioningly look to him, he could not help but smile as he nodded to her, as though he was silently telling her to do it... and she knew not only that she needed to do this, but also, that she wanted to.

" Do it Lana, see what is going to be fucking you, all of you tonight." He growled lowly to her, his arousal not hidden even as he smiled and saw her pulling his pants down, his cock popped out free and hard, and honestly, for a human, he was quite large. Perhaps the comments about the 'nerds' having the biggest cocks were true, for his stood hard and long at ten inches long and a good three inches thick... he looking calmly to her though when she had him naked, he moved, she seeing him take the remote, before he turned the heat up even more to more swelteringly exotic temperature!
Lana gasped softly at the sight of his cock. Her ex-boyfriend hadn’t been nearly this big, and he had been small especially for a furry. Her eyes moved up to look at him as she felt him move slightly. She frowned at the sight of the remote and moaned in understanding as he hit a button and the temperature shot up. Whimpering softly in surprise, she found herself on her knees before him as her legs gave out with the fresh wave of need that hit her.

She licked her lips slightly as her face came eye to eye with his cock. It just looked so good, she couldn’t stop herself from leaning forward and licking it lightly. Her eyes closed at the salty taste that flowed over her taste buds.
Oh he definatly seemed to be more then he seemed... and he especially knew about bunnies... to be perfectly honest they were his favorite... though he refused to use any other agency for those he wished, they had never failed him before, and as she leant forwards and licked his hard shaft he let out a groan as he smirked.

" That's a good girl, get a taste of that cock." He replied... it slowly warming up even more, he setting the temperature, it slowly worked up, and in the process worked both of them into a warmed up frenzy of lusty need!
Lana moaned softly at his words and took his cock in her hand to steady it. She slowly slid it into her mouth and let her tongue move over the hard shaft. She love the contrast of touch. While it was hard and she could feel every little vein in it, it was still soft and delicate. Slowly she moved more and more into her mouth. She hadn't given many blow jobs and she had no technique to speak of. But what she lacked technique, she more than made up for in enthusiasm.
Oh the sight of her little bunny head sinking slightly onto his cock had him groaning... he gently sighing as he nodded though she felt him stroking her ears as he growled out in delight... sighing and panting though as he looked down to her. " Oh yes that's good... be a good little bunny and suck it all in, right down your throat I know you can do it..." He letting her take her time... most men would already have fucked her by now, but he was taking his time, feeling her tongue wrapping around him... she definatly seemed 'green' to this but he wasn't complaining... the fact she so willingly choked to get his cock down her throst told him of her desire!
Lana looked up at him from her position. She didn't let him slip out of her mouth but she let him kow that she understood what he wanted. Few wouldn't understand it, but there were some that wouldn't. Slowly she took more and more, pulling back a little each time that she started to gag. She was surprised but glad that he let her take her time. If he hadn't she might have ended up embarrassing them both.

By the time five minutes had passed, she had most of his shaft deep inside her mouth and throat. All that remained was two inches and she worried that she wouldn't be able to take it all. Yet she knew that she had to relax, which was an easy task since he still played with her ears.