A pet on the side (Closed)


Seeker of Sanity
May 23, 2004
(Closed for sexy_curves and me)

Robert Davidison was a man that seemed to have been born driving ambitions. At 35 he was the head of a very successful company. But it was not entirely on his talents that he was so successful. While the 6’2”, blond haired, blue eyed business was indeed talented and hard working he had always known that connections where often more important than skill and hard work. That is why he had married Susan Stevens. Her family was old money and very influential in the town where his company was headquarter. It didn’t hurt that she was pretty and made a good arm accessory at business functions.

The only drawback for Rob was that Suzy was about as vanilla as they came in the bedroom. To her sex was a chore required to keep her husband’s balls from turning blue and a way to make babies. She had had her tubes tied after their third little darling was born so the oven was out of service. Their marriage had quickly declined into one of pure convenience. They needed each other as social event partners; he needed her family’s connections and their children needed two parents. Moving into separate bedrooms pretty much meant that Rob was barely getting a weekly fuck to drain his balls anymore.

Robert like many successful businessmen is a natural Dom. Before Susan, he had lived the lifestyle. He gave up a trio of delicious subs just weeks before the wedding. His attempts to nudge Suzy into the slightest BDSM activities had been disastrous. On a couple of occasions he had introduced a bit of bandaged in the bedroom and she freaked out on him. Though he had managed with a great deal of effort to give her the occasional orgasm she generally preferred to lay on her back and let him do his business as she called it and not be an active participant in sex. On the day she moved into her own bedroom she handed him the keys to the candy store.

“Got a deal for you babe,” She said casually. “You can fuck whoever you want without recrimination; provided you keep it secret and you stay out of my bedroom. But if you are at all indiscrete I will take your balls in court.”

That was six months ago and Rob had fucked his share of bimbos in the meantime. But his long repressed needs of possessing and dominating were as yet still unfulfilled. He had decided he needed a sex slave. He could certainly afford to keep one. Now it was just a matter of finding the right girl that would be his loyal pet and able to keep it secret. He had already bought a condo downtown near his office to house his new pet in when he found her.
anna worked at robert davidson's office. she was an secretary in the main office. she had always been attracted to him, but had never acted on it, because he seemed happily married to his wife, they had 3 kids and always seemed perfect in the public eye.
anna had always been submissive, and had considered finding a master, the only problem was her job. she needed an income, and if she had a master, she might have to quit her job.
"good morning Mr. Davidson" she said as he walked in dressed in his expensive suit, as he did every morning.
Robert as usual was distracted with thoughts of what had to be accomplished that day as he walked through the public area to his private office. His nature was to treat subordinates causally but never to really come to know them. He recognized the young woman that spoke to him but was having trouble recalling her name.

“Good morning…ur Anna,” He said rather blandly as he moved on.

His first task of the day was to post an ad on an internet site dedicated to helping Doms connect with subs. As he set down to compose his ad, he was not really sure what to write. Obviously he wanted someone to serve him sexually and otherwise; someone willing to give their life over to him. But eh figured that was what everyone wanted at that site at least the Doms. The subs wanted the opposite. He needed to find the right words to convey what was special about him and what he would find special. Eh was not a man that had time to waste trying out a lot of women. As he thought about what eh might like in looks, for some off reason the girl that said good morning, Anna popped into his head. That of course set him to wondering if fate was somehow trying to tell him something. A notion he dismissed as he knew that people made their own fates. He gave up being clever and posted a rather simple ad.

Wealthy man, experienced Dominant, seeks attractive sexy submissive female for 24/7 service. Your every financial need will be met in return for you complete devotion and total discretion. Serious inquiries only! DO NOT WASTE MY TIME!

He tried to work but as far too anxious. He decided to take a walk. He pressed the buzzer to tell his secretary his was going out but remember she was off taking care of her sick mother. He walked out and the first secretary he spotted was Anna.

“Anna, I am going out for a walk. I will probably be on the lake path. If there is an emergency try my cell. Service can be poor down at the lake so send someone to find me if it is really important and I don’t answer.”

He paused before going out the door, half tempted to ask her to join him. Then he realized how foolish and dangerous that would be and left alone.
Anna looked up from her work as Mr. Robertson approached her.
“Yes sir, I will make sure to reach you somehow if an emergency arises”
she clicked on in internet browser as he left the office. Clicking on her favorites folder, she opened the website she had visited a few times, trying to find a dom. There was a new posting this morning.

“Wealthy man, experienced Dominant, seeks attractive sexy submissive female for 24/7 service. Your every financial need will be met in return for you complete devotion and total discretion. Serious inquiries only! DO NOT WASTE MY TIME!”

This one sounded like it could actually be legit. She clicked reply.

I read your post, and what you say sounds very appealing to me. I would be interested in being your sub if the position still stands.
After a couple of hours of wandering around the lake, Robert returned to his office. He was agitated and anxious, two things he seldom felt. A third feeling which was more common had also come over him. Having spent so much time contemplating having a new sex slave he was extremely horny. Since none of his usual fuck buddies were going to be available he decided on a visit to his favorite expensive prostitute after work. Once back in his office he opened his special private email to send her a note about meeting him and was surprised to see a response to his ad. He had not expected anyone to answer that soon. Though the message was short and had no detail he decided mostly on the basis of his horniness to write back and see if she could meet him that evening. After all it didn’t seem out of the question to require sex as part of a subs interview.

As I can not for reasons of my own be seen in public with you, if you are serious come to this address at 8:00 and we can discuss your qualifications.
He added the address of the condo he bought to house his sub and pressed send.
anna greated mr.robertson as he returned from a rather long walk. she wondered if something was wrong because he was not the type to waste half a day when he could be working.

anna didn't have much work to do today, and her inbox was empty, so she checked her email again. A response from the dom she had emailed.

"sir, I will be able to be there, just like you have requested.
I will see you at 8pm

she hit send, and was very excited for tonight. she was hoping she could leave a litle early, so she could make herself presentable her him.
Once he got the confirmation of his appointment, Robert called home to inform the housekeeper he would be out late. She would tell Suzy who would be just as happy to eat without him, just her and the kids. She would be long gone to bed when he got in if he came in at all. It wasn’t unusual for him to stay downtown when he worked late and since they didn’t share a bed there were never any questions. The anticipation of the meeting and the prospect of using a sub for the first time in years made it almost impossible for Robert to get any work done.

By 4:00 o’clock he had decided to leave the office. He told Anna that he had some important business out of the office and he would not be back until morning. When she asked if she might leave early too as work was all caught up he easily agreed. She was a hard worker and not the type to frivolously take time off. Besides he was too preoccupied with his evening’s plans to give it much thought. He stopped and bought and expensive bottle of wine that he hoped to share with his new pet. He also picked up some Chinese carryout that he ate as soon as he arrived at the condo. In the future he would have his slave prepare a meal to share but as their meeting was at 8:00 he assumed she would have had dinner.

By 6:00 o’clock the wine was chilling and he decided a shower was in order. He striped off his expensive work clothes and tossed the suit on a chair. If all worked out his new sub would be taking that to the cleaners for him. His underwear and socks went into the hamper. He stood in front of the mirror accessing his body. He was glad he had not succumbed to the slothfulness so many man of his age and success had. At 35 he was still as fit as he had been at 22. No matter how busy he was over the years regular gym visits had always been fit into his routine. His stomach was still flat and his chest defined. He was happy he still looked the part of the young virile Dom. Though he knew looks and physique were less important than attitude he liked that whoever his next pet was would have both.

He stepped in the shower and as was his custom turned the water to a near scalding temperature. Hot showers had always invigorated him. As steam filled his bathroom he felt his old strength surge through his body. He thought back to his last days as a Dom and about the evening to come. As he ran the soap over his body he discovered that he was rock hard. He spent a long time washing his balls and erect cock. He enjoyed the feel of the hot water and rich soapy lather as his hands traveled over his sensitive areas. Though he wasn’t really masturbating in the traditional since he was enjoying his private erotic moment. Had he not had a date coming he probably would have grabbed his cock and jerked it to orgasm, but he wanted her to experience the full measure of his release.

The shower finished he quickly dried off and dressed He chose a casual outfit over any of the sex play outfits he had purchased. The leather and such would wait until he had collared his new pet. He did check the toy closet in the playroom though, thinking he might employee something from there for the interview. There were whips and paddles, handcuffs and ropes as well as many sexual devices. There was a large assortment of dildos and vibrators. They were of many sizes and colors and even some unique shapes. The playroom itself had a bed, a sling and a rather odd looking table. It was a bit of a combination of a doctor’s examining table and a medieval torture table. Of course this table’s was not for either of those purposes. He left the room and closed the door. There were two other bedrooms. One was to be his and was furnished in a very masculine style. The woods were all rich and dark. The fabrics were bold, mostly solid colors without a hint of flowers. In an alcove was a small complete working area. He was far too busy to spend much time in any place that did not offer the opportunity for working.

The third bedroom was to be his new pets sleeping area. Like his bedroom it had its own large private bath. Unlike his bedroom it was not yet decorated. There was only a queen size bed sitting on a plain Murphy frame. It had white sheets and a plain comforter. His new pet would get to choose her own furniture and decorations. The only reason for the bed was to give her a place to sleep while she picked out what she wanted. The living areas were furnished and decorated simply, within reason those areas could also be redecorated by his pet. This was to be her home and only his room was off limits to her changes. At 7:30 he was ready to greet the applicant. He sat and waited, sipping a small glass of expensive whiskey.
anna finished her last thing for the day before leaving early. she went home, and showered quickly, dried her hair, and put on a light face of makup just to accent her features.

going into her closet she put on a sexy black lace thong and matching strapless bra. over those items, she put on a pair of black pants that were tight in just the right places, showing off her toned curves. she found her red strapless top that clung lightly to her tits, most of her back exposed.

she got a pair of sexy heeled sling back shoes, and went into her kitchen to find something to eat.

when she was done, she left for what was hopefully going to be her new life, arriving at the adress about 15 minutes early. she checked her hair and makeup, before going to ring the doorbell.

she walked up do the door, rang the doorbell and watched as the door opened.
When the bell rang, Robert glanced at the clock. She was early he thought. This annoyed him somewhat and he made a mental note that he would have to teach her to follow his instructions exactly. Were she already his even such a minor infraction would be cause to employ a paddle or leather strap. But he decided that he would not let this first infraction disqualify her. When he opened the door, he was stunned to find one of his employees standing there in a very sexy outfit.

‘Er um Anna! What is it? Is there a problem at the office? How did you find me?” He asked in an uncharacteristically confused tone.
anna watched the door open. as it did, she saw that it was her boss who she was attempting to belong to.

"no sir, there's umm there's no problem at the office. I think I must have the wrong adress."

she took a piece of paper with the adress out of her pocket. nope, it was the right place.

"sir did you umm, did you post an ad on a website this morning?"
"sir did you umm, did you post an ad on a website this morning?"

He almost laughed as he realized that the girl he had considered trying to seduce in his office that morning was the one who wanted to be his slave.

“Anna, why don’t you come in and tell me what ad are referring to, it is possible I placed it, but then again you may have made a mistake,” He said in a tone that gave her little choice but to come in.

He closed and locked the door and then turned toward her. He looked her up and down as if appraising her auction value. He had been attracted to her earlier but he had not really noticed how sexy she was in her work outfits. In her tight fitting pants and skimpy top he could see she had a great body to go with her pretty face.

“Well, were you looking for part-time work, or planning to leave me for another job or was it the ad for an attractive sexy submissive female to be my personal toy and serve my every need 24/7? Is that the ad you refer to?” He said with a wicked grin that conveyed his desire to own the young woman.
she walked in when he told her to, in disbelief that this happily married man, or so she thought could be the one who was looking for a slave.

she looked at him, in his casual clothing. his body was built, energetic, almost youthful.

"I am applying for the one you last mentioned sir" she smiled back at him.

something was so different about him outside of work, like domination was truely what he longed for.
“Well then I guess we should begin your interview and see if you are suited to my needs. First thing you should know is that your early arrival has started you off badly. As you may know from my habits at the office I expect things to be done exactly as I say. Now come sit with me and tell me why you answered my ad and what you think your life will be like if I accept you as mine.” He said sternly.
"I'm sorry sir, for arriving early. As you know, i do follow your directions exactly on projects and things at the office. I answered your ad because I have been looking for a new dom, my first had to move, and we decided it was not a good fit for me to move with him, so I was left without. If you accept me as yours, I will follow your rules exactly, I will complete any tasks you leave for me during the day, and at nights, if you are able to be with me, instead of your wife, I will please you, in any way that you need."
“Yes, well we will leave go your early arrival this time. So far I like what I hear and see, anna. You are defiantly attractive and sexy. Of course we will have to test your sexual talents but that can wait a bit. As for your service and my wife, first thing is unless I initiate it there will be no discussion of my family. This is a separate arrangement for which my frigid wife will be very grateful but it is also one she will never hear about. This of course means that your complete discretion will be required. Also, since I will require your availability at all times, you will have to give up your job in my office. I consider your office skill a surprising plus, as I will no doubt have work to do at times when I am with you. Further, if I select you for the position this apartment will become your home. I would expect that within the week your old life would have virtually disappeared. There is a room here for my pet, which will be her private sanctuary and may be decorated as she wishes. Therefore if in your current home you have any precious treasures they may be brought here or placed in storage, as you like. Everything else should be sold or thrown out! Now I have many more requirements to discuss but first I want to hear what you think so far. I also want to hear about your likes and dislikes and of course if there is anything you will not do,” He said cooly
anna listened intently to his expectations.
"yes sir, i understand. "it would not be a problem for me to get rid of my old life if you decide I am fit to be your pet. I accept all of what you have said so far sir, and i truly do hope that i am fit for the position. as for my likes and dislikes, I enjoy most things, however I will not be involved if there is urine or fecies involved. to me that is not a sexual thing at all, it is simply disgusting. i enjoy a certain amount of pain, but I do not enjoy constant extreme pain."
He listened to her words but was much more interested in her demeanor. She seemed genuine and her limits certainly were not a problem. Toilet activities belonged in the toilet in his opinion. As for extreme pain that would be a matter of discovering the line between pleasure and pain. To him there were two uses for pain, obviously there punishment which he would employee liberally as needed. Then there was pain given as part of sexual pleasure that is where their experimentation would be.

“Your limits are quite reasonable and well within my own tastes. I perhaps would even exclude more things, but that is not your concern. You only need to concern yourself with the things I do want. Now I will show you the condo, as I believe we are nearing a meeting of the minds that likely will lead to an agreement,” He replied as he stood.

He first showed her the kitchen and dining areas. They were well appointment and clearly furnished by one for whom money was not an issue. The appliances were all top of the line, the china, silver and glassware were all expensive imported pieces. Even the cookware was all top quality.

“I do hope you cook. I am afraid our arrangement will not allow for servants save for a once weekly cleaning lady who will not know of my existence. She comes on Tuesday mornings and I will never be here when she is here.” He said as he guided her from the kitchen to the terrace.

The terrace was large and very private as the condo occupied the entire corner of the expensive building. The view of the city was amazing. As the lights twinkled far below, Robert showed her the bubbling hot tub he was beginning to think they would be sharing in the future. They stood at the rail for a bit as he explained some additional requirements.

“If you are chosen you may feel free to redecorate if the styles do not suit you. You will be given accounts to handle all expenses and within reason these expenses will not be questions. Only I will see the bills. Of course if you take liberties with my generosity, I believe you will find my punishment fair. In addition to redecorating and your personal needs such as clothing, toiletries and the like these credit lines will be needed for the household shopping. You will be expected to have a fully stocked kitchen and bar as well as other things that I will require be available for my use. A list of all my special needs will be made available. I trust that you can handle such mundane things. You will of course maintain the home and keep it clean between visits by the cleaning lady.

Now as to your sexual duties you will be available to me at all times to serve my desires and provide for my pleasure. This will include but not be limited to my using your mouth, cunt and ass as I wish. Your body will be mine and your purpose will be to provide pleasure. Your pleasure of course will come from giving me pleasure. If and only if I wish it you will allow others to use your body. I will require that if you are out of the condo, which is certainly allowed, as you are not to be my prisoner, I will be provided an itinerary of where you will be and with whom. I do not expect that you will not have friends. However, I prefer those friends to be female only. You may have such friends here but only when I am not expected and when you have sought my permission. Perhaps if you are a really good pet you will find a friend to join us in the playroom on occasion
anna followed him through the kitchen and dining areas, almost shocked at the beauty of the items in both rooms.

"yes sir, i do cook, and I enjoy to do so."

she followed him out to the terrace. it was beautiful, large and open, yet private.

after listening to all he had just said, she replied to him "sir, all of what you have said sounds most ideal. I very much hope that you allow me to be yours. as for my finding a friend to play too, I dont know, my friends have never been interested in my choice of lifestyle.
my friends have never been interested in my choice of lifestyle.

“Maybe you need some new friends anna,” He said with a rather wicked grin as he escorted her back into the condo.

Hw showed her his room and explained that it was off limits except when he invited her in there and for the cleaning lady’s weekly visit. He showed her suite and explained again that it was left undecorated and unfurnished until its new inhabitant was chosen.

“Go explore,” He said gave her a firm pat on the ass. “You will likely find it is larger than your current apartment.

There was in addition to the main bedroom a sitting room, a closet that could have been most people’s bedrooms and the bath with separate shower and oversized Jacuzzi tub. The room had its own small private balcony and another small room which may have been designed as a nursery by the original architect as he had no idea of the tastes of the eventual owner.
he showed her the rest of the condo, his bedroom, making special note that she was not to enter unless invited by him.

Next he showed her the bedroom suite. with a firm pat on her ass, he told her to go explore.

she did so, looking at the bedroom, the undecorated room, with basic furnishings was spectactular the way it was. she couldn't imagine how it would look decorated. walking into the bathroom, she gasped at the size. looking at the shower, jacuzzi, vanity, and small steam room in the corner.
the closet was enormus, her clothes would take up very little space. she had no idea what she would do with the rest of the closet.
she opened the french doors to the terrace, and walked out into it, imagining being able to do this every morning excited her. she smiled, moving back into the room, looking in the sitting room.

she was in disbelife of the size of the bedroom sweet.

"sir it's amazing, and yes it is much much bigger than my current apartment." she said returning to him. "anyone would be extremely lucky to have that as her bedroom." she said with a hopeful smile.
“It will be your sanctuary from the world if I choose you to be mine, as my room here is my sanctuary. There is one more room. It is the play room. Come let us see if you like the games I plan to play there.”

He placed his hand on the small of her back and guided her to the last room in the house. He turned the lights on and did not say a word he preferred to see her reaction to the devices in the room without oration to guide her thinking. As she looked over the furnishings he opened the large toy closet. He pulled open a couple of drawers and one cabinet so she could see some of the things they contained.

“Well, you have seen the entire place and should have an idea of what you will be expected to do. It is time now that I see more of you. Remove you top and bra so I may inspect your luscious looking tits.” He ordered casually as one might as one might ask their secretary to take dictation.
she followed him to the playroom.

he was silent as he opened the door, turning on the light.

looking around in awe, touching some of the toys, the table, everything in the room was erotic, amazing.

neither of them said anything until anna returned to him.

"yes sir" she said to him as she peeled of her top, and unhooked her bra, laying them on the floor, her 36d breasts, exposed to him.
When she exposed her tits to him without even blinking, Robert was almost positive he had found his new pet. He smiled at her as she stood topless for his inspection. She didn’t have to wait long. He took one tit in each hand and massaged her soft orbs. He handled her tits gently, teasing her nipples with his thumbs as he kneaded her tits.

“Very nice,” He said with a smile. “I am convinced you are worth a try, pet. Of course as I have not yet fucked you and a simple interview can not tell me all, there will be a probation period. If you agree to the trial period, you will take a two week vacation from the firm and move in here tomorrow. At the end of the two weeks if we both want to continue then we will make the arrangements to end your previous life. Do you agree to these terms?”
When she exposed her tits to him without even blinking, Robert was almost positive he had found his new pet. He smiled at her as she stood topless for his inspection. She didn’t have to wait long. He took one tit in each hand and massaged her soft orbs. He handled her tits gently, teasing her nipples with his thumbs as he kneaded her tits.
“Very nice,” He said with a smile. “I am convinced you are worth a try, pet. Of course as I have not yet fucked you and a simple interview can not tell me all, there will be a probation period. If you agree to the trial period, you will take a two week vacation from the firm and move in here tomorrow. At the end of the two weeks if we both want to continue then we will make the arrangements to end your previous life. Do you agree to these terms?”

she loved the feeling of his hands on her tits. rubbing, kneading teashing her nipples with his thumbs.

unsure of how he felt about eye contact, her old master wanted her looking away during acts of sex. she looked at him as he began to speak.

"yes sir I both understand and agree with your terms. I presume that during the probation, I will leave the bedroom as it is, incase I do not for some reason work out?"
“You may begin to shop for some things if it will add to your comfort. Tomorrow, I will be bringing my business manager by to set some things up for you. This place is a bit lacking in the feminine touch. I presume you would like to have some frilly things around and of course you will need to so some clothes shopping, for now mostly some sexy things to wear when I am here. I favor see-thru things that offer easy access. Now lets have a look at what is below your waist. By the way if you are not already, you will start keeping your pussy hairless,” He replied casually even though his arousal was rising and he was very excited to have found a new pet so easily.

Robert was thinking about the meeting with his business manager, Henry as he waited for his pet to remove her pants. Henry would be the only one who knew of the arrangement with Anna. He had trusted the man for years with his money; he didn’t se any reason not to trust him with a little secret. If the man wasn’t bothered by some of Robert’s questionable financial dealings he surely wouldn’t have a problem with him keeping a sex slave in an elegant downtown condo. Besides there would likely be an occasional fringe benefit for the accountant. Robert thought a good test for Anna would be to tell her to repay Henry for his help with a blow job while he watched.